Chapter 57.

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I was looking at spy crying for help already for 40 minutes but even though he didn't look like one with strong will, he still didn't tell us a thing. I was kinda spacing out when i felt light tap on my shoulder.

~(Y/N), i'm gonna eat something. For now he is in your hands. Have fun.

He said with grin and i smiled while nodding. Envy left room and i walked around room looking at everything available.

~Look around and tell me what do you see.

I asked with stone cold voice.

~Nothing to worry about.

I looked at him with ice cold expression and asked.

~I'm gonna ask you-

~What are you doing here girly, you don't have guts to hurt me so i'm not gonna answear a single que-

I stabbed knife right into his tight, smiled and told him while he screamed.

~That wasn't very nice, was it?

I was speaking with cheerfully sweet voice and with smile but with second sentence it changed into murderous ice cold expression and voice.

~I'll ask you one more time. What do you see around you.


I started to move with knife in his leg and he screamed.

~I see stuff, lot of dangerous stuff.

As soon as he answeared me i smiled and said with happy voice.

~Good boy, now, i'm gonna ask you other questions. But try to stay quiet and i'll hurt you way more with that ,,dangerous stuff,,. Okey?

Spy didn't move so i grabbed his head and made him look at me.


I asked with threat in my voice so he nodded.

~Y-yes ma'am.

My expression became stone cold once again.

~I'll allow you to call me that way. Now, how long ago did you infiltrated our military?

~I can't tell you ma'am.

~Oh really?


I got ahold of knife and stabbed him this time into shoulder.

~Are you sure you can't tell me?

~I-i came here month ago!

Without change in expression i pulled it out and let him bleed a little.

~Second question. What is your purpose in here.

I spinned knife in my fingers while he looked nervous.

~I'm not gonna answear this.

~Are you sure?

I gave him murderous look and he nodded.

~I won't tell you.

Before i could do anything i saw Envy move behind our spy and he took nail and hammer again and smashed it into his other hand.

~It isn't too smart, is it?

I smiled and went close to Envy while he put his arm around me.

~You are doing really good. I was looking at you and at first i though i'm gonna come here sooner but your surprised me when you stabbed him in tigh.

~Hehe, at first i was surprised myself.

~Good, we're gonna play with him more. Do you have any ideas?

~Of course.

I gave him mischievous grin and moved to get stuff i needed. I took thing that we forcibly put into Lucas's mouth to force it open to be able to have fun.

~Now tell me what is your purpose here.

He started to make some muffled sounds and both Envy and I started to laugh.

~It isn't easy to speak with that, right? You should've spoke sooner while you could. We're gonna hurt you now.

Envy laughed while i already was getting ready for next step. I took pliers as i started to move closer to his mouth.

~ooooo, eaase, oon' o iii (No, please don't do it.)

~Too late. We want answears. Not your life.

I grabbed one tooth and pulled it out with brute force while Envy pulled nail down from his finger. Those screams were loud and full of agony. After i pulled 7 tooths out and Envy pulled away 4 nails we put away the thing from his mouth and asked him.

~What is your purpose here.

~W-we want to destroy this country and take over it. We wanna expand and kill all soldiers that could oppose us. And our main objective is-

~Is what, who?

~You. You are our main targets since you are this military's ultimate weapons.

~Hmmm, sounds interesting.

I said and thought.

~Just like Mustang told.

While i thought, Envy asked other questions.

~Now answear these questions. How many of other spies are here, what are their names and where can we find them.

~I will never tell you any of these informations.

~Oh, what a shame.

I told and smiled.

~Guess we have to go harder on him.

I moved away and i started not too big fire in fireplace that was in our torture room.

~Envy? Would you mind beating some intelligence in him? Maybe he will tell us what we need to know.

Envy smiled and first move he did was knee kick into Lucas's face. While Envy was doing his part i put iron in fireplace and watched it go bright orange almost yellow colour. Soon i pulled out red-hot iron and walked to Lucas. He immediatelly rocognized what i had in my hands and he started to try to move away but it was useless.

~S-stop, i'll tell you!

I held it at place and waited for him to start.

~Heh, i'm never telling it to you, you fucking bitch.

He yelled so i without merci put red-hot iron on his chest, back and forehead. After long agonizing scream i put out fire and grabbed small axe we had here.

~Answear our questions.

~I refuse!

Again without merci i chopped off 2 of his fingers.

~Listen here. I'm gonna chop up your very being if you won't tell me what i want to know. Even if you die in the end we will uncover another spy just like we uncovered you. And he will go through the same process you are going through.

~What would happen to them if i told you their numbers, names and places where you can find them. What would happen to them and to me?!

~Didn't i tell you? We would hold you captive untill the end of war, we wouldn't torture you if you would tell us from the start. All we want is to end this war as quickly as possible.

I played great act and lied perfectly without effort.



~Okey then. I'll tell you.

~Great, i'm gonna get some pen and paper so wait here....Not that you can go anywhere anymore.

I thought last part with smirk.

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