A sleepover with revelations

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It was a late night and Nezuko rolled over again in a futile struggle to get to sleep. She sighed as she looked at her alarm clock. It read 3 AM.
Great, I'll never get to sleep now she thought.
With that she decided to get up. She slowly made her way out of her bed making sure not to trip or kick Makomo who was sleeping on the floor. She had tried to offer the black to teal tipped -haired girl her bed, but was rejected and there was no way she would be sleeping on the top bunk, which was Tanjiro's . Who knows what diseases she could catch up there.
Nezuko made it out her room quietly and that's when she heard the snoring. She peered through the dark that blanketed the living room and found that the loud noise was coming from Sabito. The boy had taken the couch and was sprawled all over. The blanket was hanging off one knee and his mouth wide open letting the noise to escape. Her eyes turned and found Senjuro asleep in a ball in one of the chairs. Yushiro had taken the floor farthest away from Sabito, probably to escape the noise. That left the Tokito twins,Yuichiro was sleeping on his air mattress he brought for him and his brother and weirdly there was Muichiro, who was asleep in the only other chair. His back was towards her, but she could still tell he was deep asleep.

She sighed as she slowly made her way to the kitchen to make herself some cocoa. She hoped she wouldn't wake anybody with the slight noises she would make.

The younger kimesu academy gang decided to have a sleepover. It was one of the few things they did together outside their trips from school. It was actually Aoi, who suggested it since the young group hadn't had time together since Christmas. So this needed to be done. Tanjiro agreed stating that a team should hang out together outside of school to help build camaraderie. Of course Nezuko was shocked when such a big word came out of brother's mouth, but Aoi later told Nezuko that she gave Tanjiro a word of the day calendar, which explained a lot.
So here they were. They had the whole apartment to themselves and it was fun. They talked and got to know one another better though Nezuko and Muichiro knew pretty much everything about one another. That annoyed Sabito since he used to brag about knowing all there was about Nezuko . They also watched a few movies and had a lot of fun. They got to bed around midnight when Senjuro began to doze off. It was Yuichiro , who decided they should turn in. Sabito of course object until Nezuko mentioned she was tired and that changed the boy's tune. Everyone rolled their eyes on this since this was quite common now.
Nezuko was in the middle of making her cocoa when she felt something. She turned to find Muichiro rubbing his head making his already long messy hair even messier. She thought he looked so hot with his messed up hair. This thought made her cheeks red.
"Hey Nezuko , what are you doing up?" Muichiro asked unaware that he was causing friend to blush.
"Uh, couldn't sleep" Nezuko said.
Muichiro nodded and took a seat.
"What about you, why are you awake?" Nezuko asked.
"Sabito, he's been snoring like that since we all went to sleep. I've only been able to get a few winks in thanks to him" Muichiro said frowning.
Nezuko sympathized with Muichiro . She was used to snoring since her brother snores, but never at the volume that Sabito seemed to be expelling.
"Want some hot chocolate?" she asked.
"Sure" Muichiro said.
Nezuko went to grab another cup when she felt a presence and she turned to find Muichiro in the kitchen helping her out. He flashed her a grin and she smiled back. The two worked in tandem in making their hot chocolate and soon they were at the table sipping on their hot beverages.
"This was a good idea, this sleepover" Muichiro said breaking the silence that was surrounding the two.

"Yeah, it kind reminds of the times we had sleepovers with the others" Nezuko said.
"I remember those" Muichiro said with a smile.

