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Dr.White's ears kept ringing after his new enemy shot at him. The round barely missed, but so did his. Now the two were standing in front of each other in a deadly standoff. From the other room where Ange was, gunshots were heard.

Dr.White decided it was not time for a showdown, so he rolled behind a bookshelf and threw a flashbang. His attacker didn't flinch and pushed through the flashbang detonation, firing at Dr.White. The bullets pierced the bookshelf, but luckily none of them hit the hiding White on the other side.

Dr.White peeked out of his cover releasing a barrage of buckshot from his shotgun. The attacker was knocked back, but it was inhumanely durable.


"Damn it! Ambush, just as I expected!"

Dr.White tried to call for help, but his radio was missing when he checked his pouch.

"I could relay the message using the drone, but I need time for that which I clearly don't have..."

Dr.White: You are a Paradeus nyto, aren't you?! You copied the real Erik!

Erik?: What else would I be?!

Dr.White: Trash?

This angered the nyto and it charged Dr.White. With a swift attack, it bashed right through the bookshelf, but to its surprise, no one was there but a frag grenade with a pulled pin.


The nyto was thrown across the room and Dr.White used the precious time to find an exit. He stepped into the corridor where BETA-7 was already in combat with the Paradeus units. The soldiers used tear gas to flush out the attackers from the cover and deny their entrance. However, the gas did little to nothing, as their sheer numbers made it hard to kill them.

The team of three quickly switched tactics and Dr.White used a breaching slug to open a locked door nearby. The door flew open as he kicked it out of his way. Behind them, the Erik nyto shot rounds at them, hitting one of the BETA-7 soldiers in his back so he fell to the ground.

BETA-7 Operator: Agh!

Dr.White: Friendly down! Cover me!

With the help of some suppressive fire, he managed to pull the soldier into a somewhat better cover and reloaded his weapon.

"How many are there?! I just shot at least six and they keep coming!"

Dr.White: Tossing frag!

And with a swift move, he threw the frag grenade over the wooden crate he was hiding behind. The M67 hand grenade rolled for a few seconds before going off, blasting a huge hole into the wall.

BETA-7 Operator: Leave me behind, I'm just dead weight!

Dr.White: We are leaving no one behind! AGH!

Dr.White shouted as a bullet scratched his left arm. He dusted off his arm like nothing had happened and peeked out of his cover. A shot came whizzing past his head, but he didn't even pay attention to it as something else caught his eye long ago.

He could see a room full of monitors and IT equipment through the hole. It seemed that they were hidden there previously and the frag grenade was the key to opening the wall to it.

Dr.White signaled for some covering fire and he rushed to the wall that still had some studs in it. When he saw that he couldn't just slip through between the studs he decided to do a rather bold thing.


And indeed he tried to. From around the corner, the nyto came charging at Dr.White again, bashing through cover and bullet hails like a freight train.

Dr.White didn't hesitate for long and with a swift maneuver, he jumped to the left, sticking his combat knife into the nyto's leg.


The nyto came crashing through the wall, breaking the wooden studs and a table on the other side.

Dr.White stepped into the room and shot a shotgun slug into the nyto's back which hit its hydraulics buffer tank and stopped it from getting up.

Dr.White: Random criticals are fair and balanced, now it's time to die.

Dr.White dumped the remaining shots into the nyto which threw metallic sparks everywhere as the buckshot hit it.

"He's done... Gave me a good heart attack for sure..."

He ordered the Beta-7 soldiers to move in and provide cover for him. A soldier carried his teammate into a corner and then secured the opening on the wall with an acid grenade.

He gave a thumbs up to Dr.White who started to extract the data from the server computers.

"Finally some actual research..."

He unlocked the terminal with the passcode he found written on a note which was stuck to the desk.

Initially, he didn't find much. Most of the files were encrypted and he couldn't figure out the decryption key.

"This place is somewhat safer. Weirdly, they stopped coming after us..."

He took photos of the screen as the computer seemed more advanced than his device and they couldn't communicate.

With every photo, he lost some hope that he'll find anything important.
But then when he started to give up he opened the last document which was seemingly hastily written by hand and then scanned.

The document read:

'"DCFP Gen 1

In a reactor, the collapse radiation condenses into a fluid. This fluid is then gets pushed through a particle accelerator to reach the speed of light and its energy must be increased to reach a superfluid state.

In conjunction with the cube resonator, the fluid will travel through space and time and will evaporate into radiation form once it reaches the target destination.

Note: Further research is needed as if the superfluid state is not reached before the fluid reaches light speed, it will evaporate in the feeder tube due to friction, and this will result in an explosion.

Researcher: E.R."

"E.R.? E.R... ERIK RAUSCH! The nyto? No, it can't be. It was too stupid for that. So then what remains is..."

But his thinking got interrupted when a Paradeus soldier stepped into the room, firing a single shot, then got his legs melted away when he stepped into the acid.

He turned back to the terminal when...


Something blew up. Close... Too close. Underneath him, from between the floor tiles, a green, gas-like substance leaked into the air.

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