Just a boring movie

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It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, and four young teenagers were lounging around an apartment seemingly unmoving. That is until the girl with short black hair fading into a teal color who was hanging upside down from a living room chair spoke up, "I'm bored."

At the opposite end of the room, a boy with black hair that fades into a mint green color was playing was his long waisted hair . "Yes, Makomo , we all are. Sabito, scan some channels again would you? There must be something we can watch."

A orange-pink haired boy, who appeared to be performing the request before it was made, replied " 'Tis what I've been doing, but there really appears to be little wor-"

At this point, and excited Makomo began pointing at the television saying "Wait, go back, go back!"

Obediently, Sabito cycled back until he was told to stop. A movie, which was conveniently being described as "the teen romance that gripped a generation" was beginning right then. At this, Makomo gleefully said, "Ooh, this was such a great movie! Really romantic."

At this, Muichiro groaned. He knew he didn't want to watch it now. A black haired fading into flame orange hair girl sitting between Sabito and Muichiro on the couch however, sounded excited, "Ooh, I've been wanting to see this movie forever!"

At this, Muichiro responded, "Well, I don't mind, but I don't think Sabito will like it," shooting a pleading look at Sabito.

"You're probably right, I'm not into this kin-," Sabito stopped his statement midway through as he caught sight of a pouting Makomo . "Err, that is to really isn't anything on, I could watch this."

Muichiro gave Sabito a levelled gaze, who gave a weak smile and a shrug in reply. Thus, finally having decided on something to do, the four got comfortable and watched on.

Shortly afterwards, as Muichiro stifled a yawn, a bushy haired older boy appeared from the hallway and announced he was heading out for some errands. They younger ones said farewell, except Makomo , who appeared to be in a trace and glued to the televeision. That is, until the telephone rang moments after the departure.

Nezuko grabbed the phone from the table in front of her with her feet, and deftly flung it into her hands. This caused Muichiro to raise an eyebrow, though no one noticed this. "Hello? On, TV, really? Alright, I'll tell her. Bye now." Nezuko looked toward Makomo , "Hey, your brother just called. Apparently your dad is gonna be on TV! The local station is doing a report on small business, and he's being interviewed. Problem is, he has to leave now and he wants you to watch the store."

"Aww, watching the store today? Look at the weather, no one will show up!" Makomo was pouting, that is until she remembered her present company. "Sabito, will you come keep me company? Please.," Makomo whined, putting on her best puppy dog look.

" , sure. I mean, you need some comp-," Sabito was cut off when Makomo broke into a grin and latched onto his arm. At this, Sabito stuttered something about borrowing Nezuko's umbrella and walked out with a weak laugh.

With Makomo gone, Muichiro's one means of staying awake during the movie was gone. With the lack of her squeals of joy, and the soothing pitter-patter of rain on the window soon found the boy snatching all the surrounding pillows and drifting off to sleep on the edge of the couch.

Despite Nezuko's interesting in the movie, the lack of conversation and the same soothing rainfall soon made her sleepy as well. She began trying to procure some pillows from her sleeping neighbour, only to find they were locked in an iron grip. She looked around the room for something soft to use, until she got a bit of a smile on her face.

Working her way beside the sleeping boy, she laid with her head on his chest. Instinctively, the boy had a smile creep over his face as he placed a hand over her stomach. The girl sighed with content. Fast-forward thirty minutes until..


"Muichiro, what are you doing with my sister!" exclaimed Tanjiro , who had dropped his bag and umbrella on the ground, an orange rolling across the floor.

Both of the younger ones opened their eyes groggily, until they realized what was going on. Muichiro sat bolt upright, and began with a pleading voice, "See, the movie was just so boring.

"And then we just, kinda fell asleep, that's all," finished Nezuko , who was now slightly blushing at the situation.

Yuichiro , never one to let his brother be with these things, turned on a sly voice, "Muichiro, you ladies' man you."

With this, Tanjiro began to fly across the room toward Muichiro, who began to flee in fright. This resulted in Nezuko pleading with her brother this was all a misunderstanding and Yuichiro laughing quite heartily at his younger twin brother's plight. Finally, pinning the younger one down on the floor, Muichiro was saved from the older boy's wrath by Nezuko and Yuichiro .

Nezuko explained the situation, starting with how they ended up alone, and how Muichiro was asleep far before her. Tanjiro, barely satisfied with the explanation still managed to calm down, "Different furniture next time. And DO NOT show up sleepy," Tanjiro glared at Muichiro.

That is, until Muichiro and Yuichiro were just about to leave. Nezuko leaned up and gave Muichiro a quick peck on the cheek. The boy looked surprised, until he caught sight of Tanjiro's reddening face. Wisely coming to his senses, he turned and left, prompting Yuichiro to say, "Muichiro, you are a ladies' man!"

At this, Muichiro fled toward the stairs ahead of a chuckling Yuichiro , leaving Nezuko holding back her fuming brother.


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