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A week after the training session

Things haven't really been the same between the captain and I since the training session. Since then Chrom has almost never left Sumia's side. They even walk home together. The only time I've really had Chrom alone was during strategy meetings. Even then I could tell his mind was somewhere else.

"Chrom? Chrom are you listening?" I asked him as it looked like he was zoning out

"Huh? Yeah sure. What were you saying again?" He replied with a tone of confusion in his voice

"Thinking about Sumia again?" I teased

"What? No" He denied it, but from his tone knew he was lieing

"Anyway let's get back to the strategy" I changed the subject

After the meeting

Sumia was waiting outside the room as always. Chrom and I said our goodbyes and he went with Sumia. Whenever I saw the together I had the same eerie feeling inside that I still couldn't explain. What was it?

Later that day I went home early. As I walked back home, I was deciding what book to read. When I got in the comfort of my own home, I browsed my shelf for a book about a love story, because I always read those when I'm in a sappy mood. This one was about a love triangle.

To my own suprise, the story much resembled my own life. With the maiden dating the man, with the protagonist having to watch them.

But unlike real life, the protagonist got the man, and they lived happily ever after

After I finished the book, I relized how I felt about Chrom, and what the feeling was inside my stomach.

I'm jealous

((Hello Author - Chan here. It's that time again! Another chapter to this love story! I'm really gonna try and update more often, so sit tight!))

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