A night at the bar!

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 I sat there, swinging my legs as I drained my beer. The music was great but I just was not in the mood to dance. I am never in the mood to dance, I frowned. Well, only if they played my fav songs, and they were about a handful. Why did I agree to this shit! Turning I spotted one of my friends right in the middle of the dance floor, grinding on a man she had just met. I shook my head, they looked as though they were getting it on right there on the dance floor. And who could blame Sasha? The dude was fine if you like that surfer dude look.

Turning I took another swing at my beer, only to find it empty. ‘Another please,’ I called at the bartender. I turned and scanned for my other friend, Taylor. She was probably somewhere in a dark corner getting cozy with one of the guys as well. Sometimes I wished I was more like them, free and not too uptight.

‘Here you go,’ the bartender called.

Turning I frowned as he placed a red drink in front of me. ‘What’s this?’

‘It’s a sweet-tart lollipop martini.  A gentleman over there sent it over,’ I followed where his finger was pointing. Sitting there, with a tooth smile was a man, maybe in his early 30’s with shaggy sandy hair, an undone black tie and a gray suit jacket. He lifted his glass to me but I ignored him. Turning to the bartender I raised my eyebrows at him. ‘Well, it contains Barcadi lemon rum and…’

‘Stop!’ I raised my hand to him. ‘May I please have a beer. A beer! Not some funny colored drink, just a beer. Simple and easy.’ I took the drink and pushed it to a woman who had just come to the bar. ‘Here, this is for you from that gentleman over there.’ I took my beer and got off the stool.

Walking through bodies that were grinding on the dance floor was not easy but with determination I made it to the other side of the bar, away from Toothy-smile. Finding an empty chair I pulled it and sat. Not five minutes passed before my friend Taylor came falling on me from behind.

‘Sky, there you are!’ she giggled as she slumped down on the seat next to me. ‘It’s hot in here!’ she said as she fanned herself. Taking my beer she downed what was left of it. ‘You are supposed to be having fun, doll, it’s your birthday today!’

I smiled and shook my head. Taylor Benjamin has been my friend for over eight years now. We met in collage, one day at the cafeteria, oh so long ago. Details of our meeting? Well, it all started with a packet of gum and a can of soda. I see you seem confused. I had a packet of gum but wanted soda, she had soda but wanted a packet of gum. And the rest is as they so rightly put it-history.

‘I know and I am enjoying myself,’ I grabbed my bottle back and swung it in front of her face. ‘Where is your dance partner anyway?’

‘Took a bathroom break,’ she leaned in and semi whispered. ‘Did you check him out? Damn, he is fine! Hot steel buns under those trousers of his, I just couldn’t take my hands off them!’

‘I saw,’ I laughed as Taylor laid her head on the table and groaned. ‘Hey, don’t go sleeping on the table, you heard!’

‘Sleep?’ Taylor’s head shot up. ‘Who said anything about sleep? I am waiting for my dark chocolate to get here so we go finish what we started at his place!’

I laughed, ‘you sex-craved bitch!’

‘You don’t mind, do you?’ she reached out and held my hand. ‘This being your birthday and all.’

‘Of course not,’ I reassured her. ‘You go get your groove on and we will meet tomorrow afternoon.’

‘Why not morning?’ she frowned.

I raised my eyebrows at her, ‘will you really be up in the morning, Tay?’

She giggled and shook her head. ‘Oh my gowd! Here he comes! Yummy!’ she licked her lips dramatically.

I shook my head and turned to see her chocolate man.

‘Don’t look!’ Taylor hissed. ‘He will know we are talking about him.’

I ignored her, ‘he already knows that, Tay, we are girls. It’s in our nature to check out our friends’ sex partners of the night,’ I mumbled as I checked him out. He was tall, easily 6’4 with muscles in all the right places, his clothes made sure you saw them. His hair was cut military style, no piercing, no visible tattoo.

‘Are you done checking me out?’ he drawled as he stood right in front of me.

I shook my head, ‘nope. I was told you had some hot buns. Mind turning around so I can check them out?’ I heard Taylor groan. ‘What? It’s my birthday so I can do anything I want.’ I giggled as both Taylor and her chocolate man made sounds. ‘Meaning I can look at his buns, you dirty minded twerps!’

‘In that case,’ he said as he turned.

I touched one and nodded, ‘steel. I’m Skyler, by the way.’

He turned and offered me his hand, his brown eyes dancing with amusement, ‘Travis. And happy birthday, by the way.’

‘Thanks,’ I said, standing up. ‘I got to head home now and get rid of these beers in my head. I have a document I need to send out before 10.’ I scanned the room for Sasha. ‘Please say bye to Sasha for me. Remember, tomorrow at 1. That should give you enough time,’ I reached out and hugged Taylor. ‘Be careful,’ I whispered to her. ‘See you around,  Travis.’

Walking out of the club I took a huge breathe of the fresh air. It was a cool autumn night but the stars were bright. Pulling my denim jacket closer I made my way to my car. Getting there I fumbled with my bag. ‘Fucking key!’ I mumbled as I got it and pulled it out. As if the key had a mind of its own it slipped from my hands and fell to the ground. I closed my eyes and groaned, ‘seriously!’ I bent and picked it up.

‘Need any help?’ a voice from my right drawled. I turned but couldn’t really make out his face because of lack of lighting. He was tall, though, just like Travis but I could not be sure. Dropping his cigarette and stepping on it he walked slowly towards me. His steps were sure and quiet, like a jungle cat stalking its prey. I looked up at him when  he stood in front of me. ‘May i?’ he raised one dark eyebrow at me.

Looking down I noticed his outstretched hand. My hand moved on its own volition and placed my car keys in his. I took in a deep breath, taking in as much of his scent in my lungs as I could. He smelt good. All clean male, with a hint of tobacco from the cigarette he had been smoking. I watched as he leaned in slowly, his eyes blue-green eyes catching the lights from a passing car. The fleeting lights gave me a few minutes to study his face. His hair was cut short, blond but darker than mine.  Opening my door, he turned his face towards mine, a smile playing on his gorgeous lips and I could feel my nipples hardening.

You need a good fuck session; I reprimanded myself as I watched him straighten up.

‘It’s open,’ his voice was deep, sexy and what a woman would like to listen to in the comfort of her bed.

Clearing my throat, as it had gone dry all of a sudden, I smiled as I took my key from him, ‘Thanks.’

With a nod and a wink he started to walk away from me. ‘Wait!’ I called before I could stop myself. He stopped and turned, his eyebrow going up again. Oh that was just sooo sexy! ‘Uhm, you come here often?’ I rolled my eyes at myself. How cheesy could I get?

His lips broke into a small smile, just a hint of it, ‘maybe,’ was all he said as he walked back into the club.

I stood there for a few seconds, watching his retreating back, wanting to run after him and taste those lips, run my hands over his solid body. Shaking my head I groaned as I got into my car and drove away.

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