The Kimetsu academy friend groups sat around in a circle. They were all having great fun til Daki made a suggestion that had them all groaning.
"We should play spin the bottle" the pink princess said.
"Daki, we don't have enough girls. There's only you, Shinobu, Kanao, Aoi, Makomo, and Nezuko . You're outnumbered" Yuichiro said.
"And I sure heck am not kissing a guy or my sister" Tanjiro said.
"Same here dude" Gyutaro said
"Oh come on, we can have rules in place so that can be avoided. If it lands on a guy and the spinner of the bottle is a guy then they'll go again. If it lands on a family member same thing" Daki said.
Everyone looked at Daki. They all had an inkling she had already thought this up so they'd lose an excuse not to.
"No one is kissing my little sister" Tanjiro announced.
"Whaaat?! That's not fair Tanjiro!!!" said a dramatic Zenitsu
"What the heck is kissing?" said Inosuke
"Tanjiro, I'm not a little girl anymore" a ten-year-old Nezuko retorted.
"Still, you're not getting kissed by anyone if I have anything to say about it" Tanjiro said firmly.
Nezuko looked to Shinobu for help.
"All the guys will Nezuko on the cheek. There will be no lip kissing. Happy Tanjiro " Shinobu said.
Tanjiro thought a bit then nodded.
"Yeah, I am" he said.
Nezuko mouthed Shinobu a thank you and Shinobu nodded back.
"What about me?" a ten-year-old Muichiro asked.
"Same goes for you Muichiro " Shinobu said.
Everyone agreed.
"Fine, lets do it" Tanjiro sighed.
Mitsuri clapped her hands together with glee and found an empty 2-liter bottle.
"Okay, who's first?" she asked.
"You're first since you suggested it" Genya said.
Daki spun the plastic bottle hard and it whirled around wildly before ending up pointing to one very surprised and red-faced mohawked boy.
"Oh, this will exciting" Daki squealed.
Genya looked ready to pass-out due to the lack of oxygen. He wasn't breathing at all. Tanjiro had to quickly check Genya's pulse just to verify he was still alive.
Daki though crawled over and grabbed Genya by the lapels and kissed him hard. This action shocked the other gang since they weren't expecting it at all. The kiss lasted for a few seconds then Daki pulled away with a satisfied smile.
Genya however now looked ready to keel over. Tanjiro once again check the Mohawked boy's pulse just to make sure Genya was alive still.
After that everyone took turns. Kisses weren't as heated as the first on between Daki and a frozen stiff Genya, but they were friendly ones. Soon everyone got into the game though not as much as Daki.

Now pretty into and it was Muichiro's turn. He took the bottle and spun it half heartedly. He gotten four kisses from Shinobu's, two from Daki, and one from Nezuko . He really wanted another from Nezuko. In his mind he liked the way her lips felt on his skin. He wanted to feel them again.

Soon the bottle stopped and Muichiro got his wish. It was pointed at Nezuko . The two smiled at one another and made their way to meet in the middle. Nezuko moved to kiss Muichiro's cheek as Nezuko waited. A sudden noise had Muichiro turning at the last minute and lips touched lips. A jolt of electricity was felt, but it didn't last as they parted just as quickly. Both were blushing like mad at what happened.
What they didn't see was Tanjiro looking hopping mad and the only thing keeping Muichiro from an early grave was Kanao's firm grip.
After that it was decided to end the game. It didn't take long after that for everyone to call it a night. It was getting pretty late and everyone was tired.
The last thoughts to go through both Muichiro and Nezuko's minds before they drifted off was that they had their first kiss and it was with their best friend. The thought of that made them smile.
End of Flashback

"We had some great times" Muichiro said.
"Yeah we did" Nezuko said with a nod.
The two sat in silence now since they didn't know what to say. Both remembered that kiss and both were wondering if that spark still existed. Neither though wanted to ask the other since they didn't want the other to feel uncomfortable.
"So, um, Sabito snores loud doesn't he" Muichiro said breaking the awkward silence that had enveloped them.
"Yeah, he does" Nezuko agreed.
"Uh, say, Nezuko, do you remember that kiss?" Muichiro asked hesitantly.
"I do" Nezuko said nervously.
"Um, I was, kind of, wondering if you want to do it again?" Muichiro asked with a squeak in his voice due to his nerves.
Nezuko felt a large lump in her throat. She couldn't speak. She wanted to, she so definitely wanted to. She's been wanting to kiss Muichiro for a while and now with this memory resurfacing that urge was stronger. She only nodded her head since her voice wasn't working.
Muichiro saw her nod her head and took that as a sign. He got up from his seat and moved to Nezuko's side. His palms were sweaty and he wiped them off on his sleeping pants before cupping Nezuko's face. He heard her catch her breath at his touch. He swallowed and prayed his breath was nice enough.
Nezuko felt every nerve ending in her face explode as Muichiro's hands cupped her face. It felt so good. She was trying to keep her breathing steady as Muichiro's face got closers to hers. She licked her lips to moisten them.
Their lips touched gently and they felt that same spark they felt when they were ten, but this time they didn't stop. Nezuko's arms wrapped around Muichiro's neck keeping him close. They only parted due to the lack of oxygen. They were panting slightly.
"Wow" Muichiro exclaimed.
"Yeah, wow" Nezuko said.
"Uh Nezuko ?" Muichiro asked.
"Yeah Muichiro ?" Nezuko said.
"Would you like to go out with me?" Muichiro asked.
Nezuko smiled then pecked Muichiro on the lips.
"Of course" she said.

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