Winter Snow

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Book 2: Winter Snow
Written by: "Reiko Ayanami"

Dedicated in memory of Mommo and Poppo

An eerie fog crept silently across the empty streets of Fumizaki. The sun was still a few minutes or so away from peeking over the horizon, but the sky was already turning from black to a dark teal blue, signaling its imminent approach. In the distance, a bird began chirping quietly as it woke up. All was silent, peaceful, and serene...


Well, it was...

"Come ONNNNN!!!" Groaned a sweat-soaked Usoko Tachibana, her pink hair tied in a short ponytail as she sprinted down the cracked sidewalk, her footsteps echoing in the early morning air. Dressed in a white and pink top, black and pink athletic shorts and knee high socks, she had been at this for the past two hours, running laps around the park.

"I understand it's important to stay in shape and all; really, I do, but do I SERIOUSLY gotta be up this early to do it???"

Condensing out of the early morning fog came the shimmering, smiling face of Sarah O'Malley, the silver-haired Banshee who had been Usoko's nemesis for a short time. Nowadays, she lived in the young girl's apartment, with Nonami Ise, a quiet and intelligent Vampire with recently-discovered familial ties to Usoko, and Rei Kobayashi, a Red Oni whose greater skills included klutziness and a heart of gold, renting the unit next door.

"Aye Us'ko," she chuckled in her typical Irish brogue, "Ya need t'do it now t'avoid us bein' seen. 'Sides, it's good fer th' soul it is!"

The pinkette giggled softly to herself.
"Soul, huh? Well I guess you'd know, wouldn't ya?" She teased, picking up the pace just a little.

In response to that quip, the spectral girl manifested a transparent hand and bonked Usoko on the back of the head.

"Y'wanna say that again, lassie?" She teased right back, blowing an ephemeral raspberry at the girl, "Maybe ya fergot who's the one who kicked yer lil' pink butt last time!"

"Oh, ha hah," laughed Usoko sardonically, rolling her eyes, "Yeah, that fight totally wasn't one-sided at all. A spirit versus a human. Totally legit. Also I was still hospitalized, so just what in the hell??"

"Yer just jealous a' me phasin' skillz," she replied, mentally shaking her butt, "And I kept ta my word, didn't I? I toldja I'd stay physical. Y'just never asked how long I'd stay that way!"

"Why you little..." Mumbled Usoko as the two arrived at the towering structure that was Ayanami Industries HQ.
In truth, both the building and company were a front for the organization GARDNA, a worldwide peacekeeping organization dedicated to protecting Monsterkind from Humans and vice versa.

Entering the main lobby, they were greeted by the familiar face of Nonami, tired as ever.

"Don't worry," she sighed with a small smile when Usoko asked why she was up so close to dawn, "My shift ended half an hour ago, but Mrs. Nekomoto wanted me to stay long enough for this meeting, she does so hate to repeat herself."

About that time, the doors opened and yet another familiar face joined the group. It was Rei, looking even more bedraggled than Nonami, though for the exact opposite reason, as she stumbled into the room.

"I jus... jus' wog'gup," she slurred, rubbing the sleep out of her bloodshot eyes, "f'rgot... t'lk... s'tn al'rm... blrrrrrg..."
Collapsing into a nearby chair, Rei immediately began snoring, much to the bemusement of the final arrival: Emiko Ayame.

Chrono X Angel, Book 2: Winter SnowWhere stories live. Discover now