Unexpected Surprise

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"Ahh, it's morning already?"

Erik opened his eyes in the tent next to the sleeping Dr.White.

Erik: James? Are you awake?

He shook Dr.White.

Dr.White: Aaaaoooohhh, my head. 

Erik: That's what you get for using your morphine injection when you don't need it. And no, drugs are not a solution for heartbreak or whatever that was.

Dr.White: Fine, fine, I was reckless.

Erik: You, stay here. I will go check out that village.

Dr.White: Okay, okay, just let me sleep a little more...

Erik facepalmed and carefully opened the door of the tent. 

"Come on man, you were such a tough guy. You didn't care about girls at all, now you are all weird. Eh, maybe I should hit him on the head? Nope, that wouldn't solve it... Hitting the stupid makes it even more stupid."

He looked behind one last time before he stepped out into the sunlight and closed the tent's door. 

"Haahhhh, fresh air. Just like my hometown in Germany."

He looked around and waved for a Nine-Tailed fox soldier to come closer, which he did.

Epsilon 11-2: Sir?

Erik: I need you and the other NTF members to guard White's tent and him inside. I'll leave the camp for some time to check the village nearby. Got it?

Epsilon 11-2: Yes, Sir! We'll dig some trenches and fortify the area.

Erik: Sounds good. Keep him alive and check on him once in a while. Good luck.

Erik used his radio to get the M2 Bradley's crew ready. The Red Right Hand and the Maz Hatters jumped along with Erik into the vehicle's back. The IFV  started to roll forward.

After about 15 minutes, the ride became smoother as they moved onto a proper road.

Driver: Sir! I see a sign!

Erik: What's on it?

Driver: Bohnsdorf.

Erik: Man, I used to live here for a year. I mean back in "our" Bohnsdorf...

The Bradley arrived at the outskirts where people looked suspiciously at the arriving vehicle. Was it too old? Maybe too well-armed to be here? As they keep rolling they saw a group outside an old building.

Erik: Driver, stop! Commander, put the zoomed view on the screen!

Commander: Done.

Erik realized that the group of people are actually their allies. He opened the hatch on the back of the Bradley and jumped out.

Erik: RO635, AR-15, SOPMOD II, it's me, Dr.Erik Rausch!

But Erik saw something strange, they were leaving the building in a hurry. They didn't even listen. He saw the Griffin Commander as well.

"What's the hurry?"

He ran closer to investigate when...




Erik: Ahh!

The green mist came from everywhere. Where people stood once, are now bomb craters in the ground. Suddenly a tree came crashing down onto Erik whose leg got caught under it and the green mist came close very quickly.

The Maz Hatters jumped out of the vehicle and equipped their gas masks. They rushed over to Erik and tried to lift the tree but it was too heavy. After a while, even the Maz Hatters started to cough.

Erik: Return to the vehicle! Now! Your gas masks won't filter this sh*t!

Beta 7-1: We are not leaving you here, Sir!


The two men looked at each other and then at Erik.

Beta 7-1: It was an honor serving with you, Sir! Even if it was only this short...

Erik: Just move!

The Maz Hatters saluted Erik on the way back to the M2 Bradley. The iron beast slowly backed out of the area and disappeared behind a building.

Erik couldn't wait any longer and decided to do a risky thing. He pulled out his frag grenade and pulled the pin. Then he pushed it into a hole in the tree. The grenade detonated, spraying shrapnel everywhere, but successfully blew up the tree.

At this point, Erik barely had air in his lungs and was heavily bleeding due to the fragmentation of the grenade. He stood up and walked a few steps toward where the IFV was and then collapsed.

He saw someone moving in the green mist as his vision faded... 

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