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Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 08.11.2022


"What's happening Doll? Why are you doing these all? I can select what I want to wear!" Mishti whined.

Ragini ignored her words and kept putting one after the other dress on Mishti and looking whether that is good or not.

"Everything is waste! Mish let's go shopping. It's urgent." Ragini said just pulling Mishti along with her.

She even ignored her father who called them.

"Text papa that we are going to shopping!" Ragini said giving her phone to Mishti while driving.

"Where is my phone?" Mishti asked.

"First do what I saif Mish!" Ragini ignored her question.

Mishti huffed and did what Ragini has ordered her. Once done she was about to dial Ruhaan's number but Ragini snatched her phone before she could do.

"You know what! Today I hate you!" Mishti looked out.

Ragini could only smile after hearing her sister.

"Perfect!" Ragini kissed Mishti's forehead as she made her ready.

Mishti has given up finally asking about what the surprise is.

"Let's go!" Ragini dragged Mishti along with her.

"What's happening princess'? Since afternoon you both are just...." Shekhar was cut off by Ragini.

"Papa I will tell later. Sanskar is here. We are getting late. Bye!" She rushed out of the house pulling Mishti with her.

Shekhar was bewildered seeing her rush. That's when his phone beeped. He looked at the phone screen and smiled seeing the text from Ruhaan. He is happy for his Mishti. There can be no one other than Ruhaan who can love his Mishti unconditionally. He smiled wide when his wife asked him where are his princess'. He told her what Ruhaan has texted and two of them just couldn't be more happy at that moment.

"Why are we going in his car?" Mishti whined again as they settled in Sanskar's car.

"I have never seen you this much irritating in all these years Mish!" Ragini spoke irritated.

Sanskar chuckled. Mishti is very curious and is very much irritated at the same time about the suspense. Beyond all that nobody is letting her to speak with Ruhaan. She was badly missing him to be honest. She remembered the moment between them in college that afternoon and smiled remembering him telling her he is going to surprise her. Her heart started beating fast thinking what it would be. If what she is thinking is going to happen this would be the best day of her life.

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