15.) After Hours

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Shania's POV

I looked over at Bella was completely passed out, curled up in a blanket and sleeping next to me on the couch.

It was late and I basically stayed to her place all day. This happens pretty frequently, either she's at my place or it's switched, we're used to this already.

I had my own blanket wrapped over my shoulders and sitting with my legs crossed, flipping through channels to find something to watch.

Bella has been sleeping for a little now so I decided it was time to cut off our binging of Stranger Things before she gets way too behind. What was supposed to be a couple episodes turned into a marathon. It was very interesting though, I just wish she was up to binge with me still.

Flipping through the channels saying "no... no... no..." to myself as I searched.

I came across Jimmy Fallon and I figured I'd just throw that on since I really haven't watched his show in a while. Mainly because I'm either too sleepy to stay up for it or out partying somewhere with the girls.

I pressed the channel and it was commercial. This was my chance to get up real quick for a snack.

Getting up, I grasped the blanket that was around me, making sure it didn't fall off. I made my way to the kitchen and started to look through Bella's cabinets for a little snack.

I heard that Jimmy was talking on the tv but I really wasn't paying much attention. I was surprised the commercial was over with that quick. I must've turned it at the right time.

I found a couple granola bars in her cabinet and took two. Just as I grabbed them, I heard the crowd on the show go wild.

"Well, they're excited..." I said to myself, fixing my blanket again and walking back to my spot on the sofa.

I sat down and began to open the granola bar wrapper.

Those wrappers were always so loud for no reason. Especially at night. Don't even get me started on the plastic cake covers too, omg.

I looked over at Bella as I opened it, hoping I didn't wake her up from it.

"Wow, thank you for having me! Such a warm welcome."

Completely stopping what I was doing, I quickly looked at the tv.

Austin's voice filled the room and my eyes grew wide.

"Holy shit." I said, I continued to open the granola bar and take a bite. I continued to watch.

"So Austin, let's get right to it. I've seen the trailers and everything for Elvis and when I say you look exactly like Elvis, I mean literally exactly from the hair to the face the voice, how long did it take for you to really get that deep into becoming Elvis? It must've been incredible but hard, right?"

I was just staring at the tv blankly, eating away at my granola bar. I had no idea this was coming up, at least this early, but I just couldn't believe it.

Just listening to his voice makes me feel a certain way. Like, I missed hearing him speak. But maybe again I shouldn't be feeling this way... I was used, so.

The interview carried on.

"Now you know I have to bring this up, just being on topic with the Fest, you showed up with your date being Shania Prince."

Austin shifted in his seat when he asked. I could tell he looked just a little uncomfortable.

"Well uh, it was a event in New York City where we met. Her runway show. She's such an amazing person to be around and always knows how to put a smile on my face. Nothing but positives. She really is great. It was a pleasure to be with her."

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