The Secret

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A/N: Explicit content ahead!


I woke up extremely disoriented. The dream I'd been having seemed so real. I had been back at Hogwarts, George had snuck me into an abandoned classroom to snog and I was petrified of getting caught, but not enough to stop.

Where was I? What day was it? One thing I knew for sure was that I needed to find a toilet, and quickly. My stomach lurched as I opened my eyes and took in the sunlit room.

'Well, good morning, sweetheart.'

I looked up blearily and found George sitting up in bed beside me, a copy of The Daily Prophet in his lap.

'I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up at all.'

My stomach turned again and I felt sick rise up in my throat. I put a hand to my mouth, leapt out of bed and hurried down the corridor to the toilet.

I felt George's hand on my face, pulling my hair back as I vomited. This was miserable. I felt the wedding band I wasn't used to on my hand and I realized what a terrible wife I was. Crivvens, I'd fallen asleep almost immediately after our wedding. I hadn't given him a proper wedding night! Was it even still morning? It felt like I had been asleep for days.

'I'm so sorry, George,' I told him as I leaned back against the bathtub, grateful that I had at least put pyjamas on before I fell asleep last night, 'I didn't mean to fall asleep! And on our wedding day! Some wife I am, eh?'

'I don't know,' he mused, sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. 'I'm still ahead as far as I'm concerned.'

I snorted.

'What time is it? How long was I asleep for?' I asked sheepishly, dreading the answer.

'Try sixteen hours,' he chuckled.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to,' I repeated.

'Here, eat this,' he handed me a Puking Pastille. I took it gratefully.


'Do you want to go back to bed?' He asked, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

'No,' I answered. 'I'm already starting to feel better.'

'Maybe we shouldn't go on holiday if you're going to be this sick,' he said. I looked back up at him.

'No, George, I'll be alright,' I insisted. 'I want to go away with you, really.'

'Hmm...' he mused. 'You're right, it might be a while before we're able to go on holiday again.'

'Aye, probably in about eleven years when the lads start at Hogwarts,' I chuckled. Then I froze and clapped my hands to my mouth.

'What was that?' He exclaimed, reaching over and prying my hands away. 'What did you just say? Did you say lads? As in boys?'

He wrestled me to the ground playfully for a moment before I started laughing and surrendered.

'It was supposed to be a surprise!' I told him.

'And when, pray, were you going to tell me?' He exclaimed.

'I dunno,' I shrugged. 'I hadn't thought it through yet.'

'When did you find out?' He asked, still pinning me to the floor.

'George, I've had that many Diagnostic Spells performed on me since word got out that I was pregnant,' I explained. 'A group of ambitious second-years worked it out.'

'Blimey, Edith,' he sat back up and ran his hands through his hair. 'Two boys...'

'We won't be able to hide this for long, you know,' I told him. Between me getting sick and my bloated stomach, I had no idea how we were going to make it through two days with his parents without anyone getting suspicious.

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