Part 6

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  At least a couple hours have gone by as Mortimer has caught us up on the events that lead him back to us as well as the Devil replaying our side of things while he was gone. I have chosen to remain silent during the exchange and instead have put all my attention towards Phoebe.

  Despite the distress she showed at times earlier and the wild rage that I displayed in front of her, she somehow still coos and squawks at me demanding my attention and no one else's. Amazingly, somehow within the last few hours she has grown again and the pouch she was in earlier now barely contains her. Soft red and gold feathers adore her small frame, and she's gone from a just a little hand full in her pouch to being almost able to ride upon my back steadily with no help. I knew from the pet shop that a lot of paranormal creatures grew faster than their non-paranormal counter parts put Phoebe was something of an anomaly at the rate that she was growing. Still at one point while Death and the devil were talking, Mort had strapped a harness of sorts around me. Something that Nick had brought over in his care package for Phoebe. It for our little ruby gold bird to cling to when she was not in her pouch.

  "I don't understand Death. You're telling me that these souls are even able to ignore you and still cause an uprising in my domain?" the devil sounded more tired than annoyed. "How is this possible? Are you not the reaper of all souls??"

  Mort let out his own weary sigh as he reached over to adjust the pouch strapped to my side. "Yes, but it is not that simple Lucifer. I reap the souls but once they reach a domain and are taken possession of then it is no longer my concern and I usually have no power, so to speak, over them. "

  The Devil huffed, looking crossly at Death but didn't say a word. Mort sighed once more before looking straight on at him.

  "There have been times that souls have been delivered to the wrong after but usually those accepting the soul know beforehand whether or not they are meant for their domain. Its beyond rare that once a soul is accepted that my reapers or I must come back to recollect the soul. The few times this has happened the ruler of the domain/realm, still has the soul firmly in hand and is able to give the soul back to us. I've honestly never heard of one soul, let alone three souls, slipping into the wrong after. They almost seem like the type that belong to Loki for as much havoc as they are wrecking here."

  Lucifer rolls his eyes. "I would know if they belonged to that Jokester. And my assistant signed for the souls for me that day. But as far as I'm told there was nothing amiss with the souls at the time." He sits back in his chair and steeples his hands together, thinking for a moment. "IS there any other God that they may belong to that would cause this much destruction and chaos? Perhaps the God of War, or even Hades? Goodness knows he takes almost anything into his town no matter what they are. He revels in the destruction the souls do to one another." The Devil shutters in mock disgust.

  I cannot fathom his reaction since he seems to take all different types of souls into his own "town" as well. Come to think of it most of the deities take in different types. The only difference is the mark they bare upon their death which directs the reapers where they are intended. However, there are few deities that will take in souls that are 'stained'. For the most part each religion/non-religion has a certain god/goddess that takes in all souls. Only certain select souls would be allowed to enter a center deities realm.

  Mort and Lucy go back and forth over which domain the souls might belong to, to the point that both Phoebe and I squawk and hiss at the same time. Both males look over at us with a mixture of shock and restrained amusement.

  "Enough already! It's obvious that Mort is unable to collect the same souls you have also failed to contain. And it also seems obvious that someone that is not tied down to their title or job description needs to fetch and corral these souls, yes?" I wait impatiently for an answer for one or both, thumping both my tails for good measure.

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