Chapter 2: The Case

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Lady Mary Kinson was not easily surprised, but seeing John Osborne among the men waiting for her at the Rose Agency made her steps falter for a moment. What was he doing there? Did he know? She mentally shook herself. No, he couldn't possibly. No one did. Only her friend Nick, who had been the one to suggest hiring the agency. That had also been a shock; to find out her friend's husband was, in fact, the owner of this establishment. There had been a lot of surprises lately. Too many.

As she reached the four gathered men, she was rather pleased to see the astonishment on John's face when she pulled her hood back. She was not unaware of his reticence towards her, and would be lying if she said she didn't sometimes prod him on purpose. He could be such a proper, dull old codger. If not by age, then in temperament. How could one not want to ruffle those prim feathers?

"Lady Mary." Lord Winter, her friend's husband, bowed lightly and smiled. "Thank you for joining us."

"Thank you for accepting my case," she replied with a curtsy, enjoying the scowl appearing on John's face.

After a brief introduction of the men present, Lord Winter motioned towards her. "Would you mind explaining to my associates what it is you require assistance with?"

Frustration and irritation crept up her spine as she remembered the reason for her presence at the agency. "I need help to fetch my sister."

"Jane?" John had never met her sister since she was several years younger and only due to have her season the following year, but she appreciated the concern in his voice.

"Yes. I'm afraid she has gone missing." She steeled her shoulders and forced the distasteful words out, "In fact, she has run away with a man. If I don't get her back home before our parents and brother return from their trip—or before anyone else finds out—her reputation will be ruined."

"Not only hers," Mr Hemsworth, an auburn-haired man with a scar dissecting his right eyebrow, said. "Your entire family risks ruin if this gets out. I can see why you would seek our help."

She nodded. Not that she didn't already know the reality of her situation, but hearing it stated so plainly somehow made it more real. Fighting back a shiver and a spark of anger at her sister's foolishness, she pushed back an errant lock of hair that had fallen over her brow.

"What happened?" John asked, making her look up at him. It bothered her she couldn't read the emotions on his face. Was it pity? Disgust at the possibility of being associated with someone possibly at the edge of ruin?

"I can't remember if I've told you, but my parents are travelling on the continent with my older brother. They left my sister and me in the care of my Aunt Lucy. Now, my aunt is a wonderful woman... But perhaps not the most reliable. She decided we were fine on our own and went to visit a friend up north. Apparently, my sister thought this was the perfect opportunity to run away with a man."

Foolish, foolish Jane. No consideration for anyone other than herself. Did she realise the peril she put her family in?

"Who is he?" There was a line between John's brows as he seemed to consider her words.

"Aunt Lucy hosted a large group of friends at our country house, and Jane took a fancy to a gentleman by the name of Mr Hayes. Far too old for her, of course, but Jane has never cared much for anything beyond her own wants and desires. I suspect she has gone to his estate. There was talk about a week-long party. I must retrieve her before it's too late."

"We suspect Hayes of funding organisations opposing the government," an older man with a bushy moustache said. She couldn't remember his name, but remembered he wasn't an agent of the Rose Agency but a man from the War Office. "This offers us a rare opportunity to send someone to one of Hayes' notorious parties, and the Crown asks that the Agency will cooperate and investigate Hayes while searching for Lady Jane."

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