Pricked Fingers

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Scott and Sausage's whole dynamic this season is just *chef's kiss* Makes me wanna write more fics of them after this.


Third Person's P.O.V.

Another day, another wood delivery for Chromia. Sausage set his axe down before wiping the sweat from his brow. The fruits of his labour neatly stored in a shulker box and ready to be delivered. All that was left to do now was replant some saplings then he could set off. The replanting process didn't take long and before he knew it, Sausage was flying towards his destination.

After a few minutes of flying, the colourful kingdom came into view. Sausage marveled at the new additions to the empire since his last visit. Now he knows where all the wood went. And by the looks of it, the order he was currently transporting would be gone sooner rather than later. Not that Sausage minded. Wood is his empire's export after all and Scott has proved to be one of his best customers.

A small figure in the distance waving him down caught Sausage's attention. It was Scott. Speak of the devil and he shall appear as the saying goes. Sausage tucked his rockets away and angled himself to began a slow descent. He smiled at Scott once his feet were firmly planted on the ground.

"Greetings Scott," he beamed.

"Hello Sausage," Scott replied, "I see you like what I've done in Chromia since you were last here."

"Oh, definitely!" Sausage said, "It looks great. I see why all my wood disappears so quickly after we trade."

"Well I did say I will always need your wood," Scott said with a flirty undertone, "Speaking of, I have your dyes here."

"And I have the wood here," Sausage said as he produced the shulker box with Scott's order from his inventory.

"Thank you," Scott said, handing over the stacks of dye before taking the wood from the shulker.

"You're welcome. It's always a pleasure doing-"

Sausage stopped himself mid-sentence as he caught a glimpse of Scott's hands. Several of his fingers were bandaged. The few that weren't hidden beneath the off-white dressing looked red and slightly swollen. Particularly at the fingertips. What could have caused that?

"What happened to your fingers?" Sausage asked.

"Oh, these?" Scott asked, holding up his bandaged appendages, "I was going to keep it a secret until I finished it but I guess I can tell you a little early. You have to promise to keep it a secret though."

"The secret's safe with me, I promise," Sausage assured.

"Follow me."

Scott turned on his heel and headed towards his starter house. Or just his house since he hasn't made a mage base yet. Sausage trailed behind the colourful man and closed the front door behind him. He glanced around at the interior and found Scott's home to be quite cozy.

"Ow!" Scott yelled from his loft bedroom.

"Are you okay up there?" Sausage asked.

"I'm fine," Scott replied with a hiss, "Guess I forgot to put the needle back where it belongs."

Sausage hummed in acknowledgement and took a seat on Scott's on brand colourful couch. Soon enough, Scott climbed down the ladder to his bedroom while balancing a couple embroidery circles in his arm.

"This is what I've been working on," Scott explained as he plopped everything he was carrying onto his dining table, "I've been embroidering these squares of fabric with something synonymous with everyone. I'm planning on giving them out when they're all done."

"Wow!" Sausage said as he picked one up to examine it closer. The one he just so happened to grab was the one for Joel. It wasn't finished yet but Sausage could make out the vague outline of where the Stratos-sphere would go in the middle of the fabric encircled by Stratos' signature colours.

"This is amazing," Sausage complimented.

"Thank you but it's nothing much," Scott said, "Just me fiddling with thread."

"Embroidery is no simple task," Sausage began, "You're very good at it!"

A small smile curled the corners of Scott's lips upwards and he muttered a much more genuine thanks. He then collected the unfinished embroidery pieces to put them back in their place. In taking the one from his hand, Sausage got a better look at Scott's pricked fingers. The redness of the fingertips was a little concerning. The most recent prick looked like it hurt too.

"Do they still hurt?" Sausage asked once Scott returned.

"A little bit, yeah," Scott replied once he sat in the available spot next to the brunette. 

That was all Sausage needed to hear before he took both of Scott's hands in his. The cyan haired man didn't get the first syllable of his question out before it was answered. Sausage kissed all over the band-aids that littered Scott's fingers. Paying extra special attention to the most recently pricked one. While this was happening, Scott stared at Sausage with wide eyes. His mouth slightly agape and his face tinged a soft pink.

"Feel any better?" Sausage asked, a small smirk on his face at Scott's flustered appearance.

"Much, thank you," Scott managed to say without stammering.

The two rulers then conversed for a little bit longer. Sausage gently caressing Scott's hands as they did and the latter's face growing slightly darker with a blush as time went on. Much too soon for Scott's liking, the pair were exchanging goodbyes. Sausage flashed him one last smile before taking out his rockets and taking off on a course back to Sanctuary. The ruler of Chromia watched him go until the man was no more than a small speck in the distance.

"Maybe I should get small injuries like this more often," Scott thought, his cheeks reddening as he remembered the feeling of Sausage's lips all over his hands, "I definitely wouldn't mind more boo boo kisses from Sausage. Or just kisses from him in general."


I'm a sucker for boo boo kisses okay? 😳

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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