
269 46 4

Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 20.08.2022


"Umm... Yummmyyyyy!" Mishti made yummy sounds while having pani puri while Ruhaan smiled seeing her.

"Ru have this!" She said forwarding a Pani Puri to Ruhaan.

Ruhaan smiled and had Pani Puri from her hand.

"Yummy right?" She asked excited.

Ruhaan nodded staring at her lovingly.

"One more plate!" she said suddenly.

"No bhayya!" Ruhaan said stopping the vendor from giving another plate of Pani Puri to her.

She looked at him and pouted. He shook his head as no.

"I don't want you to skip your dinner. Chalo!" Ruhaan pulled her.

"So Rude!" Mishti said making faces.

He stopped and looked at her putting his hands on his waist. She giggled and pulled his cheeks making him smile.

"Chalo let's have a biggggg dinner!" Mishti said holding his hand and pulling him.

"Ru you didn't tell me why it's only we both today for dinner?" She asked again as he is driving.

He sighed and got ready to lie to her.

"Doll is busy with her project. I badly want to go out. So I asked you." Ruhaan said crossing his fingers.

"Oh!" she said in disappointment.

She looked out of the car with sad face. Ruhaan sighed in relief as she ended the discussion.

'I thought something else!' Mishti thought.

'What else you had thought?' her heart asked her.

'A small date!' brain said.

'As if you had ever given him hints about your liking towards him!' her heart taunted.

'He should understand it. He says that I am his best friend and also he knows me since childhood.' Her brain said.

'If you don't atleast give him any hints how do you expect him to think that way. He might be scared to lose your friendship too. Isn't it?' her heart said.

'And don't you know that I am also scared regarding the same!' Her brain said.

Suddenly the car stopped and Mishti looked at him.

"We are here!" Ruhaan said.

Mishti looked around and nodded smiling. They entered inside the restaurant.

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