17 Showday

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'Why did you do it.'
'You had all the chances to save me and you didn't.'

"I couldn't!"

'Of course you could. If you just left your little friend then you could've saved me! You're selfish!'

"NO! No no no I'm sorry!"

'Save your sorry excuses. I hate you! I wish I never had you!'


'I bet it's the one that killed her.'
'What even is that thing?'
'That's just sad, look at her. Those wings are hideous.'
'Oh, what's this? Heya birdy~'
'I wouldn't want her near my kids, that's for sure.'

'Heya sis.'

You wake up in a cold sweat, you heart beating in your chest. Glancing at your charging phone, you see it's about 6:37.

The circus is farther away from the hotel then your home... then before so you decide to get up and start dressing up. You throw on anything that was near and brush your hair. You tie it up to get it out of your face. (If your hair is short don't mind this) Grabbing your phone, charger, earbuds, and a water bottle, you stuff it all in a hand bag.

"I'm going to work.." you'd call out, receiving no response you open the door and walk out. Waving to the staff at the front desk, you'd walk outside, breathing in the air. Which you regret shortly after as you cough out the cigarette smell that hung around.

Opening your wings, you'd launch up and away. Your eyes wander the traffic-filled streets, so early in the morning yet people are already up and about. You'd groan as your wings were squished against the wall when you were sleeping, it felt the same as getting that odd crook in your neck after sleeping weird.

Quickly spinning around to find the direction of the circus, you see the tip of the tent poking out from behind buildings. Taking in a deep breath, you exhale and start flying towards it, thankful for the ability to not wait in traffic. Looking down at the cars, you're once again reminded of the trip to school your mother took you on. Immediately snapping your attention back to your destination, you push that thought out of your mind.

Soon enough, you're above the tent. Spinning into a nose dive, you quickly descend to the ground, swooping your body in a curve, you land on your talons, stumbling at the odder ground.

You see Amy heading to the cast tent, she turns at the noise of your landing and her face brightens up, happy to see you. Your face falls slightly but a small smile appears in its place to avoid questions. Cammy (you think that's her name, you can't quite remember) popped out from the tent, waving down Amy. She turns to face the taller woman and continues walking to her. You give a sigh of relief and make your way there as well.

As you change and get ready, stretching out your wings and arms, Amy and Cammy walk to you.

"It's too bad you don't travel with us, it would be so nice!" Amy pouted, wrapping you in a hug.

"I'm needed here too Amy," you mutter, really not up for conversation.

"Also, who were those monster you went with after the show yesterday?"


"Ya, the white ones. Skeletons I think," she put her hand to her chin, thinking.

"Heya, Feathers." MafiaSans x Monster Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now