Chapter 32.

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I'm at #90 for Teen Fiction!! Thank you guys so much!!
Notes at bottom, important!!

London's Bad Boy: Chapter 32: Game On. (Part I)

"Where have you two been? We have been trying to call you two for two hours!" Tye screamed as Drew and I walked in the door. 
"You're going to f*ck up the plan if you don't stick to it!" Jake added.
"Calm down. We're here arn't we?" Drew asked. He pulled my hand, dragging me towards his bedroom as he did.
"Why are you two all wet?" Carlos asked.
"We went for a swim," Drew shrugged.

Drew opened the wooden door, tugging me inside before slamming it back shut. He hit the lock button quickly before pushing me up against the wood.
"Drew," I giggled. "My brother is right out there," I whispered.
"So?" He asked, pressing his lips against the crook of my neck. His fingers danced along my skin as he pulled my sweatshirt off once again. His hands roughly grabbed my hips, fingers digging into my skin as he threw me onto the bed.
"Drew,I don't think I can be quiet," I blushed. 
"Oh?" Drew smirked, cocking his eye brow as he looked down at me. His legs on either side of my body as he straddled me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized what I just admitted to my already concieted boyfriend.
"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes widened as I looked a him questioningly. Drew continued to poke my cheeks, poking one cheek and then poking another.
"I liked that I can make you blush," he smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"I'm the only one that can do it. You don't blush around anyone else, you just get sassy." 
"I'm sorry for my sass," I smiled.
"Don't be." Drew bent down, leaving a slow lingering kiss on my lips before pulling away. Drew roughly ground into my body, trailing his kisses down my neck and over my chest. 

"Drew!" I tried to yell, only it came out as moan.

Drew pulled away, a howling laughter escaped his lips as he got off of me.
"Here, put it on," Drew laughed. My sweatshirt smacked me in the face, a scowl on my lips as his dropped into my hands. I quickly pulled it over my head before getting off of the bed.
"I hate you," I muttered. I grabbed the door handle, unlocking it only to be pulled back. I was quickly spun around, Drew's face one centimeter away from my own.
"No you don't," he spoke. His voice was so low and quiet that I barely even heard him.

I don't know what took over me, but in that minute I reached behind me, locking the door once again and crashed my lips onto Drew's. I quickly pulled my shirt off, my shaky hands fumbling with Drew's belt. A low growl escaped his lips as he unhooked my bra, throwing it across the room. He pulled away, stripping of his shirt, before bringing his lips back to mine. I roughly bit his lower lip, slipping my tongue inside his mouth. 
"Let's make it a game," I smirked, pulling away. I pushed Drew down onto the bed, flipping my hair onto one side while I straddled him. "Who ever makes the first noise, has to be the other person's bitch for a week."
"Oh, you're so going down Taylor!" I laughed.
"Actually, you're going to be going down in about two seconds."
Breathing heavily, I rolled over and grabbed my phone.
"What are ou doing?" Drew asked, resting his head in the crook of my neck as his arms wrapped around me. I scrolled through a few things before clicking on the one I wanted.
"DJ Khaled!" I screamed.
"All I do is win, win, win, no matter what!" I laughed, screamming at the top of my lungs. I quickly jumped off of the bed, throwing on my clothes as I danced around. "My hands go up and down, like strippers booty's go!"
"It was the quietest grunt in the world!" Drew argued. I shook my head, shaking my finger.
"Everytime I step up in the building. Errybodies hands go up!" I sang, throwing my hands in the air. I ran out of the bedroom, continuing to sing as everyones heads snapped in my direction. "Just win baby win!" I screamed in my brothers face, plopping down next to him one the couch. 

"What is going on?" Amber laughed. 
"Drew and I were playing mum and he lost," I smiled.
"So what's his consequence?" Carlos asked.
"He has to be my bitch for the whole week!" I clapped happily. "There he is!" I laughed when Drew walked out of the bedroom, a scowl playing on his lips. 
"Shut up."
"Go make me a sandwhich bitch," I ordered.
"OOOOH!" The guys screamed. I waved in innocence as Drew stuck his middle finger up at me, making his way into the kitchen.
"What time is it?" I asked nervously.
"11:57" James answered.
"What time is it now?" Amber asked, recieving a dirty look from James. "Sorry-sorry." 

