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A/N: Another Castle oneshot.
Title: Sleep
Summary: Kate gets Rick to sleep.
Characters: Rick, Kate.
Pairings: Rick/Kate.
POVs: Third person
Chapter count: 1.

Kate smiles as she watches Rick types on his laptop, only pausing to take sips of coffee that's beside him. She loves seeing him in his element but she also likes seeing him well-rested.

"Rick?" Kate says, finally getting his attention. Rick lifts his head from his work and looks at her. "Kate, it's late, you should be in bed." Rick says to her, Kate laughs as she enters the office. "So should you, come on." Kate orders in her cop voice as she says. Rick gets up, not bothering to turn his screen off, and follows Kate to the bedroom. It doesn't take long for Rick to fall asleep with Kate wrapped in his arms.

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