Chapter Five

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My eyes finally opened when the light outside was white again. The soft whispering of the A/C let me know that it was on, yet my shirt stuck to my chest. With arms that felt as heavy as lead, I pushed the furry blankets away from me and stood up. I reached out for the bright crown on the table with my right hand.

It protested by shooting pain up. I winced and massaged it with my other hand, recalling the events from the day before. My body started shaking uncontrollably again and it took several minutes of deep breathing to calm myself down.

I did not want to wear the crown today.

Like the maze, the house was eerily silent. I walked along, avoiding the front door. Any sound that did make its way into the house knocked itself against my heart, leaving me breathless and worried that it was King, coming to finish his job. I had not expected him to be this cruel. But then again, he had been cooking in his rage for four years. That would have been enough time for anyone to go bad.

I thought about The Lord. He did not seem so bad, although he was proud of his full name. He had saved me from King. I knew that I should drag my rear out of the house to go thank him, but I was hesitant. King could be anywhere.

The silence finally got to me. Looking through my inventory, I saw that one stack of my fireworks was gone. I pressed my mouth into a thin line and continued searching. I had a few music boxes . . . actually, that would be perfect! I took them out and walked into the living room, which only held a glass table and a blocky chase. It's too bad that Minecraft does not have phones. I would have looked up a video on how to create music. But, beggars can't be choosers.

So I played around with the blocks. I still remember how much of a fan Green was of music. He once posted a video of him playing something and while he was filming, Yellow came along. He took something out of his inventory and suddenly Green had a beat to go along with.

I closed my eyes. What exactly had Yellow done to the blocks? Something that had a glowing ball on top and a stick. What was that? Inspecting what I had, I was a little disappointed to see that I did not have what Yellow did. Well, I did not have the musical fingers of Green, but I could play some stuff.

Touching one, I smiled slightly at the clear note that filled the air and banished the silence. I let my hands glide over the blocks, creating a string of melodies that mixed into a lukewarm song. It filled my heart and pretty soon I was playing at the keys like an old pro. I recognized a few of the musical pieces that I was playing. Infinity, by Konrad Mill. Limitless by Elektronomia.

Unstoppable, made by Sia, kept playing over and over again. I ran the words in my mind. They almost perfectly matched my life right now, and it helped me lift my chin up. After I played it one more time, I stopped, letting the silence overtake the house again.

Now I need to figure out my food supply.

Getting up, I made my way to the kitchen. The fridge stocked some raw meat and the furnace held a few cooked ones. I had unlimited water and a few buckets of milk.

"What here would give me energy?" I muttered to myself, glancing longingly at the empty space by the pantry. A few wax-yellow bananas glinted in the bright light. Sighing, I broke one off the stalk and peeled it open. Bananas are not my go-to for energy, but I was getting desperate. Fruits might just have to be the way until I get back home.

Home. Thinking about the perfect curves of the front pillars, I unconsciously tightened my grip on the banana. Why was I here? What had I done wrong? Was my phone still dinging with text messages that demanded a code? Was the wind still going insane? I took a bite of the fruit, staring at the floor as I tried to puzzle it out.

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