"You're getting scared arn't you?" Tye smirked.
"No, I'm fine! I'm as calm as a f*cking potato!" I screamed at the idiot.
"Damn, she's mouthy when she's scared," Carlos laughed.
"I'll f*cking kill you!" I spat, smacking his shoulder multiple times.
"Ow! O-ow-OW! Okay!"
"Shut up!" I yelled at him.
"Mate, your girlfriend is a bitch." I glared at Carlos as he sat back on the couch. 
"What time is it now?" Jake asked.
"No! I'm out, I can't do it. I'm to young to die!" I cried.  

"Drew, this is your cue," Tye ushered towards me.
"Got it."
"Cue! Cue for what?" I asked.
"Come on love. Prep talk time," Drew smiled. He grabbed my hand, pulling me into the hallway.
"Good luck!" I heard everyone yell.

"Okay, this is it. You're going to go home and follow through just like we planned okay?" Drew asked.
"What if I mess up? What if I forget, or you guys get caught, or-or-"
"Stop. You're working yourself up. You're going to be fine, alright? Carlos already wired the place. Tye has the cameras all set up and Jake and I will be right behind you, out of sight. You're going to be perfect, just act. You're good at acting," Drew smiled. I felt tears well in my eyes as I shook my head. 
"I can't- I can't," I cried, my hands grabbing my hair as I held my head.  
"Yes you can baby, I promise."
"Drew, I'm scared." Drew pressed his lips against mine, it wasn't a hungry or lust-filled one like we have just shared. No, this one was to help me, make me understand everything is okay. 
"Okay," I pulled away, nodding my head. "I can do it." 
"Good," Drew smiled triumphantly. "I'm going to walk you outside, we're going to do what we rehearsed and then you're going to head home, okay?" Drew asked, searching my eyes for any sign of doubt.
"Got it."

Drew grabbed my hand, pulling be down the long hallway as my heart beat spead with each step.
"Deep breath, we're almost there. They're going to be watching us," Drew told me. I nodded my head, taking one last deep breath before turning ot him. 
Drew let go of my hand, letting me walk out of the flat building. I quickly got the water works to start, trying to 'hold them in' as I stormed out of the building and down the street. 

"Nicole wait!" I heard Drew scream. I ignored his plead, continuing down the sidewalk. "I said wait," Drew spat, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me back. 
"Save it!" I screamed, ripping my arm out of his hold. "I don't want to hear anything!" I cried, letting the tears fall. "You're a f*cking ass Drew! I trusted you! I actually trusted you and you go and screw that-that slut!" I cried, my volume growing with each sentence. 
"Nicole please, let me ex-"
"No! I yelled at him. "You lied and you cheated, we're over." 
"You don't mean that. I love you!" Drew yelled at me. My hand flew up, smacking him across the face. His eyes widened at the impact. So, that wasn't part of the plan. So what, I was improvising.
"So did I." With that, I turned on my head and stormed down the side walk, wiping the tears that continued to fall. I realized now that these tears weren't fake any more, these tears were from fear. Any moment now, Drew predicted when I turned the corner, that two large men were going to take me into a van. Overly cliche I know, but what else can they do?
Turning the corner, I held my breath. I knew that I couldn't blow our plan and no matter how badly I wanted to know if I was being followed or if there was someone crossing the street, I kept my eyes glued on my shoes. These actually need some cleaning. I heard that nail polish remover on the white part works really wel-

