Like a ninja

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There was one thing that just really stressed me out and that was awkward silence. Steve and I had known each other at one point. We had been friends, like really good friends. But, now we were complete strangers. He had changed, I had changed, nothing really terrible went down between us. It just seemed we had different priorities and personalities now, and that was ok. He moved on from the friendship and so did I... or so I thought. Some part of me wanted him to say something right then and there. Maybe if him and Nancy worked out we could be friends again, like we would go back to the way things were before. The truth is I hated things being awkward between us. Yes, he was an idiot with an ego bigger then his hair, but he didn't always used to be that way. And deep down, I hope that person is still there.  It never made sense to me how you could go from knowing everything about each other's life, to people who could barely say a word to one another.

The tension was killing me. One of us had to say something... "what's with you and Nancy" I blurted out.

"Oh uh, she's um cool I guess. We've been hanging out I guess you could say"

He seemed just as awkward and uncomfortable and that somehow in a weird way brought some comfort to me.

"Do you like her"

"I think I do"

"Good, good"

We were left in awkward silence once more. Honestly why is it so hard to talk to Steve without a buffer person there to help carry the conversation.  It seemed like this kid in class could never shut up... so what is the difference now.

Steve cut off my thoughts "y/n are we good?"

"Yeah, I mean why wouldn't we be" I scoffed.

Deep down I wanted to say no and spill all my past feelings about him leaving me in the dust to become a popular jerk but, today was not the day. And for that matter it would never be time for that. I think it's better to live in complete oblivion rather then discuss this. Maybe it wasn't the healthy option, but it was the best in the moment and I would take that. It was not the time or place for that closure.

"You know, with me getting closer with Nancy, you should come sit with me and my friends at lunch. I think it would be good for us... and Nancy of course you know" Steve reassured.

"Yeah sure I'll be there."

Nancy was quickly approaching us... Thank god. I couldn't do much more of this.

"You know your a certified genius and don't need those flash cards. Big waste of time those things are Wheeler" Steve joked.

"Stop being such an idiot Steve Harrington" she flirted back.

"See you around Henderson" Steve said as he hopped into the drivers seat of his car.

As the love birds hopped into the seats of the  car I waved back, and slid into the drivers seat of my vehicle.
Things may have been awkward with Steve still, but at least he was trying to make an effort.


Later that night at the Henderson house

Nancy had just gotten off the phone telling me that her plans to meet up with Steve tonight were off . Her mother placed her and her brother under house arrest until Will Byers was found.

Will Byers was one of my brother's best friends. He was the quiet one of their little friend group. It was definitely scary to hear that one of Dustin's friends were missing. Dustin hadn't really talked about this with me yet but, I could tell he was stressed. The four of them were so close and I absolutely hated to see them separated like this.

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