Chapter 3

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Allison spends the entire night struggling to sleep thinking about the note she had found on her car that Chad Bradshaw had left. She gets out of bed, and checks her phone. "Only three in the morning!" She says in anguish. She tries to think back when she was chasing Chad, and what she had seen when he disappeared. "I'm going back there." She says to herself. She gets dressed, grabs her keys, goes to her car, and heads back to that same alley. She puts on her vest, and puts the gun in the holster. She goes back to the exact spot she noticed Chad had disappeared. She looks around at all surroundings seeing nothing, but walls, trash, and dumpsters. "Where did you go Chad?" She asks herself. She wanders around the alley trying to find any clue as to where Chad could have disappeared to. She hears a trash can get knocked over, and she pulls out her gun. She points the gun in the direction of where the sound came from, and sees Jaxson appear. "Whoa, put the gun down Allison!" He says. She lowers her gun, and puts in the back in the holster. "What are you doing here Jaxson?" She asks. He looks around the alley, and responds. "I saw your car here, so I had to find out what you were doing. You can't seriously be thinking about trying to figure this out on your own." Allison lets out a sigh, and turns around walking away from Jaxson. "I wanted to find out where Chad went when I was chasing him, so I figured I would come back here and see what I can find." She explains. Allison continues searching around the alley again trying to find a clue. Jaxson lets out a deep sigh, and walks over to Allison and grabs her arm. "You have to stop Allison. There's nothing here that's gonna help you." He says. She pulls her arm back and turns her back to him. He continues to speak to her. "You're not gonna find him here. It's the middle of the night Allison you should call it a night." She turns back to face him frustrated. "I don't need your help Jaxson, so just leave me alone and let me figure this out." She says in anger. Jaxson stands in place and scoffs. "You can't fight this alone Allie." He says in response. She crosses her arms and looks down at the ground and starts walking to her car. "Where are you going?" Asked Jaxson. She doesn't respond and continues to walk away. She gets back in her car, and speeds off heading back home.

She returns home and stays her car for a moment with tears building in her eyes. "Damn it!" She shouts as she hits the steering wheel multiple times. She feels her phone vibrating and picks up to see a unknown number calling her. She declines the call at first, but the phone rings again instantly to the unknown number calling again. She answers. "Hello?" She hears a mysterious voice on the other end. "I told you to just let me go, but you didn't wanna listen. Stand down now Allie, or I will make your life a living hell." The call ends and Allison throws her phone down. She lays her head on the steering wheel, and takes multiple deep breaths. "What do I do?" She asks herself. There's a knock on her window, and she looks up to see Christian standing outside of the car. He asks. "What's the matter sis?" She wipes the tears from her eyes, and gets out of the car. "I'm just not sure of what to do about this case." She answers. He wraps her in a hug, and she rests her head on his shoulders. "If I remember correctly you told me that every case is a mystery, and some are gonna be difficult than others, but no matter what you don't give up and you solve that case." He says to her. She steps back and smiles at her brother. She grabs her stuff out of the car, and they both go inside.

Allison doesn't get any sleep as she spent the remainder of the night on her laptop trying to figure out more about Chad. "What am I missing about you Chad?" She asks herself. She hears her phone ringing and sees John is calling her. "Hey babe!" She says with joy in her voice. John responds by saying. "I'm at the airport now. I should be there in a few hours. She smiles after hearing John say that, and got excited to be able to see him soon. "I love you Allie!" He says to her. She responds. "I love you too!" She hangs up the call and continues to search on her laptop. She closes her laptop, and grabs her keys. Her mom meets her at the bedroom door, and Allison stops dead in her tracks. "Where are you going Allie?" Her mom asks. "I'm going to crack this case mom. I'll be damned if Chad stays on these streets any longer." She responds to her mom. She trie to get by her mom, but she grabs her arm. "Allie, Chad is dangerous!" Her mom says in fear. Allie looks her in the eye very confused. She responds. "I know he's dangerous mom, but someone has to stop him, and that person has to be me. He left a note on my car the other night, and just a few hours ago he called me saying that I should let him go, or he's gonna make my life a living hell. That son of a bitch is not gonna threaten me, and expect to get away with it." Her mom lets go of her arm, so Allison can leave. Allison gets into her car to head to the cafe.

She arrives at the cafe, and notices Jaxson sitting at a table by himself. "Hey!" She says to him as she approaches his table. He looks up at her with a cup of coffee in his hand. She sits down at the table across from him. She lets out a deep sigh and says. "I'm sorry for how i acted last night Jaxson. I was just so frustrated with trying to find Chad that I was losing focus on everything else around me." Jaxson is stopped before he can speak when his phone rings. "This is Crowe!" He says as he answers the phone. Allison sees a look of concern on his face as his call continues. He hangs up the phone and quickly gets up from the table. "Where are you going?" Asks Allison. Jaxson responds. "There's been an explosion at the airport. I gotta get there quickly." Allison follows him out the cafe, and she follows him in her car. They speed to the airport, and arrive shortly after to see fire and smoke covering the Florida sky.

The run over to where Police Officers are gathered and the chief notices them. "Crowe, thank goodness you're here." Says the Chief. He notices Allison standing next to Jaxson. "Allison Dempsey FBI!" She says. He catches them up on what he knows so far. "How many casualties?" Jaxson asks. Chief replies. "50 dead and 100 wounded so far. We are still investigating the scene to see if there are more casualties." Allison looks around at the damage that the explosion caused. She sees Jaxson walking around the bodies of those who were killed in the explosion and sees name tags on all of them. Jaxson kneels down next to one of the bodies. Allison looks confused at Jaxson wondering why he was kneeled next to that particular body. He stands back up and starts walking back toward Allison with a shocked look on his face. "What is it Jaxson? What's going on?" She asks. He lets out a long sigh and finally responds. "Allie you're not gonna like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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