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"Nezuko are you sure you don't mind us going away without you?" Nezuko's dad asked her for about the hundredth time that day.
"It's fine dad. I'll be o.k. Tanjiro is here too. You, mom and the siblings just go and enjoy yourselves," Nezuko replied with a hint of laughter in her voice.
"I'm sorry sweetie. I promise to stop asking you that question. It's just that we've never left you alone for a weekend before. Say, you know that we couldn't let this trip we won from work go to waste. Wish there were two more tickets for you guys, though."
"Thanks dad. I'm glad you trust Tanjiro and me. We should be fine here, together," Nezuko informed her father.
"That's true. It's just that sometimes I think you're more responsible than your brother," Nezuko's dad said as he left the kitchen to finish packing.
December 31st
"Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye little siblings! Have a good time!" Nezuko and Tanjiro shouted as their parents pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street. They turned left at the corner and were out of sight.
"It sure is good to finally get rid of them," Nezuko said to her brother Tanjiro .
"Yeah, now it's just you and me," Tanjiro said, flashing a grin at his sister.
Nezuko had a weird feeling about this weekend... "Tanjiro , now don't go getting yourself into trouble or mom and dad will never leave us home again."
"Oh don't worry so much little sis. I won't do anything stupid."
"Some how that's not very reassuring," Nezuko said under her breath as they retreated up the steps onto the porch. As always, Tanjiro slammed the door behind them.
Nezuko had been reading in her room for the past two hours, and had finally gotten bored. She emerged from her room and followed the sounds of Tanjiro eating to the kitchen. Tanjiro was sitting at the kitchen table eating a cookie when Nezuko walked in. He had crumbs all over his chin and cookie goo on the corner of his mouth. It was not a very appealing sight.
"So what are your plans for tonight?" Tanjiro asked Nezuko .
"Same as yours-stay at home and watch dumb movies on T.V," Nezuko replied nonchalantly.
"That's what you think. I'm going over to Genya's house for a sleepover. He felt bad for us being left alone for the weekend. I took the liberty of telling her you're staying at Kanao's."
"I'm staying at Kanao's? When did that happen?" Nezuko said inquisitively.
"You're not, dummy. I just told her that so she'd let me come. How stupid can you get," Tanjiro said mockingly.
"So what, now I'm staying here all alone? Mom and dad won't like this. I don't think you should go," Nezuko said shakily...slowly...uneasily.
"Don't worry so much," Tanjiro said as he put his milk glass in the sink, "you'll be fine." He gave her a bop on the head as he walked by and headed in the direction of his room.
A few minutes later Tanjiro returned with a duffle bag in tow. "I'm leaving Nezuko ," Tanjiro said, "Happy New Year. I'll see you tomorrow."
Nezuko came over and hugged Tanjiro . "I still don't want you to go, but I guess you won't change your mind. Have fun and please come home early." Tanjiro left and Nezuko suddenly felt very lonely. She turned on an old record of Christmas carols and sat on the couch feeling forgotten and unloved. She began to slowly and quietly sing the carols along with the player, fighting back tears as she sang.
"I have to work a 24 hour shift at the hospital so you'll be staying with your father tonight. Is that o.k. with you?" asked her son.
"Sure mom. That's fine. I'll ring in the New Year with Yuichiro and dad. He ran up the stairs and packed as quickly as he could. He finished in record time and ran back downstairs with his things.
"Bye mom! I'm going over to Dad's now!" the mint-eyed black to mint ended tipped haired boy called to his mother.
"Bye sweetie. Happy New Year! I'll see you in the morning," Muichiro's mother called back as he walked out the door.
Muichiro walked down the street with a backpack on his shoulder and a sleeping bag under his arm. He couldn't help but think about Nezuko , the most beautiful girl who sat in front of him in class. Her pale pink eyes were like rich hot chocolate on a cold day, her flowing black to orange tipped hair swayed as she walked, and her adorable little mouth. She always seemed to be smiling and there was a little spark of laughter in her eyes. He kept telling himself as he walked She'll never want to go out with me. We're just friends in her eyes. I wish I had the courage to tell her how I feel. Just then he stepped in a large, icy puddle on the sidewalk and cursed. His foot was really cold and he began to walk faster, again his mind wandered to Nezuko . She always smells so wonderful and she's sooo pretty. But it's not just her looks that make her so special. She's always kind and caring and doesn't think twice about helping someone in need. She's the perfect girl...and I'll never be able to have her. I have to find a way to tell her my true feelings about her. Just then, as if a sign from above, Muichiro realized he was in front of Nezuko's house. He walked up the concrete path to her front porch. He climbed the stairs quickly so he wouldn't have time to change his mind and run away. Muichiro range the bell and waited for what seemed like an eternity. He was about to give up and leave when the door opened.
Nezuko said in the tiniest little voice, "Who is it?"
"Uh... It's me... Muichiro ," he stammered.
"Oh, hi Muichiro. What are you doing out here on New Years Eve?" Nezuko asked him.
Muichiro was standing there feeling really embarrassed. He was rocking from foot to foot and looking at the floor. "I...uh...just wanted to tell you that...well...I think we need to talk."
