Gally X Reader: Forgiven

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Heya! I'm Eleanor :)

Message me any time and this particular imagine is from my Tumblr:

I always follow back :)
Sorry the spacing is so weird btw

Enjoy :)

You awoke to the eerie sounds of metallic groans. You appeared to be in some sort of box, filled with barrels and boxes and yourself. It was small and looked old, perhaps it was only well-used. Without warning the contraption thrashed to the side forcefully, throwing you off your balance and connecting the side of your head to one of the boxes sharp corners. You felt warm blood trickle own your face and winced at the pain. As you did so a single word popped into your thoughts 'Y/N'. It became clear to you that this was in fact the only thing you could actually remember. Obviously you knew all things logical, but nothing else. No memories. No context. The box stopped suddenly and a small streak of light appeared at the top, its width increased and you shielded your eyes from the brightness, raising your hand to your forehead. Your eyes adjusted to the light revealing a group of fifty or so boys, all ranging ages similar to yours, or so you thought. But you didn't actually know your age.

"It's a girl." One of them stated, they sounded almost confused and you rolled your eyes at the obvious. But, when you thought about it, there were no other girls in the group, maybe they'd never seen one before. You backed into one of the corners cautiously and watched the boys, your eyes squinted. You were scared and struggling not to show it. You couldn't bare it any more, a load of people discussing you as though you weren't there, you spoke out loudly and everyone stopped momentarily to acknowledge what you'd said: "Where am I?...And why can't I remember anything?" A tall, strong looking with short dark hair boy jumped down into the box with you and instinctively you jerked backwards. He had crazyass eyebrows and was probably the most scary-looking of the group. But, to your surprise he smiled at you and held out a hand. You took it slowly, still suspicious. "Don't worry; it's like that for all of us. Your safe here, I'm Gally, can you remember your name yet?" He spoke confidently and yet softly. You nodded a little "Y/N..."


You'd been in the Glade for a full two months now, Gally had stayed by your side since you arrived up in the box. He was funny and nice to you, but could be a complete ass sometimes, not to mention he was so protective over you. Like a girl couldn't look after herself?

Chuck was the latest Greenie, he was a real sweetheart and you and him were eating lunch with Newt. "I'm surprised Gally let you out of his site Y/N." Newt joked, he was only joking but it still annoyed you that's how the others saw it. "He's not in charge of me." You remarked, glaring at Newt. "Just sayin', plus he kind of is. Whether you like it or not, Gally's always gonna be like that to you. I suggest you get used to it." Newt informed you. "Yeah well maybe I don't want to get used to it?!" You spit out, leaving Newt and Chuck to each other's company.

You decided to walk over to the woods and grab some more fertilizer for the plants. You were a Track-hoe after all, it's not like you were avoiding people without a valid reason. Not long after you were there Gally turned up. What a surprise.

"Hey Y/N, I saw you walk off. Are you okay? On your own?" Gally was straight into asking questions and you'd had enough. You snapped. "Why are you always so protective over me Gally?! I am allowed to go where I like without your bloody permission!" Gally looked a little taken back by your anger, and then soon turned angry himself. "Well maybe I'm just trying to be nice and make sure you're okay?!" He shouted, throwing his hands in the air with frustration. "Nice?! Since when have you been nice, Gally?! All you ever do is interrogate me and I haven't even done anything wrong!" "I don't interrogate you! It's not like you ever ask how I am!"Gally leaned closer to you and he got louder. "That's because I can never get a word in edge ways! You constantly talk and never listen! I'm fed up, okay?!" You turn round and feel tears, you wipe your eyes and run your hands through your hair. You couldn't bare it any more, you were so stressed out. You hated the maze, you hated how you had no freedom, no independence. You gave in to your tears and collapsed on the floor, covering your face and crying. You didn't look up as you continued to cry, Gally had stopped shouting and you didn't even know if he was still there.

Honestly, after everything that didn't know how you felt about Gally anymore. Every time he was there, you felt so much more comfortable, he could make you laugh. He could certainly make you cry. You thought about what he had said. Was it true? Did he really only behave like that because he cared?

You felt a strong arm round your shoulders, they brought you in close and spoke "I'm sorry..." It was Gally, his voice cracked and he sounded how you felt "I'm so sorry Y/N." "I can't cope..." You managed between sobs. "Of course you can, look at you. I mean, you're smart, strong, kind, patient, you're beautiful. You can cope. I know you can. I meant it when I said I only behave how I do because I care so much. I don't want to lose you, I don't want you to get hurt." Gally's voice was now soft and you looked up from your knees, he had a few tears on his cheeks and was looking at you with guilt. "I'm sorry too...It's not that bad, it's kind of sweet...I just like being able to move without your permission, you know? It's not like I'm gonna die in these trees or talking to Newt." You manage a watery grin and he smiled back, chuckling a little. "Shuck it you're too adorable to argue with anyway." He admitted, bowing his red face. "Okay, Y/N. I'm gonna just go straight into the truth here. I love you, and I don't know how I coped without you. You bring goodness out of me I never even knew I had." Gally looked you straight in the eye, his face truthful, and his gorgeous brown eyes filled with admiration. You sniffed and licked your lips nervously, it's all you'd ever wanted to hear, and now he had said it you had no idea how to respond. After ages of daydreaming how this moment would go all of your vocabulary disappeared and you were left on the spot. "Say something. Even if it's shuck off and never look at me again I just want you to know. Please Y/N." "I'd never say that to you. I just...I don't think I can beat that mini monologue of yours." You laugh, kissing him on the cheek. His face went even redder, if possible, and you sat up, ready to go back to work. But Gally took your arm and pulled you back next to him, you were both leaning against a tree trunk, he looked at you briefly before planting his lips on yours.

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