Chapter 4

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Usoko stared befuddled at the article of clothing in her hands. According to Nonami, this was supposed to be specially-designed Arctic gear that would enable the wearer to survive in near triple-digit negative temperatures, but to her it just looked like a hot pink spandex jumpsuit. It did not even have a hood, for crying out loud!

"Ugh, I am not wearing this," she muttured, tossing it aside, "I just can not deal with anything skin-tight..."

"I dunno," said Emiko from the next changing room over as she slipped into her own suit, "I rather like it. And it's not skin-tight, Uso-Chan. 'Form-fitting' would be the better term for it I think."

Usoko rolled her azure eyes. What's the difference...

"Yeah, maybe for you Ms. Slender, but..."
She sighed, gazing down at the persistent belly pudge that had been refusing to go away.
"It just shows off more than I'm... really comfortable with, y'know?"

Stepping out of the room, Emiko walked over to Usoko's, her back turned to the already-closed door so as to give the girl a bit more privacy.

"I understand, Uso-Chan. You can sit this one out, if you like. Or, perhaps I can talk to Mrs. Nekomoto about getting you something else to wear."
She paused, mulling over whether or not she should add what she was thinking.
"But... I'm sure you'd look cuter than you give yourself credit for. Would you mind at least giving it a try? For me?"

The pinkette nodded hesitantly.
"On one condition, though. You explain to me how the heck these are supposed to keep us warm?"

"Oh that's simple," responded Emiko as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "They're lined with the same compound Oni excrete to aid in our own temperature regulation!"

"Sooooo it's made of Oni sweat?" Asked Usoko, gagging a little, "No offense Emi, seriously, but that's....."

"It's not our sweat!!!" Emiko practically shouted, "it's-!! ...okay maybe it sort of is, but it's scientifically proven to keep you warm. And it's artificial anyway, not like you'll be wrapped up in some random codger's... well anyway."

Grimacing a bit, Usoko figured she might as well bite the bullet.
"I can... at least keep my panties on right?"

"Obviously," sighed Emiko.

A few moments later, Usoko emerged.
"W-well..." she whispered hesitantly, feeling more than a little self-conscious in the somewhat revealing outfit.
"How do I look?"

Emiko could not help but gulp when she saw her in a matching, albeit pink, version of the same outfit. Did... did her heart just skip a beat??

"Emi-Chan, are you feeling alright? You're bright red."

"I-I'm..." her voice was hoarse, and she could barely form words for a moment before collecting herself, "Yes, yes I'm fine... as for you, I'd say you look good as well, Uso-Chan," she continued, circling Usoko, "Maybe a bit snug around your butt, though..."

"Hey!!" Yelled Usoko, "I-I can't help it!!"

"Oi. Would you ladies please keep it down," called a familiar British voice from down the hall, "You're giving me a bloody headache..."

A moment later none other than Modred Pendragon, the Human leader of GARDNA who had temporarily relocated herself to Fumizaki for a time, came strutting in. Her blonde hair was kept in its usual messy ponytail, but instead of the semi-casual suit she had been wearing the last time Usoko saw her, she was now wearing a green Arctic suit.

"Oh, hey Ms. P...Pend.."

"Pendragon, Ms. Tachibana," sighed Modred. How many times was she going to have to correct her?

Chrono X Angel, Book 2: Winter SnowWhere stories live. Discover now