15 The Friend

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Summer was never her favored weather. Sure the sensation of devouring cold beverages or ice cream when you're hot feels heavenly. But to her, it wasn't as fun as playing in the snow while sipping on hot chocolate. Nonetheless, she never did say it out loud and is now compelled to go outdoors and play with other kids her age. The ancient playground down the highway was bursting with childish energy, replenished with the excitement of summer break. Not only children but also adults and couples could be seen strolling around the area. The mothers were seated on benches, gossiping while their kids played in glee.

"Be nice to other kids alright y/n? Now go and have fun" Sweetly spoke her mother, planting a kiss on the eight-year-old girl's cheek and moving to the group of mothers. Y/n crossed her arms in disdain, frowning intensely at the dry land and scorching sun. She could not comprehend how kids could run around in the sun, without loathing the heat. She did think she was weird at one point but shrugged it off as others' stupidity. After earning a few remarks that she was rude, y/n had stopped saying her opinions to them, as stated before; they were stupid.

Glancing at her mother for one last time, the young girl wadles to the woods, situated behind the park. It wasn't a tremendous woodland or something that had wild creatures or slenderman in it. It was merely a man-made forest for some additional 'greenery'. Y/n soon settled down under a huge tree, finding solace in the stillness and the chirping of bizarre insects in the bushes. The gentle wind blew dried leaves on the ground, as shadows of branches and leaves danced to the unheard rhythm of nature.

Before the eight-year-old could close her eyes for a nap, her ears picked up muffled chatter. Rolling her eyes at the disruption, y/n stood to her feet and began to follow the voices to the deeper parts of the woods.

In the short distance, a group of kids around the ages of ten and nine were seen surrounding another kid younger than them. Y/n immediately knew it was the classic bullying that she had seen on TV, behind her mother's back. But what surprised her was the victim, whom she had seen before, opposite her grandma's house. The boy was slightly taller than the other kids, but his physique was overlooked by the bullies. The corner of his lips bled slowly, with a prominent bruise on his jaw.

Y/n glanced around for a few seconds, her beady eyes stopping over a pile of rocks. The cold stone rested in her palms before flying in the air and then landing perfectly on one of the bullies. The kid yelped in surprise, turning to face the eight-year-old. "Huh? How dare you throw-" Before he could blabber his threats the girl had thrown another rock, bigger this time that may or may not have drawn some blood. The bully, embarrassingly started to cry with a voice that even his friends found annoying. Y/n rolled her eyes again. "What? Cat got your tongue bully?"

"Wha-? It's y/n! Run!" One of the children shouted, followed by the other two running off with him. The boy on the ground looked confused at the situation, but once his eyes landed on y/n he was in awe. Despite the girl's petite figure, he found himself admiring her bravery. "Are you okay? Those three always poke around with kids here" Began y/n, lending a hand to the bullied boy, who continued to stare at her with glistening eyes. "I... I'm fine"

Y/n sighed loudly and pulled him up from the muddy ground. "You know I don't like people who lie to my face. Especially Uncle Jeonghan... Anyway, what's your name?" The boy smiled with a hint of embarrassment as she saw through him. Boys that age will find the necessary to stay strong in front of girls. "Jung Wu-Jin" The raven-head stared at the boy for a few seconds before crossing her small arms. "Why do you put up with it? Can't you just punch them back?" Wu-jin appeared flustered at the question, licking the corner of his bruised lip. "Just because they're violent doesn't mean we also have to be like them. We can always talk it out"

The girl almost dropped her mouth in surprise, unable to comprehend if the boy was either naive or simply stupid. "You can't seriously expect people like them to 'talk it out' they are mean" Y/n argues scoffing in disgust. Wu-Jin's face morphs into an expression of conflict as he contemplates between elaborating further or just leaving her at it. His thoughts are soon cut off by y/n calling out to him, already walking out of the small forest. With a small limp in his steps, the boy waddles after her, and a small smile etched on his lips.

The sun had started to appear clear as they soon reached the exit. Y/n's hair moves back and forth as she walks, brushing on her shoulder and chubby cheeks. Wu-jin takes glances at her, stumbling here and there. His eyes settled on her eyes which looked unnaturally fierce for an eight-year-old. "What's your name?" Y/n glimpses at the boy and back to the front. "Y/n Bang"

Wu-jin unknowingly repeated the name in his mind, smiling wider with each passing moment until his face began to get warmer. "we're here" The boy looked up quickly, disappointed that they were out of the forest and that y/n would've to leave. However, she doesn't and instead looks around blankly. The playground was as busy as it was a few minutes ago, except for the fact that Y/n's mother was nowhere to be found. The boy scratches his head, peeking at the girl who had gone silent. "Wash your face, you look bad" Wu-Jin is startled by the sudden command but obeys without question.

Since it was summer, the tap water was moderately lukewarm. Wu-jin winced slightly in pain but decided against whining about it. "Why were they scared of you y/n? Are you also a bu-"

"I'd rather be called a psycho than a bully" Y/n cuts in on his question, finding herself slightly offended by it. After all, she had saved him and he dares to assume that she was also a bully? She scoffed loudly, crossing her arms. "Just cause I'm forbearing or rude doesn't mean I'm a bully. I'm just not a lovely person okay? Tsk" A genuine smile erupts on the boy's lips, he closes the tap and reaches out his hand. His slightly warm palm presses against the top of her head and he pats it. "You'll be someone nice if you have nice people around you, like me!"

Y/n stared at the boy wide-eyed, parting her lips to answer, to stay something to bite back. But nothing comes out. "Y/n! There you are, sweety!" Her mother's relieved voice felt muffled in her ears, yet she turned back, rushing to her side. Wu-Jin felt awkward, coughing to hide his embarrassment. "Hey, Jung Wu-Jin! Let's play together tomorrow!" Her tiny voice shouted from a few meters away, waving her left arm in the air to say goodbye. Wu-Jin grins, waving back with enthusiasm and pure bliss.

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