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Just a little closer. Your paws are silent against the wood floor, ears back in determination, sneaking closer to the teen. Your muscles ready to pounce but he suddenly turns around, lifting an eyebrow. "Yes ___?" He asks with a smirk. You release a sigh and plop on the floor unhappily. He sighs as well and gets up from his desk chair. He walks over and kneels beside you. "___? You want to play don't you?" He guesses. Your ears go back and you look away.

'Yeah...' You sigh. You both have grown apart this past month, he was planning to leave so he has been busy making plans and getting money. He suddenly lifts you onto his shoulders.

"We're going out," He informs your parents before walking out the door. You start to wiggle about so he lets you down. You turn to him, watching him curiously. He puts his hands in his pockets. "Want to take a walk with me?" He asks. You nod and you both start down the road. He didn't speak for a long time, which didn't help your mood.

"You don't want to me to go do you?" He states, earning a whine of confirmation from you. "We discussed this before ___, I have to," He reminds you. Well, not exactly discuss, since you haven't changed into human form since that one day. He gradually accepted the fact you may never show him that form again. You drop your head with a low groan, and put your head into a snow mound. He sweatdrops.

"___, get your head out of the snow," He sighs, kneeling beside you. "I promise to visit once it's finished," He says. You put your head deeper into the snow in response. "If it upsets you that much then come with me," He tells you. This made you plop down again. Law frowns at your sulking. He knew you didn't want to just leave, but he didn't know how else to cheer you up.

"I know you don't want me to go, and I'm going to miss you too... But..." He trails off and you pull your head out the snow. You meet his somber gaze and nuzzle his chest, pushing him onto his back before plopping down on top of him. He lets out a breathe. "___..." He sighs. You rub your against his chest, ears lower, tail limp. He puts an arm over your neck, petting your head in a comforting manner. You both lay like that for a long time. "___, my backside is becoming numb," He says finally. You grumble and let him up. He sits up, and takes your face in his hands, making you look at him. He smiles a bit.

"You will always be on my mind," He murmurs your ears perk at that, eyes widening slightly. He chuckles and kisses your forehead. Your heart went crazy at, ears flickering about as a happy and giddy purr escapes you. He releases your face and you pivot about cheerfully. He chuckles again. "Better?" He asks, standing up. You get up on your hindlegs and hug him.

'I love you...' You think as he hugs you back.

"Alright, lets head back," He tells you. You let out a playful growl and push him down, swatting his leg. "Alright, I'll play with you," He chuckles.

*Years Later*

"Get back here!" A marine calls. You laugh as you skid around the corner.

"Like I'm going to listen!" You laugh. You skid around another corner and spot a yellow sub about to leave port. You dash down the dock and leap, latching onto the railing, pulling yourself onto the deck. You blink at the men in jumpsuits, they seemed surprised and wary. "Hello boys," You greet calmly.

"We're div- what's going on?" A smooth voice inquires. You lift your head as the crowd splits and a familiar spotted cap catches your eyes. He blinks at you curiously.

"She just jumped on deck captain, what do you want to do?" The jumpsuit guy with a 'Penguin' cap says. The captain looks over at the dock to see marines running up it.

"Dive," He repeats, urging the men inside with his tone. He meets your shocked and awed gaze. "If you remain out here, you might drown," He muses before turning to the door, you are right beside him in an instant, smiling cheerfully. He glances over and raises his eyebrow since you were at complete ease to be around complete strangers. If only he knew.

"LEAAA!!" The marine captain hollers as you enter the sub. Law shuts the door.

"Lea is your name?" He asks. Before you can correct him a female voice sounds.

"Law-kun~~ I'm hungry! Lets eat!" An auburn haired woman latches onto his arm with a grin.

"Alright Sundra... Behave Lea-ya," He tells you as the woman pulls him down the hall. You smile at him, meeting his gaze.

"I will Law." You answer. He blinks hearing his name leave your lips. A smile ghosts his lips and he nods.

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