Welcome to New Hell.

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The idea of this chapter was given by ChildrenAreOverrated . Bless you for that, pal.


During P.E. practice you made up your mind to stay after school, to finally finish the last touches of your masterpiece in sculpture class.

When the basic time schedule ended, you informed Usopp - best student in making handmade sculptures - that you're going to end your project and might need his help.


"Yo! Pinocchio, would you mind giving me a hand in spotting imperfections on my work?"
You said to the microphone in your phone.

"Sorry _____, I'm in other half of city! Can't help you now, but send me some pictures of it. I might see something on them!" He declared, with a small mischievous chuckle at the end.

Clearly hearing the noise in the background on his side, you could guess that your gifted friend wasn't telling lies, this time at least.

"Damn it! . . Then I'll deal with that in my way, have a safe trip. Longnose!"

"Okaaaay!~ Thank you, besto friendo. And good luck!"


Wow. Usopp surely was doing something important . . . Or he finally got himself a girlfriend. You hoped so, because that man surely need someone to 'keep him on a short leash'.

Sighing your hand made it's way to your backpack, picking it up your feet made their way to the school's ceramics studio.

Entering, your eyes wandered around the room, looking for a big pile of clay which is covered in plastic foil bags, with a tag - ' _____ D. _____ Property'.

Roaming between other's works, you found it. Uncovering the sculpture, a small grin appeared on your face when you saw your work, once again.

It was a female centaur clay model, since the theme of the work was 'fantasy'.

When your ears catched the word for first time, you drove away into the world of fantasy. Dreaming, about what will you present in front of the classmates.

Making a proud pose, fully aware that your hard work will be done, today. You huffed, like it was your last time doing that.

Stepping closer to the project, you took a quick look if somebody's coming.

Nope, the coast is clear. Finally, you could begin to finish the whole, tiering procedure with staying after classes. Until, the new theme would drop.

After half an hour it was a purely magnificent piece of art. All the details your hand made, with a little help of special tools.

Hair and tail looked like real. Proportions of crossed Human-Horse creature were greatly achieved. Pose of the character was highly dynamic.

Gazing at the mythical creature made of clay, a tear of happyness escaped from the corner of your eye.

"This. . . This is the best thing I've ever done in my life." You said to yourself, taking off apron and clasping your hands together. Noticing that they were even more dirty, than the mess in your room.

Going to the sink, you heard a loud thud.

"What was that? . ." Mumbling, your legs went to source of the noise. Taking butter knife you found laying on one of the tables. Making your way straight to the door.

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