An ear piercing scream halfway escaped my lips, and by half way that was because there was a smelly hand covering my mouth.
"Open the door."
Roughly I was thrown into the vehicle. The hand left my mouth, duct tape quickly replacing it. This is fine, you were told this might happen, calm down. I sat up, best I could with the bumps we were speeding over, and took in my surrounding. I was seated on the floor of what I like to call, the classic kidnapping vehicle. It was completely cliched in the way that it was won of the long black vans. The inside consisted of two front seats and the back was filled with tools, guns, duct tape, rope, I think everyone gets the picture. Fixating my scared eyes ahead, I tried to take in every detail of the men. 
One was more on the large side, I don't mean muscles, this man was fat. I'm sorry, but it's true. He had a scruffy beard and a bald head. He kinda looked like your classic biker. All he needed was a leather jacket that read "Born to be wild" on the back and a helmet, or maybe no helmet. Why am I thinking about this? I turned my eyes to the driver. He was scrowny looking, greasy blonde hair and tattoos everywhere. He looked dirty, as he had dirt on his hands and scrapes up his arms. This is so not sanitary, Sheldon Cooper would be having a Bitch Fit right now.

"Get her and bring her round back," Greasy demanded. He pulled the car to a stop, hopping out and heading into a building. The building was tall, secluded just like Carlos had said.
"Let's go sunshine," Fatty smirked. I made a face as I looked up at him. We are so not on a nickname basis. He grabbed my arm, yanking me out of the van. Clumsy me, I fell onto my knees, scraping them against the cemented driveway. Great, I think I ripped my jeans. FOCUS. Fatty yanked me up, a chuckle escaping his lips as he did. I tried my hardest to stick with the plan which at the moment would be step two, fight back. 

I tried my hardest, pulling my wrist and trying to yank it away. I dug my heals into the ground, using my other hand to rip the duct tape off of my mouth.  Why didn't I do this in the car? I ripped it off with ease, screaming for help as I through it to the ground. 
"Help!" I shrieked. "Someone! Please! Help m-" a hand smacked over my mouth, throwing me over the chunky shoulder and continuing to walk.
"No one can hear you sweet heart," he laughed.
"Stop calling me pet names."
"I'll do what I want." I growled, smacking my arms against his flabby back as we walked into the garage.
"Knock it off!" Fatty screamed as I continued to yell and smack his back.
"No!" I yelled back, thrashing my legs around in his hold.
"That's it!" I felt my body being thrown onto the ground, the impact leaving me aching in pain and I rolled onto my side, holding my head as tears started to fall. I felt the liquid drip onto my hand, a sob escaping my mouth as I looked. This is not part of the plan.

"Keep your mouth shut," Fatty ordered. I knew to make it believable and save Drew, I need to continue to fight. I needed to take any blow that would come my way, I needed to keep the plan alive. I got on my knees, trying my hardest to crawl away, into the back room that Carlos told me about. I was told it was a green door and inside would be a gun strapped under the toilet and a cellphone on top of a shelf. That's what I needed to use to give them their cue. Right now, I really wanted to get into that room. I needed that gun before something unexpected happened.

I felt my hair being ripped back, a loud cry escaping my lips.
"Shut up bitch!" He screamed, throwing me back and smacking my face. The tears continued to fall. I need that gun. I tried once again, getting up and running towards the room. My belt hoop on my jeans were tugged on, ripping me back towards the burley man. I spun around, his fist flying towards my stomach. Suddenly Drew clouded my mind, my arms quickly forming the block that Drew had taught me the week earlier. I sent my knee up, connecting with the object between his legs. 

As quickly as I could, I ran into the green doored room, throwing the door open and running over to the toilet. I quickly grabbed the gun, tucking it under my sweatshirt and into my jeans. I ran over to the self, jumping up and grabbing the phone. Hitting 1, I dialed the boys.

"Nicole!" Drew's voice answered ergently.
"The plan isn't working. He keeps hitting me and I'm bleeding. I don't know what to do next!" I cried out.
"We're coming now."

Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.


-I hope this isn't too short for you guys. I only had a half hour to write it and I really wanted to get something down for all of you.
-Hope it makes sense. I haven't planned this chapter out, I just kind of wung it. (Which my english teacher has recently told me is the past tence of Wing. Who knew)
-Please please, tell me your critisism. Tell me what you want more detail in, what else you want, what you think should happen. Anything!!
-Spelling errors I know, get over it (:
-Um, I think that's it.


 -Even if you're not a One Direction fan, leave a comment below and tell me what title sounds more      interesting?? 

-Song on side.
-Picutre on side. 

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