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𝐂𝐡 𝟐 —— 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐬

[messages: Kiyoomi Sakusa and Chiharu Konishi]


It's been so long

How is my favorite
underclassman doing!??

I'm alright. My
shoulder's been feeling
stiff lately. Maybe I've
overworked. I'll rest
a bit after returning
from All-Japan.

How's the
upperclassman I
feel slightly above
average toward doing?!?

Hm, well, Kiryu is
doing great, thanks
for asking

I was referring
to you.

That's a tad bit
hurtful isn't it?

I gave you such
great advice last

I deserve some
points for that
at least. I'm
willing to take
"one of my favorite
upperclassmen" as
a title.

Yes, but we've
only really met
each other in
real life three
or four times.

Right, and already
I consider you
to be my favorite
underclassman and
expect the affection
to be returned 🙄


Anyway, hope your
shoulder gets better.
How's All-Japan going?

I met the setter
from Karasuno
High School.

He's difficult to get
along with. Everyone's
difficult to get along

Aw, I'm sorry

Don't patronize me.

Wasn't trying to~
It's hard to convey
tone through text.


What about you,
have you been
selected for the
youth national


Easier said than

They're still waitlisting

It's been a really
long time.

Tell me about it!

Do you have a
back-up plan for
if you don't get



That's efficient.

Now that I think
about it, I've never
considered doing
anything other than
going pro after
high school.

No college?

Probably not. Don't
really understand
why people voluntarily
go to school right
after finishing school

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