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── · .゚☆: WEDNESDAY :☆゚. · ──

MONDAY NIGHT Peter's uncle had passed away, I think the whole grade had heard. He didn't come to school yesterday, teachers, I guess, understood why because none of them had asked.

I was walking in the halls when I saw Peter holding Flash up against the lockers. Then he let go, picking his bag up, slamming his locker shut and walking away towards me. I stopped in my tracks when he came face to face with me.

"Peter." I muttered before wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry..."

He buried his face in my shoulder and quickly let go, striding off to class. I sighed, watching him in sadness. 

── · .゚☆: WEEK AFTER :☆゚. ──

I saw Peter walking through the hall and I closed my locker catching up with him.

"Hey, how's it going?" He greeted, taking off his hood as we walked side by side.

"Where you going?" I asked, fixing the strap on my shoulder.

"Uh, Monday, B track." He replied, taking out his earphones.

"What do you mean? It's Thursday." I chuckled.

"It's Thursday?" He halted, turning to me.

"Yeah... Oh, god, what happened to your eye, Peter?" I questioned worriedly, cupping his cheek.

"What?" Peter mumbled, placing his hand over mine.

"Your eye, it's bruised?" I said, examining it.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, no. I don't know. Maybe I got a rash or..." He trailed off, shrugging and I let go of his jaw.

"But you're ok?" I made sure.

"Mhm... I'm all good. Y-you don't have to worry, Gemma." He reassured me.

"Um... do you like branzino? Like a fish." I asked out of the blue.

"Oh, mhm. No, no. I know. I know." He nodded his head.

"Well, if you want, I'll text you the address and time later. My mother's making branzino." I smirked.

"Yeah, sure." He had a small smile on his face, one no one had seen in days.

"All right, I'll see you tonight." I turned around, going to class but not before glancing back at him. Most classes we had been the same but not this one.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I was wearing a dark red crop top and black wide sweatpants. I was waiting for Peter, drawing and doodling on my bed. Suddenly I heard tapping on my window. I looked up, seeing Peter out on the fire escape. I stood up, walking over. I lifted the window up, staring at him in confusion.

"Hi." I giggled, "You know this is the fire escape right?"

"Y-yeah, I came u-up by it. The doorman's intimidating." He stated, coming through the window.

"You walked up 20 stories?" I asked, seeing through his lie.

"Yeah, it's fine." Peter nodded, looking around my room. "This is your room."

"Uh-huh." I hummed.

"Drawings... Clothes." He muttered and I grinned.

"You have your suit?" I questioned.

"My suit?" He repeated, staring at me deeply.

"No? Good, I like your style." I smirked, and I saw a tint of pink creep up his cheeks.

"Hey, Gem-" My father said, opening my door. I turned my head slowly, trying to seem calm. "You must be Peter."

"Yeah, Peter Parker." I introduced him. I looked at Parker, silently telling him to take his hand.

He stepped forward, shaking his hand. "Hey. Nice to meet you, sir."

"Nice to meet you. Dinner's ready. Hope you like branzino." My dad stated.

"Who doesn't?" Peter chuckled.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"George, tell us about your day." My mother said as Simon helped Peter with his fish. Philip, Howard and Simon are my three brothers.

"Oh, yeah, Dad. Did you catch that spider guy yet?" Howard asked, turning to my father at the end of the table. There was some guy around the city, going after bad guys name Spider-Man, dad clearly did not like him and I don't exactly understand why.

"No, we didn't catch him yet, but we will. He's an amateur who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. He's clumsy, he leaves clues, but he's still dangerous." My dad shook his head.

"He's assault- He's assaulting people?" Peter repeated and Philip smirked from beside Gwen. I looked up at Peter, worried. No one ever questioned my father in his line of work. "I'm not sure. I mean, I saw that video with him and the car thief, and I think most people would say that he was... providing a public service."

"Most people would be wrong." Dad said after a second. "If I wanted the car thief off the street, he'd already be off the street."

"So, why wasn't he, then?" He asked in a kind of rude manner. We all stared at Peter and my father.

"Let me illuminate you. See, the car thief was leading us to the people who run the entire operation. It's been a six-month-long sting. This is called strategy. I'm sure you're aware of the term 'strategy'. You've probably heard about that in school?"

"Yeah." He nodded quietly as I ate my dinner.

"Good." I looked over at my mother, and she mouthed to me: 'I know'.

"Well, obviously, he didn't know you had a plan."

'Y-y-you seem to know an awful lot about this case. You know something that we don't know? I mean, whose side are you on here?" Dad spluttered, annoyed.

"I'm not on anyone's side. I saw a video on the Internet-"

"Oh. You saw the video on the Internet. Well, then case is closed." He interrupted Peter, looking around the table at us. Once he looked at me, I gave him a stern look. I was annoyed at both of the two.

"Well, no. I'm just saying. Maybe I should send you a link? It looks like he's really trying to help." Peter continued as Philip laughed and Gwen whispered to me.

"You have to do something, Gem." She suggested or advised.

"Yeah, sure. On the Internet, he's being made out to look like some kind of masked hero or something."

"No, no. I'm not saying he's a hero. I don't think he's a hero at all." Parker shook his head.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying, he's trying to help, that it looks like he's trying to do something maybe the police can't." When Peter said that, it came out as an... insult.

"Something that police can't?" Father repeated, insulted.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"What do you think we do all day? Think we just sit around eating doughnuts, with our thumb planted firmly up our asses?" Dad said loudly.

"George-" Mom called out.

"Dad-" I started.

"That what you think we do down there?"

"Up your what, dad?" Howard asked.

"Howard." Mom warned.

"I think he stands for what you stand for, sir. Protecting innocent people from the bad guys."

"I stand for law and order, son. That's what I stand for, okay? I-I wear a badge. This guy wears a mask like a... You know, like an outlaw. He's hunting down a bunch of criminals who all look the same, like he's got some sort of personal vendetta. But he's not protecting innocent people, Mister Parker."

"Peter, could you come with me?" I asked politely.

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