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A couple hours passed and still no response from Luke. I decided to call him instead hoping he's agreed to meet up. This was the only way to end things. No more he said, she said. Just the truth and that's it. I quickly dialed his number, but he didn't answer. I called again and again. Just when I was about to give up, he answered.

"Luke... I know you may not want to hear me right now but can we please meet up this evening? I want to talk to you in person, please?" I whispered.

There was no response, just pure silence. I couldn't help but feel scared that he would forever avoid me, "Luke, just this once. After this, if you really don't want to be friends anymore then I'll stop pestering you. I'll stop forcing this friendship on you."

After a few more moments of silence, Luke sighs, "Alright Mia. When and where do you want to meet today?"

"The Rose Garden this evening at 6 pm. Don't be late." I quickly replied.

"Mmm. ok," Luke responded and hung up.

I got ready and left the house. I wanted to get a recorder to record it as well. If this was going to be the last time I see Luke, I wanted to make it memorable. I went shopping for a few things before heading over to the Rose Garden.

The evening came quicker than I anticipated. I slowly walked into the Rose Garden wandering around hoping to see Luke soon. I looked up and saw this beautiful flower petal, I wanted to grab it. I slowly reached up but I couldn't reach it. Just as I was about to give up, I see a hand above mine, grabbing the flower petal. 

I looked behind me and smiled, "Hi Luke."

He handed me the flower petal and smiled back. It was as if we both had nothing between us, like how things were back then. 

I giggled, "Thank you for getting this for me. It's so pretty, don't you agree?"

He just stared at me for a minute before smiling and nodding. We walked together down a path that led us to this peaceful dock.

"Come, Luke! Let's sit down! I have something to show you!" I squealed and ran to sit down waiting for him.

He chuckled and followed me. We sat down and I pulled out some bento boxes from my bag.

 "Luke, have dinner with me. It's not much but I made it with all my effort, I want you to enjoy this with me. Ok?" I eagerly looked at him.

He doesn't respond but just stares at the bento box. After a few moments, I waved my hand to catch his attention. "Hello, earth to Luke," I giggled.

He took a deep breath before nodding. I opened the bento boxes presenting my work. I was so excited to show him what I did. "Look, aren't I amazing? I made all of this and I'm sure it tastes great! Let's dig in!"

I handed him utensils and pulled out 2 cans of our favorite drink, coconut water. I could sense Luke easing up and becoming his usual self. We talked and laughed about old times and his critique of my food.

After enjoying ourselves, I packed up and took out ice cream. Luke was shocked, "How did you manage to carry all that and have ice cream without it melting?"

I grinned, "Because, I asked them to help provide ice packs to keep the ice cream from melting. It's our favorite ice cream place, so they agreed to my simple request. Here's your favorite. Hurry and eat it before it melts."

Luke laughed and shook his head, "You're always full of surprises, Mia."

"Yes, I am. I take that as a compliment so thank you." I laughed.

We started walking while enjoying our ice cream. The night was peaceful and I truly enjoyed every moment here with Luke. There are things I'm afraid to say because I don't want to upset him. I had to accept and be ok with his decision. That's what friends are for, accepting one another for who they are.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, Luke turned to me and ask, "Mia, you wanted to see me in person, what is it that you need to tell me?"

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