Bruce's ending

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Sage's pov:

I turn around and see Bruce."Hey bruce, what's up?" I ask him."Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the fair with me tomorrow?" He asks fidgeting his hands."Sure, what time?" I answer."8pm" he says looking up from his hands.

I nod in response.Me and him enter the house.He goes and leaves the house.I
sit down in the living room as I watched everybody get ready to leave.I see gwen give me the "You better tell me" look.I gave her the "I will" while I
rolled my eyes.She stuck her tongue out at me.I do it back at her before we
both start laughing.

I say bye to them before getting up and locking the door.I go into my cabinet and grab a two starbursts before heading upstairs.I eat as I enter my room.I throw the wrappers in the trash, in my room.I go change into some comfortable clothes.I decide to go on Youtube and watch some videos.

I look at the time and see it was 12am.I looked at the time in shock.I didn't realize time passed so fast.I grab my bonnet and put it on.I put my phone
in charge before laying comfortably in my bed.I start falling asleep, while
faking scenarios in my head.

I wake up and look at the time it was 1pm.I get up and make my way into the
bathroom.I look at myself in the mirror.'Dam, I look like a mole rat' I thought.I use my hands to crack my back.Sometimes I feel like I'm an old lady.I start doing my mourning routine.I decide not to change since I'm going to change later.

I head downstairs.I go outside to check the mail.I see the envelope full of money in the mail.I grab it before entering the house.I set it down on the
counter.I text my mom and dad in our gc saying "Thank you".I start thinking
about what should I eat for breakfast.I decide to make myself a bacon,egg,
and cheese bagel.

I start cooking.Once I was finally done, I eat my bagel.I start doing a little dance because of how good it was.I finish it.I go into the living room.I think about what shoulder I do.I decide to watch all the fast and furious series.

A few hours later, it was 7pm.I go upstairs.I hop into the shower.I wash my body feeling clean.Once I got out the shower, I start putting on lotion.I
put on my outfit.

The outfit:

I fix my hair

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I fix my hair.I head downstairs.I looked at the time and see it was 7:40pm. I go into my living room.I take seat, and wait for bruce to arrive.Once he did,
I got up and walked out the house.I see him leaning against his motorcycle,
looking at me.

"Heyy bruce" I say walking up to him."Hey Sage, you ready to go" he asks.I nod.I hop on the backseat.Bruce puts his hands around me so I don't
fall.Once I was secured, he got on and sped away.I look at the street lights as they passed.

After a while, he pulled into the fair.He gets off before helping me get off.We go to the ticket booth.We both buy fast passes.We go on some fast rides and slow ones.We decide to go on the ferris wheel.We get on.We sit on the opposite of each other.I look out and see the view.I look at the view in awe."Isn't beautiful?" I ask, not taking eyes off the view.

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