Part 1

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  For GG, my little grandma, know that I love you and will miss you so very much.

"Kasha!?" Mort calls out to me again.

  It is the third time he has called me, but I am not motivated to answer him. It has been at least a fortnight since the incident with Sadie. Mort has insisted on some down time for the both of us after the run in with the witch. While he has been able to 'work from home', receiving updates from his reapers from time to time, I have been lowered to the activities of a domestic house cat.

  At first, it was fine with me, even enjoyable. A distant memory of the forever pet shop coming to mind of when I was allowed a reprieve in between the next home or "con" so to speak. I spent my days lazing about in the shop window in a hammock, enjoying the sunshine and mostly relative peace one could find in the noisy shop full of creatures; non-magical and supernatural alike. I had not a care in the world and pushed everything that had happened, as well as the knowledge I learned about myself recently to the back of my mind. I had time to process all of it later I thought to myself in the first week or two after being home.

  After a couple weeks of lazy relaxation, I quickly became bored and by the end of the third week I was restless and a touch cranky. I felt that I had more than enough time to relax as well as review and process the past events (though really, I didn't bother to review said events really). I was ready to move on. Now, fifth week going in of the same thing different day, I am on edge and beyond irritated. I love Mort and his company, but I hate that he is keeping me cooped up in the cabin. I understand his reasons for the needed downtime, not just for me but him too, but I feel more like his prisoner and he's my warden the last few days. No going out for meals, no going out for walks in our forest around our home, and I'm sure as hell not allowed in any of the meetings he has with his reapers when they come to give reports. I'm simply supposed to relax and rest as much as possible. But I've had all I can take of the Zen nature Mort has forced upon me and am about ready to tell him where he can shove it.

  "Little One? Where have you gotten to my Little Kasha??" Mortimer's voice sounds amused, but I can detect the hint of worry behind it. With a heavy sigh, I leave my hiding place from under the papasan chair and go out to the front porch where Mortimer has been calling me.

  "What do you want Mort?" I phrase it as a question but, I already know what he wants. My voice is bored, as well as resigned, at insistent checking on me every hour of the day.

  Mortimer turns on the spot, both relieved to see me and annoyed that he knows I heard him calling me, but I've just now made my presence known. He frowns for a moment obviously holding back some retort.

  With a forced smile he says, "There you are my little one." Mort's smile may be strained but I can see the genuine affection in his eyes. He may be irritated with me but, he is sincerely happy to see me. It's a small comfort that he puts up with my moodiness that I quietly accept his mother hen mode sometimes.

  Mort is beside me in a few strides and without asking, he scoops me up and cradles me against his chest. I allow it, knowing that even after a few weeks from the ordeal we went through, he needs the physical contact to know I'm here with him and safe. I also don't bother protesting because I find his closeness comforting and we are also at home so there is no one to see how he coddles me close to him.

  "My little Kasha we are to receive a visitor this afternoon. I just wanted to make sure you were up to a visit before accepting the summons." Mort speaks softly and soothingly but, I catch the worry in his tone, again for the thousandth time, for me. I want to roll my eyes at him, but then as if a light bulb goes off in my head, I stiffen as his words sink in. A summons. This would usually mean we are to leave and answer the call, not receive in our home. There are very few beings that would bother to come to us.

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