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Every thing was going great. Everyone was having a great time.
We got to know each other better and we even switched sitting positions during the game.

We sat in a circular form. Me, minho, lottie, han, christopher, felix, Dana,hyunjin, lottie, Jade

So basically I sat in between minho and Jade.

"okay my turn!." Dana yelled a little tispy from her drinking.

Dana spun the bottle and it landed on her and Rubie.

We all went 'ooooh' and spared glances at each other because it never landed on both of them.

" RuBie LeE.. Truth oorr dare?"

The place fell silent. We were are waiting on her response.

Rubie was clearly nervous, she blinked her eyes excessively and cracked her already cracked knuckles.


"Wooooooooo"  we all yelled. It was bold of her to choose Dare seeing as Dana always gave weird dares for us to do.

"Soooo RuBiE LEE, I dare you.. too tell everyone here HoW you tRuly feel about oUr darlin ChRiStOpHeR." she spoke with the alcohol slowly leaving her system.

"What?" everyone said shocked and surprised.

"yall heard me! Now go on Rubie lee."

"I don't understand." Rubie said feeling a little uncomfortable from the question.

"oh shoot she's gonna cry." I said to myself as lowly as possible.

"what?" Minho whispered into my ear.

I shivered slightly upon feeling his hot breath on my ear.

'ugh y/n why'd you have to sexualize every single thing.'

I began telling him every thing as Rubie kept defending herself.

'gosh y/n you're such a snitch.'

Christopher looked visibly uncomfortable because of the dare.

"come on, Rubie. Tell us... Tell HIM" Dana kept pushing and she raised a brow at her.

Rubie was definitely not telling and her head was down.

"Fine! If you won't do my dare. I'll do it for you."

"Yah! DANA that's enough!!" I yelled at her.

"Hey don't yell at her like that ." Felix defended her.

  My mouth hung open as those words came out his mouth.

'I really did not know this guy..."

"come on guys let's not do this." Han said and ran his hand through his hair.

"well if she just answered Dana's question this wouldn't have happened." Lottie scoffed.

"Hold on are you blaming my best friend?" Jade piped up

Jade was silent but deadly, if she asks you a question whether rhetorical or not.....you better answer.

'oh this just got real.'

" well who else is there to blame? "  Dana sassily replied and everyone knew Jade was not having it.

"can we just drop this.. Please?" Hyunjin rubbed his temples in frustration.

" no we won't until Rubie here, does. The. Dare." Dana snarled.

"ugh you evil. Conniving snake." I said in unbelief.

"Y/n that's enough." Jade said knowing that if I didn't calm down now I'm going spill.

I was overprotective of Rubie, she's the youngest and she's timid... Smart but timid.
Jade and I know how fragile she is so we try our best to keep her safe.

"No, Dana you're a (b-word) you know that right.".

"tell me something I don't know." she folded her arms and raised a brow.

"Y/n that's enough let it go." Jade said looking at Rubie whose head was lowered.

I looked at her and my blood began to boil.

'Oh I'm soo gonna call her out now'

pick truth, please {Minho Ambw ff} Where stories live. Discover now