Chapter 7- Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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Viv let Ruby and Mel stay at her house until they were able to talk to Cameron.

"Make yourself at home. There's two water bottles in the fridge if you get thirsty. There's a bunk bed upstairs for you to sleep in. If you need anything I'll be downstairs in this bedroom."

She pointed to a bedroom near a bathroom behind her.


And with that, she walked inside her room and closed the door behind her.

Ruby couldn't sleep.

She had taken the top bunk and began to sweat terribly. She had decided to walk downstairs and sleep on the couch.

As she curled up in a ball on the couch her eyes slid shut, tired with exhaustion. She was only gone for about a minute when she heard a crash.

She sat up quickly, looking behind her at the kitchen. It was hard to see, but she saw a figure.


Her breath was cut short. Her heart stopped beating. She knew who's voice it was. couldn't be. Still in shock, she sat there staring at the figure.

The figure started walking forward out into the light of the moon. Ruby started to cry, her eyes becoming more red and puffy the longer she did. In the light, Cal's face showed. He looked tired like her. His skin looked pale and his eyes cold and sad.

He walked up to the couch, taking Ruby's chin and held it up so that she was staring into his eyes. He wiped away the tear on her cheek that slipped away from her eye.

His touch was cold and made Ruby shiver. He stepped back realizing his mistake.

"I'm sorry."

He was about to turn and walk away when Ruby burst out,"Don't leave me!"

She rushed to him and grabbed his shirt, tears still streaming down her face. She drew him in and kissed him. His hands reached for her face as he kissed her back. She didn't care that she was freezing inside, that the longer she kissed him the more she felt cold. All that mattered to her in that moment was seeing him again. She LOVED him and he felt the same way. She finally drew herself out of the kiss and put her head on his chest.

"I...I love you." She managed to get out.

"Stay...please stay."

He kissed her on top of her head and said "I love you too."

Then he began to fade from her vision and he was gone.

Her eyes opened and she was left alone on the couch, tears being the only thing allowed freedom.

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