06 The Hose

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The students sat in silence, not bothering to even share any glances. Wu-Jin was already worn out trying to circumvent and search for y/n since no one would let him leave. The infected students growled relentlessly, scrapping their shoes against the bloody floors of the school. From the cafeteria to the front gate, every corner was invaded by the zombies and to be alive in this mess was truly a miracle. Four students were in the girl's lavatory on the ground floor and all of them were seniors in their final year.

Ha-Ri was one of them, Wu-Jin's older sister and an archer. She had just returned to school after failing a tournament and stepped out to see the school flooding with zombies. Alongside her was another archer, Min-Jae. Mi-Jin, was a delinquent and smoker girl while Jun-Seong was a fearful boy and Mi-Jin's friend. Hari came in to find Wu-Jin and the other two seniors were in too much disbelief to follow them to locate him.

And still inside the school, in the art classroom was Su-Hyeok hiding from a few zombies and exhausted from fighting. Unknown to him, Y/n was searching for the boy from room to room, dodging and killing her fellow infected peers. He was only a few feet away from the science lab, but since the shooter had seen him last on the stairs, she climbed down. "Bare-Su where the hell are you dude?" She muttered, walking past some dead bodies that were either relieved of their heads or lower body.

"Bingo" Y/n silently whispers before hurrying to the janitor's closet and closing the door shut. "Never guessed this place would smell nice" The short-haired girl remarked, appreciating the fragrance of washing soaps and cleaning liquids. The scent of blood was long gone and the girl sighed in relief. Opening her duffle bag, she pulled out a new jacket, tossing the torn one inside the garbage can. Then she proceeded to take out a can of protein drink, finishing it in one go and washing its insides with the water in a bucket. Placing herself on the window sill, she began to arrange her gun and used the can to create a makeshift silencer.

Unexpectedly, the speaker began to creak, as if to make an announcement. "Students and teachers of Hyosan High School. I'm Park Sun-Hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking others indiscriminately. So please flee and find a safe place. And if any student or faculty hears this and can, please call the police and the fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I'll say it again. Some students are..." Miss Park hesitates and the students could hear a sob evading her mouth. "Hey, everyone... You're okay, right? You're not hurt? I don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but... Still, find a safe place and hide. I... I'm sorry... I can't help. Don't get hurt, okay? Please, let's stay alive and meet again. Okay?" The broadcast stopped right after and the students in the science lab ultimately looked at each other.

"Miss Park is in the broadcasting room... Wu-Jin, Nam-ra, and the others in the science lab and I'm in a closet" Y/n mutters, done with the gun and loaded it with bullets. "Gotta climb back up. Su-Hyeok you better greet me like a human" Soon, the girl was back on track but held a sharpened mop stick and her phone dialing Dae-Ik.

Wu-Jin and Dae-Su sat together at a desk, a disturbing stillness clouding over their heads. "She's going to be okay brother-in-law" Dae-su says as he watches Wu-Jin, who's continuously tapping his fingers on the wooden furniture. "I know that but, y/n can be quite reckless" The distraught boy reasons. Not used to consoling people, Dae-Su simply puts a hand around Wu-Jin.

"Don't worry On-Jo, Y/n and Su-Hyeok will be back. You know those two are strong and stuff" On-Jo only hums at the comforting words of I-sak, still anxious. I-Sak takes hold of On-Jo's hand holding them in place and both look out of the window, staring at the infected students walking around on the school ground. "I-sak... Why are you so cold"

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