14 The Rooftop

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While aimlessly sitting around the classroom, Dae-su had argued about hearing someone puke, while the others simply grumbled that it was a zombie student chewing on a dead body. "We should've gone to the rooftop before" Wu-Jin muttered after a minute, leaning back on his chair and pushing a hand through his wet hair. Everyone sat silent, agreeing with the boy entirely. "The music stopped, there's nothing we can do. I only have three more shots and that's it" Y/n spoke up, resting her shoulder on Nam-Ra's, who gave her best friend a thoughtful glance. Wu-Jin pouted ever-so-lightly, concerned for his friend's safety, not that he didn't trust Nam-ra. He was merely uncertain after seeing his companions ripping off flesh from their classmates, teachers and even friends.

"Wait- we still have music" Ji-Min unexpectedly inputs, raising the video camera in her hand. The device was used a few minutes ago, to leave behind a bunch of cringe video messages. Y/n obviously declined to record one, reasoning that it was ridiculous.

"We're going to have to build a tall barricade here, and then we lure them in with the music. Use the instruments too. If we leave the door open, they'll follow the music in. Once it's clear, we take the back door up to the roof" The plan was set and everyone was already getting on with it. All the seats and tables were piled up in between the room, leaving smaller space for the students to stay as the number of infected were more. A few handheld instruments were given to some, to add to the noise. The TV in the room was also turned on for more heavy noises.

"All this work in a day? Lordy just take me to heaven" Y/n groans, stacking up a desk and tying it to another. Wu-Jin laughed lightly and gently caressed the girl's back. "You can rest when everythings' over n/n and I know for sure you won't be going to heaven" The shooter meekly roll her eyes, nudging the boy with her leg before she climbed down the makeshift shield. Taking another desk from the floor, the high schooler leapt over to the other side, almost hitting Cheong-san in his balls.

A small space was left open between the barrier, for the trio; y/n, Su-Hyeok and Cheong-san to pass over "Someone has to stay back to open the door" On-Jo addresses, causing the two males on the side to share a glance, silently agreeing to throw y/n to back before they decided on to stay. Dae-Su whines tiredly, knowing well that y/n will be stubborn and make wise remarks to stay back. "Couldn't you have come up with a better plan? "

"It's okay. I can come over" Cheong-san states quickly, which was turned down by both his best friends.

"What happened with you two and Gwi-nam? He said he was gonna kill you both" Su-Hyeok questions, pushing a chair between two desks. "It's because we saw him killing the principal. I said I was going to tell the cops, so he tried to kill us" The teenage boy sighs at the story, unable to form a response to his principal's death, although he knew that old man was a piece of shit. "Gwi-nam's dead" Y/n stated blankly, almost looking angry as she tossed over one last chair. "Yeah?" Responded Cheong-san since it was news to him and partially relieving. "I pushed him out of a high window when we fought" The female quietly added.

"And I'm in love with Nam-ra" Both Cheong-san and y/n simultaneously stare at Su-Hyeok, genuinely surprised at the sudden confession. "I've liked Nam-ra for a while now. You be good to On-jo, okay? Don't treat her like she's a guy, moron" Su-Hyeok pats Cheong-san's shoulder, moving to open the door. "Oh, and y/n don't be a coward and just confess okay? If the person you like is still alive that is. I never got to know who your crush was" The question awkwardly lingers in the air, since she did not answer, only gifting them a tired smile. "You ready? I'll do it, you two go" Su-Hyeok changed the subject and placed his hand on the door, ready to open it.

As soon as the wooden door slid open, a flock of zombies rushed in, following the boisterous music. Everyone pressed their backs against the barricade, grunting in pain as the furniture poked their body. Hyo-ryeong and On-jo began to use cymbals for additional noise. "Dae-su! We gotta make some more noise!" Joon-Yeong shouts over the grumbling zombies. Dae-Su inhales sharply and began to yell without warning. "Die, zombies! Fսcking die!" Y/n who was standing next to him grimaced at how loud her friend was but chose to stay still for the time being. Since his annoying sound was more reasonable than getting eaten alive.

