❣Where am i now?❣

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Let's start the second chapter...

Lan Wangji arrived at his destination a few hours later and went around the area and as what his brother had said to him, there is a lot of resentful energy all over the place even though the villagers are in piece the half of it was just full of resentful energy. He went to house to house and observed all around. Some houses were missing a lot of stuff, some had missing gardening tools, some missing some barrels and crates, some basket for foods and some crops and etc. He then went into an inn to settle in before continuing his investigation further. He sat in a table and a waitress came to him and asked, "hello dear cultivator, may I know what you came here for?" She looked at Lan Wangji with her kind smile, Wangji froze a bit but answered, "I came to investigate the resentment around the area, do you know when it first occurred?" He looked at the girl who is smiling and thought 'that smile... Wei Ying...' And the girl then brought her hands to her chin making a thinking gesture and thought for a few moments and finnaly said after snapping her fingers and said, "well Mr. Cultivator (I kinda forgot what they say to a cultivator kindly... shit....) these occurrences started over a month ago and it seems to have gotten worse overtime too..." The girl then sighed and looked at Wangji with worried eyes and Wangji stayed still for a few seconds before motioning her to continue and the girl said, "Well, at first it was all just stealing a few breads and wheats from the fields and a few loggs from a few houses then it turned to stealing from our tools used for farming, for cooking and some of our crates and barrels and it has been like that since..." She looked at Wangji hopelessly and she excused herself when she was called by the owner of the inn, Wangji then stayed for a bit before leaving to investigate again. After an hour of walking around a few corners and houses he then spotted a figure in an alley with very strong resentment. He then ran towards and his eyes eyeing the creature, it was a paper doll of some sort and in its hands a some sort of object and Wangji ran towards the said paper doll and unsheathed BiChen and aimed it towards it, but before he could slash it he eyed the thing in its hands, it was a basket with food and a few flowers with a little jar of honey, Wangji accidentally let his guard down and something hit him from the back making him unconscious. The paper doll saw a man behind Wangji with a cold gaze and a very cold look, the paper doll shivered under the man's gaze and realizing it was it's Master it then layed down the basket and kneeled to the man in front of it, the man then made a cold chuckle under his breath and petted the paper doll and ordered it to take the basket to their home, the paper doll nodded and went to a different direction with the basket and dissapeared. The man looked at Wangji who is laying on the ground and sighed, he picked Wangji up by his thighs and the other arm on his back carrying Wangji in a bridal style, and with that he dissapeared when a cloud of black smoke covered them and left no trace.


Wangji woke up in a very big and red bed, he tried to move his hand to get up from the bed when there was a force pulling him back, he looked at his limbs and his eyes widen in shock, his arms and legs were chained to the ends of the bed making his position kind of indecent, his waist to his upper body was tied with a some kind of rope but immediately realized it was resentful energy that formed as one, he tried using his spiritual energy but couldn't, he couldn't use it, like someone has blocked it so he can't use it, 'did a demonic cultivator kidnap me?.... I shouldn't have let my guard down...' When he was thinking that, he was terribly distracted and trying to break his way out of there but the grip the resentful energy on his waist grew tighter everytime he struggled and it hit a particular spot on his waist making his body limp. He then heard a cold laugh echoe through the room and it sent shivers down his spine as it grew louder, then it stopped and a clapping was heard before a door opened revealing a man dressed in black, his inner robes were seen a bit revealing a color of red and a gap on his clothes revealing his chest bare, the sight of the man was beautiful, his face was a bit pale but it matched him beautifully, his eyes were light grey making him seem harmless and his hair was a bit messy, as it was tied to a half ponytail letting the rest of his hair to fall on his back almost as beautiful as an angel, but this man was a demonic cultivator, Wangji felt a sense of deja vu on this man as he has a feeling he met him before but couldn't point a finger there. (You see what I mean??? 🤣)

"You're finally awake, Hanguang-Jun...", The man said the last part of his sentence almost coldly. Wangji looked at the man as he came closer, the man walked to the bed and sat on the end of it,
"Do you where you are? Hanguang-Jun?", the man asked as his hands trailing oh the resentful energy on his upper body making Lan Wangji feel very uncomfortable. Lan Wangji stayed silent while glaring at the man,

"That's very mean of you Hanguang-Jun...~ you can't glare at me like that... That just makes you even sweeter than you already are~..." The man said almost seductively, Lan Wangji flinched when the man said his name that way, "Shameless...!" Lan Wangji spitted out at the man while glaring at him even more, the man then frowned for a moment then smirked, he climbed on top of Lan Wangji and making that move made Lan Wangji flinch and to sink deeper into the bed enclosing the oh so little distance trying to get away from the man,

"Oh come on... ~ don't be like that Hanguang-Jun~" the man raised his hand tracing his (lwj) jawline, and the man leaned closer to Lan Wangji's ears and whispered-

Ok, that's it. I'm going to go eat now bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́),

Also very sorry for my grammar, english is not my first language so I deeply apologize. Any who bye~

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