Hunding down some ghosts

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The five ninjas arrived in Stixx and directly looked for some fishermen to ask them questions about the ghosts.

"They look like half human half fish!" One answered.

"Their tails are strong enough to choke a person in a few seconds!" Another quoted.

"I've saw one, they stole my fish. My nets were broken when I pulled them out. I'm going to return to the same spot tomorrow morning. If you want you can come along." A fisherman told and the ninja agreed.

"And you are?" Kai asked.

"Adam is the name." The fisherman said.

"Tell us where and when." Lloyd asked.

"5 am. At the east dunks." The fisherman told and left.


Unknown to the ninja was that there was a mermaid with light brown hair eavesdropping under the wooden panels. She docked under and swam away.

When the mermaid got in the little city, some other mermen yelled she was back and Morro swam towards her.

"What have you found out, Bansha?" He asked.

"The fisherman that got Soul almost above water is going back to the same spot with some company." The mermaid, Bansha, said as they swam through the city.

"Do you know who?" Morro asked.

"I don't know who, but from what I could hear there were five males." Bansha said.

"Nice job, Bansha." Morro said and Bansha swam away.

"Just what we need, some fisherboats with eight people onboard in our territory." Morro sighed and swam towards Soul Archers house and knocked on the door.

"Morro?" The elder male asked as he opened the door.

"Can I talk to you?" Morro asked, as he saw that the other hunters of the village in Soul Archer's house and added, "In private..?" and the male nodded. They swam to Soul's bedroom and closed the door.

"The fisherman is going back to the same spot as last time." Morro told the archer and it was visible that he was shocked by the information.

"Are you sure?" Soul Archer asked.

"Bansha heard it and he's taking company. Five males, but she had too little time to find out who they are." Morro said. Soul swam to something that looked like a bed and sat down on it.

"This is all my fault, I was so focused on the fish that I forgot that they were also fishing there." The elder male sighed.

"Soul, I told you yesterday already that I'm coming along with you. My powers are able to let their systems crash,--" Morro started but was cut off by Soul.

"And it will scare the fish away." He said

"Soul, I have my powers fully under control, if I focus on the ships, the fish will stay away from it and it will be easier for you to catch them." Morro said and finally Soul Archer admitted it was a good idea to bring Morro along.


The next day the Ninja managed to get at the east donks. There was a small fisherboat and the fisherman and another male were already onboard.

"Hello Ninja!" Adam cheered as he saw them.

"Uhmm, are you sure that the boat is gonna hold it against those ghosts?" Jay asked as they walked onboard.

"Oh, they aren't ghosts anymore. They are green, but they have a fishtail." The other fisherman explained.

"Oh, this is Olaf." Adam said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Olaf." Zane said. And with that, they left.

After an hour they arrived at the spot where the ghosts had been singaleted, but there were already problems with the radio.

"What's wrong with the radio?" Lloyd asked.

"It means we're here." Adam said as he threw the nets out.

"Every time we come in this waters, the radio crashes. That means they're close. All we now have to do is wait." Olaf explained.

After a half day, the boats finally moved.

"They're hunting!" Adam yelled excitedly and ran to the ropes and gave them to the Ninja.

"As you see something moving, throw them in." He said as he walked to the nets. Not even a second after they saw a lot of fish swimming under the boat and later a human-like figure. Jay and Kai were the first who reacted and threw the ropes in.

"I guess, we got one!" Kai yelled, but then karma hit and they filled a huge pull at the other end of the rope. Causing Kai to fall in the water.

"Kai!" Cole yelled and he, Zane and Lloyd threw the ropes in as well.

In the water, Kai looked fearful at the figure that pulled him in. But instead of seeing a rageful ghost, he saw a scared merman-archer fighting against the ropes he and his friends threw in.

Grathe filled his chest as he saw that two of the ropes were ripped around his neck. 

"Soul!" A male voice shocked out of his thoughts and he turned around seeing another merman swimming towards the tied up merman. The green streak in his hair directly got his attention. And Kai swam above water.

With the help of Adam and Olaf, he got back on the boat.

"Morro is here as well!" Kai yelled as he joined his friends again.

"Morro? Are you sure?" Cole asked as the activated his super strength to pull on the rope.

"His green streak is really hard to miss." Kai answered and started to help Jay pull. After a minute they saw two green hands above water, one holding a knife. Once they saw that it was busy cutting the ropes, they started pulling even harder.

Lloyd suddenly fell backwards, and that was enough to understand that his rope broke. Lloyd run to Zane to help him pull. In the end they managed to get the merman above water. Though, it was really weird seeing a merman ghost up close.

"They thought I'm crazy, well who's the first who got a merghost above water!" Adam cheered at his victory.

"He doesn't seem really dangerous..." Jay whispered to Lloyd.

"Not dangerous, haven't you seen his arrows?!" Lloyd said as he pointed to the male.

"This is a huge misunderstanding! I use my arrows only for hunting! And you are in our fish territory!" The archer yelled.

"Yeah, Yeah, And I am an octopus!" Olaf laughed.

"They will come back for me!" The meman hissed.

"We hope that!" Adam smirked.


Under water, Morro looked at the boat leaving the fishing waters. Something felt different but also very familiar. The feeling of rage and longing for revenge.

"Hold on, Soul Archer. We will get you back." Morro promised as a tear ran down his cheek.

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