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The high pitch scream of the engine jolted Daniel from his dream. Daniel groaned from the sound that stirred him awake. Upon opening his eyes, a petite woman sat across from him staring at him with a smile.

Daniel gasped, shooting his body forward to an upright position. The woman's eyes followed Daniel's movements causing her to chuckle. "Did you have a nightmare?" she asked sweetly. Unable to form words, Daniel looked around the unfamiliar room. Daniel looked towards a window as he watched the sand move away at rapid speeds occasionally passing a cactus. The loud shrill of the train whistle rang again causing Daniel to flinch.

He looked around the small cabin that was covered in luxurious items. Four giant suitcases sat above them on goldenrods. The red velvet seats perfectly matched the young woman with her fiery colored hair.

Daniel glanced back at the woman, her smile not released after her comment. Instead it only grew larger to the point where it looked forced.

"What?" Daniel's voice trailed off, still confused at his new scenery. The cabin door slid open. Two men entered, laughing between themselves. One of the men, the taller of the two, looks down to Daniel, his smile not fading. "Daniel! How are you feeling??" The man sat, taking his spot next to the woman. His dark black hair and pale skin complement the women's petite figure. He immediately grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close. "And you, my darling, how are you?" The woman giggled snuggling into his shoulder.

The other man sat down next to Daniel with a soft smile, his golden locks glowed with the sunlight. "You gave us fright, you were quite pale earlier," The golden haired man said to Daniel. "A mighty fright," The woman chimed in.

The man next to the woman chuckled, "He looks refreshed for his party." Nancy shrieked with delight, clapping her hands together, "It's going to be wonderful!"

Daniel tried to recall his memory of a party but his mind would immediately blank, not wanting to process any information before he fell asleep. Daniel looked at the man and woman confused, "What party?"

The woman gasped, "Charles! Try to knock some sense into your friend, goodness! He's going to ruin the whole mood of the party."

Charles chuckled, pulling her close to him. "Nancy, my dear. It's his party. Let's play nice," Charles said in a snappy tone with a small smile on his face, causing Nancy to shrink from her boldness. Daniel watched their bickering silently, confused by the whole scenario. A cold sweat began to drip down his back as the unfamiliar scene began to dawn on him.

A hand placed itself on his shoulder causing Daniel to shudder from the impact. "Hey Danny, loosen up. You're shaking quite a bit. Did you have too much to drink last night?" Immediately wanting to move away, Daniel nodded his head without a thought. "Yeah probably. It was probably too much drinking. Drinking." Daniel said slowly, confused by his own words. Charles began hollering in laughter, "Didn't I tell him James?! The liquor changes you!"

A group of ladies walked past the cabin giggling towards James and Daniel's direction. James nudged Daniel to look towards the women's direction. The women's dresses hugged their bodies tightly in the right areas that was enough to catch any man's attention. James smiled winking at them causing them to roll their eyes. The small smile that hung on their lips was enough to make Daniel turn away. "Daniel, you never cease to amaze me with that good looking face of yours," James said excitedly, fixing his tie and combing back his hair.

Charles smirked, "With that kind of attitude you will never get yourself a good looking lady." James shrugged, "It's hard for good looking fellas like me and Danny." Daniel watched the two bicker but from the corner of his eye he felt Nancy smiling at him. Building up his courage he glanced towards her, catching that cunny smile once again before returning her attention back to the man at her side.

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