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𝐂𝐡 𝟏𝟎 —— 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬

[messages: Kiyoomi Sakusa and Chiharu Konishi]

[February 12, 2013 00:00]

Happy birthday Haru.

How does it
feel to be 18?



GAH! Sorry I
missed your message

Thank you for the
birthday wishh~

You worried me.

You were the one
that expected a
response at 12
o'clock 😗

Ugh, fair.

I got you a present.
Check your door
periodically today,
should be shipped


Just as I thought
you couldn't get
any more fabulous

What can I say 😉

Woah, who is this
charming prince?
Give Kiyoomi back

Uh, this is Kiyoomi 🤴

Sorry again for
earlier. I was talking
to my mom

Okay. What were
you talking about?

Actually, you


What specifically?

Does she like me?

Relax, she still thinks
you're great

Besides, I know she
already has a solid
impression of you

When I first told
her we were together,
her immediate
response was "the
Sakusa on the TV?"
as if I wasn't on
the volleyball channel
at one point too 😭

For what it's worth,
my feature aired a
solid month before

Ah yes, that's
why she loves
you more than me


How is she holding up?

Pretty good, I guess.
Thinking about
taking a trip
with her friends
sometime soon

Speaking of
which, I have a
surprise for you

Do tell.

Since I'm sure
you got me something
amazing for my
birthday, I was
thinking for YOURS
I could fly over to
Tokyo and we could
hang out for a
couple of days.

Come on, it's
genius. School ends
on March 18th and
your birthday is
the 20th, right?


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