Part 4

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  I blink once as I gather my bearings and take in my surroundings as I search for any threats in the immediate area. Traveling in an instance isn't unpleasant but it always does make me wary as I never know what I could be walking into by suddenly appearing in one place. With Phoebe's heat next to me I also feel as though I should be even more alert and ready for any danger. I don't like the feeling. I can take care of myself simply fine as well as Mort can too but, with a helpless young creature strapped to my side it changes things. Despite already knowing there would be consequences from the Goddess, Bastet, I also in my own heart that I couldn't, wouldn't let something innocent be harmed if I could help it. Especially when its left in my charge and not just nature taking its course of life.

  Mortimer reaches up to pat my paws a couple of times. I look to his face and notice the slight grimace marring his otherwise smooth features. Gazing down as he pats my toes a second time, I realize my claws have elongated into razor-wire sharp talons that are digging through his coat and into his flesh. Surprised and shocked, I quickly release him, relieved to see my nails shrink back to their normal size. I study my toes for a second longer, I've never seen my claws grow to such lengths and size before and it's baffling. I know that I have certain magic to me, but I've never really had the chance or thought to explore it in depth. I've also never paid much attention to what I can do when emotions take over and how my magic reacts. When that has happened, I usually chose to forget the situation all together.

  Someone clears their throat and Phoebe squeaks at the sound. I whip my head up to scan the area again but relax almost immediately when I see who is in the room with us. Lucifer sits across from us behind a large dark wooden antique desk in an equally large leather high back chair.

  "Welcome back to Hell Kasha." His grin is as charming as it is dangerous, but I find no hidden agenda in his eyes and his tone is truly welcoming.

  I grin coyly back at him, "Hello Lucy."

  Mort stiffens at my informal greeting of a deity, but Lucifer only throws his head back and laughs a deep, full belly laugh.

  Once his delight at my salutation subsides, he gives me a wicked smile. "If you ever tire of Death as your companion know that you are always welcomed here my dear."

  I smile back at the devil but Mort frowns at him. "Kasha has free will to choose wherever she wishes to go but, I would kindly like if you didn't try to persuade her from my side Lucifer."

  I purr and rub against Mort's neck as I whisper, "No worries, Death, you're stuck with me."

  This seems to mollify Mortimer, but the devil doesn't miss a thing or a beat. He smiles a genuine smile with a hint of sadness that flashes through his coal black eyes.

  "Never fear my dear Death, your Kasha is loyal to you, and you are alone. One cannot blame me for wanting such a companion of own though." He swivels in his chair at that moment and quickly but gracefully comes around the desk to stand before us. "Little Kasha, I'm glad to see you doing so well considering the state you were in the last time we met." He smiles once more for me and then cast his eyes on to Mort. "Now on to business. Since we have last spoke Death, the souls I discussed with you have now taken over the deepest pits. Those pits are holding the most tortured and demented of souls." He lifts one manicured eyebrow high as if to emphasize his point.

  Mort runs a hand over his face and lets out a frustrated sigh. "Have you or any of your employees not been able to try to contain or block them off in anyway?"

  The Devil gives him a sinister look followed by a slight smile. If Mort weren't Death himself, I might be worried that the Devil's glare could kill him. "These are not normal souls Mr. Mortimer, as I have already explained to you. If they were, I wouldn't have need of you right now." He says coolly. "These souls are unnatural and seem to have more power here than my top lieutenants. Anytime I try to contain them myself they manage to elude me at every damn turn. It's almost like they are cursed or have a spell on them that helps them elude me in my own territory!" His voice rises to such heights that my hair stands up involuntary. Lucifer runs a hand roughly through his slicked back hair. "These souls don't belong here and if anything, their being here seems to heighten their ability for chaos and havoc. If it continues much longer, I'll have a mutiny on my hands. As it is, I've already had to silence a dozen of my best to keep the insurgence to a dull roar."

  Mort stiffens at the news. "Insurgence? Did you summon me and my companion here in the middle of a revolt Lucifer?"

  Lucifer shrugs and give a nonchalance wave of his hand. "Its's not a full-blown rebellion Death. I just have a few who are questioning my capabilities and I can't have that." He smooths his hair back neatly with the same hand he waved Mort off as he leans against his desk. "Besides, I wouldn't be having these issues if your reaper had done its job."

  I can hear Mort grind his teeth in agitation. "Yes Devil, I'm aware of my reaper failing at his delivery but, what you don't seem to understand is that you could have called the reaper back instead of me. According to my reaper this is where they were meant to be. And just because I have to answer your summons doesn't mean I work for you." Mort glares icily at the devil. "You are low on the food change Lucifer. There are much higher deities that command me, and you are not one of them."

  The Devil smiles a salacious smile. "I'm aware of my place in the chain of command Death. But whether it be a reaper or you to deliver a soul to anywhere, any deity has a right to call upon you if they receive the wrong package. Either way it is still your problem to fix." Lucifer grins at Mortimer.

  Mort grimaces at the devil and nods grudgingly in acknowledgement.

  Silence ensues for several heartbeats and then some. The quiet becomes so much that Phoebe shivers. Without thinking, I reach down to nuzzle and lick her upon her tiny head. Lucifer tilts his head to the side but doesn't comment. Between the 'motherly worry' over my tiny phoenix and the ice cool attitude in the room, I feel my temper flare and heat blooming from me to my immediate surroundings. Mort stills and I know he can feel the temperature change. The type of magic that comes from my high emotions is not one I'm particularly familiar with as it has happened rarely and remind myself to be calm as well as proceed with caution.

  With a mental sigh, I ask the devil, "So you have a couple souls that don't belong here and keep evading you at every turn. Perhaps Mortimer or I need to go and access the situation within your domain to get a better read on these missed placed souls." The devil raises his eyebrow at me while Mort turns to give me a similar look. It doesn't go unnoticed to me that Mort also eyes the tiny bird strapped to me.

  I huff at the both of them as Phoebe squeaks loudly up at me. "Well, unless either of you two brainiacs have a better idea...". Phoebe squeaks again, more loudly this time. I move to soothe her again and look to Mort. We both know that she is most likely hungry and despite me having 'thumbs' of sorts, I have a difficult time feeding her without pulling from my magic. Mort sighs again heavily for what feels like the hundredth time in the last 24 hours.

  With an exaggerated care he scoops me off his shoulder with one hand while gently removing the sling holding Phoebe from me. Not taking his eyes from the tiny bird he says to the devil, "I will help my Kasha with her task first, then I will go out to see what chaos and havoc these misplaced souls have been causing for you Lucifer. While I'm gone, I will need Kasha and her tiny bundle to remain here though."

  Mort keeps his eyes on the baby phoenix even after he's finished speaking. Lucifer eyes the tiny pouch in Death's hands with mild interest but gazes back at me with renewed appreciation.

  I don't like the look he has, and I don't like that Mort wants to leave me behind. That he's leaving me behind as well as Phoebe. But I keep quiet, trusting that he has a plan ready even if I don't like it.

  Lucifer nods once in acknowledgement. "You have my word Mr. Mortimer that while you investigate, your companion can remain here with her phoenix, and they will have my personal protection."

  Mort narrows his eyes but just nods in return. Seemingly satisfied for now.

  I eye the devil myself for a moment, securitizing him for any little tell that he has ulterior motives. But before I can finish, Mort nudges me calling my attention back to him and Phoebe.

  As we feed the phoenix, Mort shares a look with me. I give a brief nod and gaze down at the bird in his hands before sneaking a peek over at the Devil. He's watching us with mild interest. Looking back at Mort I nod subtly once more. Despite the Devil's word we may not be safe here.

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