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Overall, I thought the weekend went well. I managed to get all my homework and reading done without too much distraction. The only critique George had was that it wasn't long enough. We had laid in bed with no clothes just talking until almost midnight on Sunday, neither of us were in a hurry for it to end.

'You sure I can't tempt you to stay just a little longer?' George asked with a very suggestive grin.

'George, if I stay any later, I won't be able to walk tomorrow,' I told him with a grin of my own. He laughed at my words and I took advantage of the opportunity by rolling over and reaching for my clothes.

'Can I tell people you said that?' He said, sitting up in bed.

'No!' I laughed this time. I pulled my pants and jeans on.

'But you meant it, didn't you?' He scooted closer to me.

'Aye, dear, of course I did,' I closed my eyes so he wouldn't see me roll them.

'We've already broken our rule,' he wrapped an arm around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. I reached for my bra, I was fairly certain my shirt was strewn either on the stairs or out in the corridor.

'I know,' I told him. It hadn't even been a week.

'I don't like this,' he whispered in my ear. 'What happens if we get married before your term's over?'

'We're not!' I chuckled, though I hated the idea of leaving him. It had been less than a week since we had started sleeping together again and it seemed like neither of us could get enough of each other. I had a feeling it wouldn't be like this forever. Surely the novelty would wear off eventually. But for now, it was new again, exciting and intoxicating. It didn't help that we were newly engaged either.

I fastened my bra and stood up. He eyed me warily before reaching for his own trousers.

'I'll take you back,' he said, pulling them on.

'George, I'm only Apparating,' I reminded him. 'It's not like it's this long, gruelling journey.'

'It doesn't feel right staying in bed while you leave,' he stood and headed for the corridor. His shirt was likely out there too. 'I'll take you back.'

My heart swelled with love for him. He knew he didn't have to take me back. All I was going to do was Apparate to my dormitory and then go inside, but it warmed my heart having him offer to take me as far as he could.

I followed him out into the corridor and down the stairs where we finished dressing.

A few minutes later, and after one last snog, I was back in my dormitory for the night.

I had noticed a difference in his behaviour over the weekend. He seemed much more at ease than he usually did. I certainly felt much more comfortable around him since he'd proposed. Maybe it was because we both knew there was security in the relationship now. In a way, it was like we were back in the flat. We didn't go anywhere and we didn't do much but enjoy being around each other. I felt a pang of guilt at the idea that it was perhaps better than the flat because we were truly on our own this time, and I quickly banished the thought.

October turned into November and we stopped learning as much new material in class and instead focussed more on revision. Exams would take place a week before Christmas and then we would have two weeks off before we started our practical experience.

George and I had decided on Italy for our little holiday. George wanted to fly on broomsticks and Australia was a little far for that. He booked a secluded little villa on the coast for a week and we were both very much looking forward to it. His mother had invited me to The Burrow for Christmas and we planned on leaving on Boxing Day.

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