16 Darkness

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Minutes pass like hours, pain floods your mind as tears stain your cheeks. You grovel at your mothers side as your phone buzzed. Your father.

Hey sweetie! I'll be home soon, just gotta finish this shift. Love you! ❤️

Your teary eyes blur the screen, finally pulling yourself to call the police. Once you choke out the words, you get the acknowledgment you needed. Barely 10 minutes later, you hear the sirens nearing.

Refusing to leave your mothers side, the female officer still on the line asked you to open the door for the police, in response you quietly mumble that it was unlocked.

"Are you upstairs miss?"

"Ya... I'm in her room, last on the.. last on the left," you wipe your tears, sniffing every once in a while. You hear footsteps and people soon enter your room.

"Oh great. It's a monster," you hear someone say, more tears fell as you gripped your mothers hand tighter.

"Shut it! You are barely staying in the force and I'd be happy to relieve you from my squadron. Get your act together."

"Yes sir," the first voice mumbles.

The chief places a hand on your back and asks for you to explain. Holding back sobs, you slow your breath and turn to him. You begin as you walked into your home, Carter arriving, finding your mother, his words. You said you only defended yourself but not your magic abilities. Sending a vine through someone's arm would put you under suspicion.

"Is she your biological or adoptive mother?" He asks, trying to get details.

"Come on! She's obviously-"

"Shut your MOUTH, Arnolds!" He yelled back, cutting him off. "Miss?"

"Biological... mum is a human, ya, but dad is a monster so I happened," you wipe your eye with your wrist, drying your face.

"We need time to clean up the room, if you could stand outside and take some questions we'd really appreciate it. We also understand if you need rest too."

You slowly nod, hesitant to leave your mothers side but move on. While walking down the hall you hear muffled voices.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it killed the woman."

"Damn it Arnolds, I am this close to firing you right now.."

"I didn't do anyth..."

The voices are clouded out as you hobble down the stairs, keeping yourself steady on the hand rail, feeling sick to the stomach. You glance around, seeing all sorts of officers and cars littered about in front of your home. After some time re-answering questions and making statements, you're left alone to sulk to yourself, your wings slump down at your sides as you take a sip of your new bottle of water, it reminded you of when you crashed on the roof and your mother.. helped... you.

Staring at the bottle in your hands, tears well up again, your silent sobs confined in your chest. Throwing the bottle to the ground in a fit of anger, you watch it's contents roll and spill on the face pavement. The liquid crawling to the small flower bed your mother kept in front of the house.

You toss your head to the side, your eyes landing on the car she used to drive you to school in. The small grassy patch with the hose your douse yourselves in while caring for the greenery. A small, still growing cherry tree that's barely older than a sapling you both only planted weeks before. You'd hide you face in your palms, blocking anything that can remind you of her. The pain welling with every instance.

Soon enough, you see the familiar blur of (wing color) through your fingers. Your father. Tears run freely once again. You stand and run to your dad, who has a look of confusion on his face.

"Songbird, what happened sweetie? Why are the police here? You've been crying," his taloned hands gently hold your cheeks as he crouched down enough to look you in the eye.

"D-dad! It was Carter! He came back a-and he- I just was getting groceries and he was here and demanded I come with him! If I didn't he'd hurt mom, but he already did! He killed her dad! Moms gone! She's- she's dead..." you blurted out words as they came, hiccuping and sniffing through your tears as you tried explaining. You final words struck him. His eyes pooled, silvery tears adding a shine to his feathered featured. The pupils of his eyes shift to slits as the truth dawns on him before widening till you could barley see his eye color.

Your dad was always an emotional man, tears flowed from him as the thought of his love was gone by someone he called his son. His hands slack to your shoulders and squeezed them, trying his best to not break down. You immediately wrap him in a hug, arms thrown over his shoulders as you both sobbed into each others shoulders.

"It's gunna be okay..."

Those words were repeated again and again, each speaking to not the other but themselves. Each not believing the lie.

"Oh god what are we going to do..." he mutters, words shaking as his body trembles. "W-we need to find someplace to sleep for the night. I don't think I can... we can be here. Not after this. Not now..."

As you father tries to take some sort of control, to pull all of this together even as he falls apart. After calming down as much as you both could, your father talks to once of the officers on what he has to do, the chief helps him to find a hotel and assures that the expenses will be covered by him personally. A glimmer of true kindness in a time of despair. You can almost see a soft sage glow come from the man. You turn your attention back to your father who is coming back to you.

"We'll stay at a hotel, we can't get anything from the house because it's a... a crime scene, but it'll be okay. It's all be alright, I promise..." his hand rests on your head, you can still feel him trembling.

It's been 6 hours. It's almost 9 now. You've gotten settled into the hotel. You stare at your phone, deciding wether or not to call out of your last performance.


"God I can't do it... I was already missing for most of it, I'll for sure get fired if I don't make it. We can't cancel a source of income now that moms... gone," you think to yourself, drumming your fingers on the plastic like desk. Soon you're snapped away from your thoughts when your phone starts buzzing. Unknown.

You wait, letting the ring tone fade out. The call ends. Squinting slightly, you wait. No other call. You sigh and rub your eyes, puffy from the crying. It's hard to feel right now. Hard to think. Hard to put word to word, action to thought, reality from dreams. You quietly walk to the small bathroom. Closing the door and turning on the shower. You let the water hit your face, wings and body. The heavy feathers weigh them down as you slowly scrub yourself down. You're tired, you need to sleep.

Eventually, you step out and dry yourself off. Going through your nightly routine that you've been so used too. You stare at yourself, biting your lip as you think back to how you used your magic on Carter. No doubt he deserved it but... it seemed so weird. Your eyes flash green and yellow, melting into one another into swirls and splotches. Startled, you'd blink quickly and rub your eyes. The vibrant colors now replace with your original (eye color). Shaking your head and splashing water on your face, you'd throw on some pajamas and walk out of the bathroom.

You'd see your dad sitting at the small table, as you cross the room he'd look up.

"Good night dad..."

"Good night y/n," he answered, barely able to look you in the eye.

You froze at that, he called you by your name and not songbird. That corny nickname he always referred to you by. You looked to the floor and kept going, he was as tired as you were. This is to serious for silly nicknames.

So you walk.

"Heya, Feathers." MafiaSans x Monster Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now