Chapter 71.

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We drove through the city to see what's going on, if those few Amestris soldiers are helping citizens and if everybody has food that they deserve. As far as we watched everything was all right, not much problems, people were waiting in lines for food and that soldier that i helped, waved at me as soon as he noticed me so i waved back and Envy and I happily went back to Central Headquarters. After a long journey back, luckily without other unnecessary attacks, we came back home. Even though we were tired we went straight to Mustang to report everything to him. After we knocked on Mustang's door, Mustang called on us to come inside.

~Long time no see, you two. So how it went?

~We saved few prisoners, gave food to citizens that were starving and we freed East Headquarters. It wasn't hard to do so.

~I guess that it's enough. Okey, for tonight you are going back to your cell, Al and Ed are already waiting for you also dinner is ready for you too. But before you go back there is one thing that i need to tell (Y/N) about. If she doesn't mind, you can stay here too and listen.

~Stay with me Envy, i don't mind.

~Okey, (Y/N), i did some research on your father but things aren't as easy as they seemed. There were lot of mistakes made during the solving of your father's case. He certainly didn't die from ilness nor was he sick like you thought. There was suspiction that he killed your mother amd then commited suicide which you weren't told because you were kid and that's why you thought that he died of the same illness as your motger. Truth is that I don't think that he killed your mother.  Actually i believe that she was murdered and not ill likw you thought and i also think that i know who did it.

~Huh? How is that possible?

~One of the logical explanations as to why your father faked his death may be the fact that he had lots of depts.

~Depts? But for what-

~For buying medicine. I'm almost sure that he bought all of that medicine for your mother. He though that she was ill but actually she was poisoned. It was thought that it was your father that poisoned her but your work changed that. Do you know why it was thought that your father killed your mother? Do you know what his supposed motive was?

~No, not really.

~People thought that he killed her because she slept with other guy. She cheated on him.

~Uhm. But what does that have to do with me? What changed peoples opinion?

~The guy that your mother cheated on your father was a serial killer that you helped to lock up and get executed. That serial killer seduced women and then poisoned them with strong poison that was killing those women slowly. That's also reason why medicine that your father brought didn't work. Noone knew that it was poison that hurt her. And because he was innocent and authorities were after him, he decided to give you to your family and he escaped to Drachma. Does this story sounds like possible or not?

~It is highly possible. I don't really believe that my father would hurt mom. He was always kind and loving person. And actually i remember that one guy. I was so happy when he got death sentence. When he died 8 months ago, there wasn't happier person than me.

~Good, i just wanted to let you know, now go back to your cell. Tommorow i'll stop by and give you next instructions. Understood?


Both of us nodded and then we left to go back to our cage. As Mustang told, Al and Ed were waiting for us as well as dinner. After we ate we talked for a while with Ed and Al and after that i went to lay down and quicky fell asleep.

Envy's POV

~Are you keeping your eye on (Y/N)? I don't want anything to happen to her.

Al asked quietly and i just simply nodded and after that i decided to answear him.

~I wouldn't let that girl get in life threatening danger. I'm always looking after her.

~If someone told me that you off all people will take care of someone else i would proclaim them stupid. I can't believe how much you've changed.

Ed exclaimed honestly even though there was undertone of mock in his statement. I was on my way to bed but i turned around my head, looked at him and answeared.

~I wouldn't have believed it either. (Y/N) just means too much for me. I would even risk my last life for her.

After that i was about to leave but i heard Ed still saying something so i stopped without looking at him.

~Thank you, thank you for taking care of her while we didn't.

I didn't answear him and resumed my way into bed next to (Y/N). I snuggled close to her, put my arm around her body and hugged her tightly, just her presence being enough for me to relax a bit more instead of worrying about next steps in war. Also one more thing was bothering me.

~(Y/N)'s father. Mustang seems to uncover the secrets of her family's tragedy but her father is still mystery. Will he be after us again? Will he hurt his daughter in their next encounter? Both of us seem to be their targets. Maybe they will send somebody else. Or maybe i'll be enough but in that case my presence can endanger her.

It was probably the first time i was overthinking so rapidly. Suddenly voice interupted my train of thoughts and (Y/N)'s voice told me.

~Call down, babe. You know i'm gonna be all right. Just get your sleep, tommorow we have lot of work to do. I love you.

She told me partially awake but mostly she talked from her dream as if she heard my thoughts. I gave myself smile and decided to get some sleep like she suggested.

~I really did change, didn't i? I've gone soft.

I mumbled under my breath and after one last look at (Y/N) i noticed her smiling so i calmly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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