Chapter Ten

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"Wait, what? You have to be joking."

He shook his head, grinning. "Nope."

I stumbled after him, trying to keep up with his long strides while my head was spinning from the plan he had just told me. "But they will literally hate us!"

"That is why you are taking Chosen, and I am having King."

"Oh, great, so we can both share each other's enemies," I said sarcastically. "How touching."

His face lit up. "Exactly."

I signed and raced to his side. "There has to be another way. Can't we just try talking to them?"

"After that utter defeat? No, this is the only way. Here's a little piece of advice: try not to get yourself killed." With that, he flew off.

The heat wave washed over me as his fire exploded away, and I stood there, watching him. "I mean," I started, "I could chase after him, but then he would start yelling at me too. Might as well have one alley here," I grumbled, taking out a firework and flying to my right.

The blank day was sweltering, and even though I was flying, the air around me was still, so sweat drops continued to drip down. I looked ahead, trying to ignore it. Was The Lord really in his right mind? Maybe he just wanted some excitement after all his years of hiding. Well, since Chosen did not seem to be the kind to listen to instructions, I figured that The Lord might be right to some degree. Right, but not entirely correct.

I glared at the Error sign, tasting the contempt I felt towards it. Here I was, struck in this white meaningless block, thanks to it.

A few minutes later, I finally caught sight of the black stick figure. I knew I was going to have to move fast, because he was pretty dangerous with his powers. Quickly taking out and igniting three other fireworks, I sped forward and swooped in front of his head, tossing water cups at his face.

"What the—Stop it!" Chosen complained, pausing his fire energy to block his face from the water. I zoomed up and dived again, throwing some onto his head. "Violate!"

"You realize you won't be able to get out like that?" I asked, zipping behind him. "That all this is useless?" I gave a quick glance at the wall that he had been hacking at for three days. A solid foot had been carved out, which was actually really impressive.

"Useless? Just look at what I have done alrea—STOP!"

I flinched and flew away, holding a few slime and honey blocks in my hand. Both were oozing down Chosen, and I figured that if this did not make him chase me, nothing would. His eyes were on fire. Literally.

"YOU LITTLE!" He charged at me. I tensed and lit the five fireworks that replaced the honey and slime. Three no longer felt fast enough. I just hoped that The Lord would be able to calm him down before he ripped me to shreds.

I flew, fast, with a furious stick on my tail.

"If you don't stop, I will shoot fire at you!" Chosen threatened.

"If I do stop, you'll kill me anyway," I responded, moving in jerky patterns that held no rhyme or reason.

"Why did you sabotage me?"

"See? You didn't even deny it!" I started to go into a wide spiral before dropping down suddenly. A whoosh of something warm shot past me, chilling me instantly. "Well, now he's firing."

I jerked hard to my right, only to crash into a tree. "Ugh," I said, laying on its surprisingly firm branches.

Warm, almost hot, hands gripped my shoulders, turning me around. Chosen's furious face filled my vision. "Now tell me," he said evenly. "What goal are you trying to achie—"

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