"O.k. About what?" Nezuko asked innocently.
"Well it's kind of embarrassing, but about us," Muichiro said very quietly.
Before he could say anything else Nezuko pulled him inside and closed the oak door behind them. "Have a seat," Nezuko said, "I'll be right back."
What am I going to do, what am I going to do, what am I going to do? Nezuko said to herself over and over. Muichiro had just come to her door and said he wanted to talk about "them." She had never admitted it to anyone, but she had a crush on Muichiro ever since they met thanks to tanjiro . Did I ever flirt with him or give away any clues as to how I feel about him? I don't think so, but what if I did? Could he be here to tell me he doesn't feel the same way? I don't know what I'll do if that's it. I just have to go out there and find out how he feels She grabbed some cookies and put them on a plate and quickly made some hot cocoa. I hope he likes hot chocolate She put everything on a tray and headed back out to the living room where Muichiro was waiting.
When Nezuko returned a few minutes later Muichiro was sitting on the couch. She had a tray with two steaming mugs and a plate of cookies on it. Muichiro hadn't noticed it before, but Nezuko was blushing. It looked like she had been crying too. "What's wrong Nezuko? Were you crying?" Muichiro asked sounding very concerned.
"It's nothing. I'm fine," Nezuko replied as she set down the tray and gave one of the mugs to Muichiro . As he took the mug their hands touched. It was only for a second, but it made both their hearts skip a beat and then begin to race. They looked away from each other in embarrassment and sipped their cocoa.
Finally Muichiro said, "Nezuko , I should have told you this a long time ago, but I didn't have enough courage then. I do now so here goes. Nezuko I've loved you since the first time I saw you. You were so beautiful in your pink tank top and white shorts. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a shallow guy. I think you're sweet, funny, and kind. I couldn't stand living another day without telling you how I feel. I love you Nezuko Kamado and I hope you feel the same." After finally letting all of his emotions go Muichiro looked at his folded hands in his lap...and waited.
Nezuko was so touched she was fighting back tears. "I love you too Muichiro Tokito. I always have and always will." With that they embraced each other and shared their first, passionate kiss. They stayed in each other's arms for the longest time. Finally Nezuko pulled away and said, "Muichiro do you want to stay over? I can't even imagine being with anyone else but you. Please say you'll stay."
Muichiro was shocked with what she had just asked him. He wanted it more than anything else in the world. "Nezuko , I would absolutely love to stay over, but what about Tanjiro ?"
"We don't have to worry about him. He won't be home until tomorrow morning. He's staying at Genya's house," Nezuko replied. She was now overjoyed with the fact that her brother had gone out for the night. She was glad she hadn't been able to get him to change his mind about leaving.
"Just let me call Dad and make up an excuse then we can be alone." While Muichiro was on the phone with his dad, Nezuko ran to her room to neaten it up. She was glad she did because there was underwear on the floor and a bra draped over her desk chair. That would have really ruined the mood if Muichiro had seen those
"O.k., Everything is set. I told Dad that Mom doesn't have to work after all and that I was staying at her house tonight. We should be safe from unexpected visitors for the rest of the night."
"That's great. I'm glad you showed up at my door tonight Nezuko . If you hadn't I don't know if we would ever have told each other how we feel." Muichiro pulled her into a series of blissful kisses. When they finally broke away from each other they were caught up in the moment, and headed towards Nezuko's bedroom, kissing as they went. When they reached her room they flung themselves onto the bottom bed of the bunk bed. Before they had gotten too far Nezuko pulled away and said as she gasped for air, " Muichiro stop. We can't get carried away with ourselves. We have all the time in the world to take the next step in our new relationship. I think we should wait."
"Me too. Sorry it just felt so right. I must have gotten caught in the moment," Muichiro replied. After that somewhat awkward moment they just lay next to each other on Nezuko's bed and talked, just enjoying their closeness.
Neither of them realized that they must have fallen asleep until they heard Tanjiro come in the front door and shout, "Nezuko, I'm home. Where are you?"
"Oh shit! Muichiro you gotta' hide. If Tanjiro sees you we are so screwed( A/N: eyebrow waggle)," Nezuko whispered hoarsely.
"Where am I supposed to hide?!" Muichiro replied anxiously.
"Quick-get under the bed. He won't see you there," Nezuko said. Just as Muichiro's last foot slid under the bed Tanjiro knocked on the door and came in.
"Hey Nezuko . What did you do last night? By the way, hi Muichiro ," Tanjiro said the last part casually. Nezuko was stunned and extremely embarrassed at the same time.
" did you know?"
"Maybe next time you have Muichiro over you could not leave his shoes by the front door," Tanjiro replied with laughter in his voice. By then Muichiro had crawled out from under the bed and was sitting on it next to Nezuko with a sheepish look on his face.
"Hi Tanjiro . Did you have fun with Genya last night? ( A/N: and no they are not gay!)" Muichiro asked somewhat uneasily.
"We had a blast! So, Nezuko , how was your night?" Tanjiro asked slyly.
" New Year Tanjiro!"

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