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    Dream woke up to see it was almost three in the morning. Crying and freaking out definitely drained him, he felt almost numb as he sat up. He stood opening the door to head to the bathroom but he noticed Sapnap's light was still on. "Go see him." He was way to tired to argue with his head right now so he did so, knocking on the door and waiting a moment before it swung open. "Dream you okay?" Sap asked eyebrows knit in concern as he spoke. "My nose is stuffy." The blond spoke with a slur of lingering sleep. The younger of the two couldn't help but chuckle.  "Do you need anything besides a tissue?" "Cuddles!" Dream's brain yelled at him. "Can I just hang out for a little?" "Of course." Sap moved to let the blond in the room. He sat on the end of Sap's bed swinging his feet subconsciously. "What are you doing still up?" He looked at Sap trying to ignore how the more he wakes up the more his nerves burn. "Post stream zoomies." Sap said sitting in the middle of his mattress causing the blond to become hyper aware of how close they where sitting now. Sure there was a good nine inches between them but Dream feels like they where moments away from touching. "Why where you so upset earlier?" Sap asked after a moment of comfortable silence, his voice almost a whisper casing a small chill to rake Dreams body. The blond just stayed quiet pursing his lips avoiding the others face as his face heated up. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to Dream." Sap smiled warmly before placing his hand on Dream's shoulder. "I've just been really overwhelmed. It's not you're fault but I'm not used to sharing a place just yet and it gets to me a little. I guess I've just been ignoring it lately and it bubbled over." Dream was surprised with how he can stay so calm with Sap making contact while he was having a meltdown over it just a few hours ago. He chalked it up to it being just his shoulder and not his chest or wrist. "You should take some time off for mental health. I can finish that video you where working on if you want me to." Sap offered getting a chuckle out of the other man. "I actually finished it yesterday." The blond looked down at his hands face heating up a bit. "I knew you only came into my room because you got boarded all by yourself." The younger chuckled ruffling Dreams hair, and there's that burning pin pricks he's come to relate with Sapnap.
   Dream woke up not bothering to open his eyes, he was far to comfy to get up get until he felt something off. He opened his eyes, he was in Sap's room, in his bed. "What!?" He practically jumped up into the air looking around. He was alone, he stood heading to his room and finding Sap asleep in his bed. "Lay next to him." Chirped his brain and like a fool he did. His body vibrated with how close Sap was to him. His eyes scanned Sap's sleeping face, the raven haired boy's eyebrows knit together and his jaw grinding his teeth together. Dream cringed at this trying to stop him by placing a hand on his jaw. Sap sleepily leaned into the touch, the blond was positive if the rolls where reversed right now he would of woken up face hot and red at the affection. He was shocked when he felt Sap's hands grabbing at his hips, wrapping him into his chest. "S-Sap!" He gasped face going red all the way down to his neck. Sap on the other hand just held him closer nuzzling the top of his head before stopping. "Punz?" All the air left Dream's body as he spoke. "What?" Sap stirred before opening his eyes. "Oh Dream! Sorry I was sleeping in your bed you fell asleep in mine." Sap spoke gravely with his morning voice, the blond was practically buzzing at it but his stomach still dropped as he stared out frozen. "Punz?" He finally looked up at the younger who's eyes where wide as his face turned crimson. "I uh- bye." Sap scrambled out of the room leaving Dream to just panic. He refused to push it though just leaving the other alone. What the hell is going on?
    Dream was sitting on his pc messing with some old code he had waiting on his files when his discord rang. "Hello?" He answered without even looking at who it was. "Yo Dream do you know Sap keeps telling me you're acting weird?" It was Punz, Dream felt jealousy rise in his gut at the man's voice. "He said that? Funny because he's been acting weird lately." He snapped back unable to control his tone. "What do you mean?" "Oh I don't know letting me fall asleep in his bed, going to sleep in mine and when I tried to wake him up he started cuddling me. He called me by you're name. So yah he's been acting pretty fucking weird." The blond was about to hang up after that when he heard Punz break into laughter. "Oh my god of course he did." Dream sat in confusion just letting out a "huh" sound. "Ok don't tell him I told you this but, Nick's been questioning his sexual orientation so we've been 'experimenting'." Punz said all this like it was no big deal. "What do you mean by that?" Dream sneered digging his nails into his scalp out of habit. "Just kissing and cuddling it's not like we're fucking." The man on the other line chuckled at the sigh of relief Dream let slip. "What? You trying to get in Sap's pants?" He joked only to hear the blond choke on air and sputter. "I- no- I mean I'm not-" "Ok ok calm down your gonna blow a boos vesicle or something." Punz said putting his headphones on to avoid prying ears. "Dream what is going on?" "I don't know..." the blond sighed placing his hot face into his hands. "Okay because it sounds like you're having a gay crisis right now." Dream hated the fact his friends knew him so well, or maybe he was just way to obvious. "Fine I am. It's not like I'm upset because I'm gay it's just... never mind." "No Clay continue I promise not to tell anyone." "I bet that's what you said to Sap." Dream rolled his eyes to himself. "Hay I only told you because you guys live together and I though it'd make you less worried." Punz said back sternly. "Well it just stressed me out more, like the fact that I have a chance to have Sap fuck me wha-" The dirty blond stopped himself before he spilled all his beans." "What was that?" Punz chuckled. "Punz this is serous. You know me I have a control issue yet I've been having fantasies of being dominated by my roommate?" Dream felt the damn in his voice break at the words flooded out. "Like fuck I feel like I'm just gonna burst into flames when I'm near him, this can't be normal I have to be going crazy right?" Punz sat in silence for a moment. "Dream I think you're a sub."
    Dream hadn't left his room all day he's been staring at his screen trying to do research on what exactly a sub was. He found a clear definition that only made his guilt worse. "A person who is sexually aroused by playing a submissive roll in the bedroom. Examples: being instructed," That's all the blond needed to read before he ended up finding a bunch of videos and pics of people being tied up or led around on a leash. He was about to click on one that caught his eye when he heard his door swing open. "Hay do you want me to order a pizza for d-" Sap froze seeing the screen over Dream's shoulder. "Sub dose whatever I say" spelled out in the pixels. "I'll just order a cheese one." With that the black haired man swiftly left the room, leaving Dream alone to spin back to his screen. That was embarrassing and he's definitely gonna get a lot of questions about the thumbnail of a skinny young man laying naked on a soft looking mattress. Is he really gonna sit here and watch it? Yes, he was, standing up he locked his door and sat back down clicking the link. Clay was too far the rabbit hole to stop now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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