"Do it one more time" Wu-Jin urges, receiving an invisible glare from the shooter. "Stupid zombies! Mοthеr fսckеr!" Dae-Su shouted at the top of his lungs, attracting more stray zombies that waddled in the hallways. "How much longer?" Wu-Jin asks from beside Ji-Min, already running out of energy. "We can't go yet, a few more minutes" Su-Hyeok asserted, bashing the skulls and hands of infected students from surpassing the barrier. Soon after, the furniture began to wobble, a few staggering off the top and plummeting to the floor. "It's not gonna hold up!" Joon-Yeong pointed out with distress, capturing the attention of others. Uttering profanity under her breath, y/n clambered up the barrier, stabbing the zombies with a music stand and hysterically screaming at them. Though the others were worried about the girl's state of mind, they had bigger problems on their hands.

"All clear! Go!" Su-Hyeok's voice brings a surge of relief over the rest, causing them to dart outside to the vacant hallway. Powered by the adrenaline, they were able to run quicker than before, dodging any astray infected peers. Y/n jumps down from the barrier, waiting at the last second for her friends to leave before slamming open the storage room. Nayeon looked at the girl in shock, obviously conscious of the zombies filling in. "Follow me if you want right now, but i won't promise your safety" The shooter's statement made the other girl visibly reluctant - she stood quiet. Y/n said nothing else, closing the door and rushing out with a barren mind. She didn't know what to feel, whether abandoning Nayeon was a good thing or not, or if her words were too severe. Y/n never wanted to regret anything in life, but now she was conflicted. Sure Nayeon killed Gyeong-su, but y/n couldn't help but think if letting Nayeon die was justice or not.

The music began to reach it's end, implying the zombies will eventually start to chase their footsteps. The formerly squeaky clean stairs were stained red, with bits and chunks of human flesh sprinkled across the floor. Holding in the impulse to puke, the group of teens hastily ran up the structure. To their fear, the music finally comes to an end, giving the zombies a clear path to the students. The infected began their hunger-driven pursuit, speeding after the teenagers. "Quickly!"

"It's locked!" Ji-Min proclaimed as soon as they arrived at the rooftop door. "Move aside!" Dae-Su commands and body slams the door, moaning in pain as the door was made of metal, charged by electricity. Su-hyeok, Wu-Jin and Cheong-san rush down a few sets of stairs, kicking and pushing off the zombies that managed to climb up the steps. Y/n tosses her gun to Dae-Su, looking down to her friends. "Try to open the door okay? I'll help them hold up" The young girl also joins the three, punching the infected humans.

"You hear that?" Hyo-ryeong asks, followed by the loud whirring of a helicopter that seemed to be taken off from the rooftop. "Is anyone there?! Anyone?" Joon-Yeong slams his fist on the door, only to get silence as an answer. Cheong-san's rushes back to the door, slamming his back against it desperately. "Toss this over them!" Nam-ra suddenly shouts, pulling up a blue plastic sheet used to conserve things from rain. With the help of the others, the class President succeeded to cover the group of zombies. Y/n stays back for a second, taking the gap to breath. Her eyes moved to the breathed door, pausing to read the white label placed on the wall that quoted; The door will open automatically in case of fire. The pupils of her eyes widen as she rose her hand to get attention. "Fire! Dae-Su fire!"

To her biggest horror, three gunshots ring in the air, leaving behind holes in the blue sheet, followed by the clicking of the gun's empty barrel. Y/n stays still, forgetting to breathe at her friend's stupidity. But she was far too busy to comprehend the situation, taking out her anger on another zombie. The desperate cries of her friends kept gushing in her ears, she felt she could hear their hearts beating, with fear. Y/n could hear her friends' tears, dropping down to the floor and splattering with sorrow. A fire alarm beeps in the middle, removing the cloud of despair, and opening the roof door to the bright light of the afternoon sky.

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