Mom... : Chapter 13

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Izuku held his arm and stared at the ground. Katsuki's mother already went off to look for her son.

The greenette felt betrayed but that couldn't hide the feeling of guilt. He wished things hadn't turned out that way. All he wanted was to live good life, undramatic.

Everything just came crashing down when Katsuki was input.

Izuku looked up from the ground and towards his mother's old room. Then, he slowly walked toward it. The room at the end of the hall. The room all by itself, darkened. Izuku hadn't gone in that room since his mother had disappeared from his life.

Sliding the door open, Izuku walked inside the room and then sat down beside the urn full of her ashes with a picture of his mother's bright smile hanging above it. Izuku stared at it, his eyes going tearful before he planted his face down into the carpet flooring.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for giving you a useless son. I can't help you with living the life you've wanted me to. I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. I'm sorry for making dad leave, I'm sorry for making you cry, I'm sorry for not tying my shoes when you asked me to, I'm sorry for always arguing with you over meaningless things, but most of all; I'm sorry for killing you." Izuku whimpered.


Inko, Izuku's mother, hummed while making somen. It was a hot summer evening. Inko heard the light sniffling of her son as he entered the house. She knew it was because of his friend, Katsuki.

"Sweetheart, go wash your hands and then take a seat at the table." She smiled, hearing the pitter patter of his feet on the hardwood flooring after slipping off his dirty shoes at the door.

"Okay, mama!"

Izuku ran into the bathroom where he turned on the faucet. Inko could hear the running water. She sighed as she began finishing up the food she made.

Izuku had already been at the table by the time Inko turned to set the table up. She placed the food in front of them and sat down along with her son.

"Kneel your head and thank, Izuku." She instructed, doing just that.

Izuku listened to his mother and bowed his head gently against his fingers. His palms were clapped together, aligning perfectly with chopsticks wedged between his palms.

"Dig in, I made somen." Inko smiled as they lifted their heads.

Izuku's chopsticks plunged deep into his somen as he at quickly yet carefully.

These were the days that made Inko happiest. She felt her heart warm at the sight of her son enjoying the food she made deeply. She nearly teared up.

Soon enough they finished and Inko had tucked her son into his bed nicely. She placed a small kiss on his forehead and quickly made her way to the doorframe. She stopped as she saw men in black suits approaching her doorstep. Turning around, she smiled.

"I love you, please never change."

And shut his door securely. Yet still, it creaked open from the rigged edges of the frame. Though, Inko did not notice.

Inko opened the door before any loss banging could be heard and her smile vanished immediately.

"Have you got the money?" The man in the suit asked.

The woman gulped and shook her head, having not earned enough money to pay the debts off.

"We've given you 5 months!" The men angrily grouched, stomping into the Midoriya home and grabbing onto the poor woman.

"Please! My child is sleeping, don't do this!" Inko cried, tears beginning to fall.

Izuku wiped his eyes as he got out of his bed. The sliver of light coming from his door and the loud yelling of men disturbing his rest.

"Mom..?" He called out. Everything was still to bright to process.

The men took sympathy and let go of Inko just to grab her hands and restrain them.

Inko was truly embarrassed. She felt like a good-for-nothing mother. All this was her fault. If only she tried harder, then she wouldn't have to deal with her husband's crinkling debt and she could have a great and happy life with her son. But no, things didn't turn out that way.

"Mom, where are you going?" Izuku asked, unable to figure out the current situation.

"I can't stay here anymore." Inko blatantly said.

"! You can't leave me alone here!" Izuku cried out, sobbing uncontrollably as he witnessed the last he'll ever see of his mother.

"Izuku, I don't need you anymore." Inko coldly stated as she was dragged out of the apartment. The loud slamming of the door and the child crying for his mother probably woke all the neighbors.

And then...after a few moments of complete and utter silence besides Izuku's sobbing...

There was a gunshot.

Izuku didn't realize it then, but his mother had been shot and killed by Loansharks for his father's debt. It hadn't passed onto him because the death of his mother paid off all the debt itself.

Although Inko had said those terribly cold things, she hadn't meant one bit of it. In reality, she just didn't want to leave him with a good impression of herself. Inko thought that if she had disappeared and Izuku thought highly of her, he would go searching for her and get caught up in the mix. That's how he was. That's how her son was raised to be.

Inko's body was discovered on the coast of South Korea. She was identified as Inko Midoriya and was cremated. No funeral was held as she only had her son who was not yet old enough to host a funeral. Though, he was given the ashes.

Izuku was unable to take on foster care because his father was still alive and well so he had to live all by himself without anyone's help except the government who thought they were paying the father.

Katsuki, Izuku's close friend at the time, was the only kid who knew about his mother's death. Though, saw him as an outcast. But, who could blame him? He rarely came outside to play and always mourned at his mother's urn. And when he did come out of his home to play, he was always so skinny you could see his cheekbones. So kids began calling him Skelly Bones. It was harsh but that's how it was.

The adults pitied the boy but were scared that they could deal with loansharks if they got to close with him. Nobody did anything except Mitsuki. She helped him in every way she could. But, that also helped ruin Katsuki and Izuku's relationship.

Mitsuki saw Izuku as the perfect kid. In fact, she adored him more than her own kid. So much so that she was yell at Katsuki for little mistakes and always compare him to someone who isn't even her son. This made Katsuki resent Izuku and his mother.

But....this couldn't ever stop the blonde's true feelings.

Covered by depression, Izuku had never realized the intense staring and stupid excuses from Katsuki. Everything that came out of his mouth that had to do with the greenette were jumbled up and made no sense.

He might've been the only person in the world who could've fallen so hard and never realize it.

Even the running thoughts about kissing and holding; Katsuki was oblivious.

The only thing that really kept him going was seeing Izuku's faces. The small shocked expressions he'd make when Katsuki would say something that never made sense in his head. It was addictive. But he never wanted it to be painful. So much so that now, he's stuck trying to rebuild his relationship as it crumbles down.

Now, Katsuki is rushing through the mud on a journey. This time, he won't need 3rd chances or 2nd chances. This time, he won't look back and wonder if life would be better. This time, he won't deny his love and care.

This time, Katsuki would hold Izuku's arms and help him recover from all the pain. He would protect him from every bully.

This time, this time. This time, Katsuki would finally give up the facade.

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