Staying Here

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"Lea! Help!" Penguin calls down the hall. "Bepo's stuck again!"

"Coming," You call back, setting down the tray of sweets you had just finished making. You start down the hall to the crewmate. Of course you were now a Heart pirate. Though it wasnt official. You just never left after that day, and why would you? You had been searching the seas for Law for years. Law didn't seem to mind the fact you stuck around, you did cook and clean and help the crew without being asked.

"Sorry.." Bepo sulks when you find him, wedged between two pipes. You offer a smile.

"Don't pout, it's not your fault this submarine isnt bear friendly," You assure, assessing how stuck he was. "Okay, Shachi grab his left foot and Penguin grab his left hand and pull gently." You instruct, putting your hands on the bear's side. They swiftly listen. "Alright, one, two... THREE!" You gasp, giving a light push along with their pulls and freeing the bear.

"Thanks Lea!" The three chime. Yeah, you never got around to correcting them since it was what the marines called you because of your snow leopard form which you rarely took now. With those two things, Law had no idea who you really were, and you didn't really want to tell him yet.

"Anytime guys, be more careful Bepo, I don't want you getting hurt," You tell them with a smile before heading back to the kitchen.

"Sundra, I don't think those are done yet," Law's voice sounds from the kitchen.

"Then why are they just laying out here?" She points out. CRUNCH! "Ewww! Gross!" She spits out the piece of cookie onto the floor as you walk in. She gives you a disgusted look. "What kind of cook are you?" She grunts.

"What kind of person eats an unfinished product?" You reply, walking to the sink and washing your hands. You honestly didn't see why she was so hostile toward you, you haven't done anything wrong.

"If they're not finished then why did you just leave them out?" She questions as you dry your hands. You give her a bored expression.

"Because Bepo got stuck again," You reply starting to add the final touches to the sweets.

"And why are there no honey buns?" She asks.

"Because I don't make things I don't like," You inform her flatly.

"You don't like honey buns? What is wrong with-"

"I don't like bread," You correct. She pauses in surprise and Law smirks. You finish the final touches and nod with satisfaction. "Now they are ready," You add. She takes one doubtfully and takes a bite. Her eyes light up slightly then she scowls.

"Whatever, Law-kun I'm going back to the room," She snorts before suddenly stalking out. Law didn't even notice, his thoughtful gaze was on you.

"Lea-ya, you're quite laid back aren't you?" He asks, sitting down. You give him a smile.

"I try to be," You muse, moving the sweets to a plate.

"I'm sorry about her, she's not usually like that," He comments.

"Honestly Law, I couldn't care less about her," You admit, starting to get things out to make dinner. "Sweet teriyaki chicken sound good for dinner?" You ask.

"Sounds great," He replies. He didn't care that you didn't put honorifics in his name when you said it, in fact, he kinda liked it.

"Yes," You cheer quietly. He chuckles at that.

"Lea!" Penguin calls again. "Wanna come play cards?"

"I'm cooking right now, maybe after dinner!" You call back.

"Thank you for your hard work," Law tells you, getting up.

"No need for thanks, I'm happy to do this for you," You reply, tossing him a smile. He blinks and smiles back.

"You're different..." He murmurs. You chuckle a bit.

"Well I don't try to be what I'm not," You respond. He stares at your back for a bit before going out.

You yawn as you grab your notepad and pen. You were going to do late night inventory since you would hit land tomorrow. You walk into the pantry to find it already lit, and Law sitting on a crate. He looks up when you enter and you both pause. "What has you all annoyed?" You huff, closing the door behind you. He pauses, blinking in surprise.

"Annoyed?" He echoes.

"Yeah, you only drum your fingers like that when you're impatient or annoyed," You point out, starting to take inventory.

"How did.... Yeah I'm annoyed," He admits, sitting back against a shelf. You frown and look over at him in concern. He meets your gaze briefly. "Sundra wants me to kick you out of the crew," He states.

"Wait, when did I officially become a crewmate?" You ask, setting your notepad and pen on a shelf before sitting cross legged on the floor in front of him.

"I suppose it kinda went without saying..." He muses.

"I guess.... Anyway, if you're annoyed that means you were against it and you two got into argument before you stormed off in here to cool down... Right?" You guess easily.

"Yes... Youre very sharp Lea-ya," He comments. You offer a shrug.

"Yeah, we'll go with that," You muse. He drops his chin into his propped up hand, looking at you thoughtfully.

"I see absolutely no reason to kick you off this ship," He informs you.

"I hope so, I like it here," You say with a smile. He looks at you for a bit before yawning. "Anyway, get some sleep," You yawn in response. He chuckles.

"I would love to but I don't feel like returning to that room yet," He replies.

"Then go sleep in my room, it's between Bepo's and Penguin's," You tell him.

"I wouldn't want to make you uncomf-"

"Law I will lay on you," You warn, in slight annoyance that he was trying to argue. He blinks at the odd threat but soon smiles.

"Alright Lea-ya, if you're going to be like that, I can't argue... Finish inventory quickly, you need to sleep too," He says, getting up and offering a hand. You take it and get up.

"Good, I'll be there once I'm finished," You inform him, grabbing your pad and pen again. He smiles as he goes out and you swiftly take inventory before returning to your room. Law was already in the bed, but still awake. You get in on the other side with a yawn.

"Goodnight Lea-ya," He murmurs. You give him a smile.

"Goodnight Law."

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