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I woke up to the bright light shining through my windows. I rubbed my eyes, adjusting my view. I sat up thinking about my life. Everything changed abruptly, I wasn't ready for it. Luke... I wish you well too. I'm sorry I couldn't return your love. I'm sorry for being selfish. I still want to help you. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, so we can all be at peace.

The nurse came in to discharge me. I changed into some spare clothes they kept like sweat pants and a big t-shirt. After grabbing my discharge paperwork, I called for a cab and left. I want to go home. I miss my parents and my bed. The cab pulled up in front of my house, but I didn't see my parents' car. I went straight to my room and took a long shower. As I exited the bathroom, he was sitting there on my bed.

I was taken back, "Where have you been? I missed you." I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. This feels so real, please don't be a dream.

"Hi, beautiful. I'm sorry I wasn't there to accompany you the whole time in the hospital. I had to take care of some things to ensure no more problems would rise. Alex has been caught. He's been confined in prison. He won't be able to hurt you anymore." Corey replied.

The weight on my shoulders was finally lifted. I was afraid of that man. He never seemed quite in his mind. Now that he's gone, I don't have to worry about him hurting my parents and those I hold dear to me. I suddenly remembered what I wanted to do to help Luke.

"Corey... I have a favor to ask. I really need your help," I said.

"Anything for you, my love," Corey whispered.

"I want to bring out the truth on what happened between you and Luke's cousin, Anna. I need your help." I slowly stated.

Corey sighed, "Alright Mia. I'm going to do this for you. You know I couldn't care less if no one believes me, as long as you do."

I nodded, "I know Corey. This is for Luke. He's my friend and he means so much to me. I don't want him to allow this situation to blind him to hate and rage forever. I have a plan. I want you to reach out to her again. Find a place to meet up with her, then confront her about what happened. Ask her for the truth as to why she lied to Luke. I believe she will tell the truth because of the humiliation. Only then, will the truth come out. I'll get Luke to be there too to witness for himself. Let's end this once and for all."

Corey spent the night, but we had to restrain ourselves because I'm still recovering. The amount of strength I had to withhold from pouncing on him was unimaginable. I will say, I missed this with him. I missed cuddling and the warmth he brought. I'll never get enough.

I woke up to light kisses on my neck that trailed down to my shoulders, and chest. I moaned lightly, knowing he couldn't hold himself back. Corey unbuttoned my shirt and slowly rubbed my boobs while sucking on my nipples making me whimper in pleasure. My breath became heavy as I pant with desire filling me up. He trailed his sloppy kisses all the way down to my opening, blowing softly at it. I gasped and moaned wanting more.

"I'll be easy and soft. I want you, Mia. I can't help myself." Corey huskily whispered against my opening.

"Please take me, Corey. Make me cum. I want you too." I moaned.He dived right into it, licking and sucking like I was his last meal. He took me to cloud nine. The sensation just kept coming. I came and came all over him. He was so soft and careful with my body. We were lost in our lust and desire. After so many rounds, we finally fell into a deep slumber. I wish for it to always be like this.

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