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Camila tried to keep her mind busy for the whole month after they came home. She prepared herself for the disappointment and anger that she knew would result from Matthew not showing up.

She knew he didn't want a fuss with lawyers, but she still didn't trust him to keep his word.

Shawn had to go to work, helping Mrs. Bailey with the last few things before school started back again.

Camila watched the kids, her own last day off before having to go back to work tomorrow. Seth woke up first and asked Camila for some breakfast.

She made him some plain scrambled eggs the way he liked them and saved some cheesy ones in the pan for when Luna got up.

She then peeked in Luna's room while Seth ate, seeing Luna sitting up in bed with her dolls. The entire bed and floor were absolutely covered in toys. Camila couldn't even see the floor anymore.

"Guys, it's way too messy in here. I think we should clean today."


"No, I hate cleaning!"

"Come on, I'll make it fun!" Camila smiled.

After breakfast, Camila grabbed some trash bags as well as the bluetooth speaker, placed it on the dresser and turned it on to an upbeat playlist.

"Okay, kids—" She opened one of the bags and put it on the bed. "You guys got a lot of new toys, so I think it's time to put some of the ones you don't play with away. Anything you don't want anymore can go in this bag, and this one is for stuff you want to keep. I'll just put it in storage for now."

Camila got to work picking up all the clothes she could while the kids dealt with the toys. She watched as Luna put some of her older Barbies in the keep bag and one in the trash bag. Seth seemed to throw Batgirl in the trash bag without a second thought.

Towards the end of the playlist, the room looked much cleaner. Camila put all the clothes in the hamper to wash and took the bags off the bed, tying them up before making the bed.

Camila was surprised that Luna threw away more stuff than she expected. Some made sense, toys that didn't work anymore or were missing pieces, others made Camila a little sad.

Luna threw away some stuffed animals she used to love, including a certain bear. Camila stopped and pulled it out.

"Wait, Luna—did you mean to throw Teddy away?"

"Yeah, I don't want him anymore." She said, barely looking up from her other toys.

"Oh. Okay."

Camila didn't remind Luna that the bear was from her dad, or all the fun memories she had with it. Maybe those memories weren't that great after all.

Camila threw the bear in the trash.

They put away all the toys they were keeping as well as all the books and games back on the shelf. Camila then vacuumed the rug and under the bed, gasping as the vacuum crunched up some game pieces and Barbie shoes.

Finally, the room was clean. Camila got the kids a well-earned lunch and turned the tv on for them before she did the laundry. She put their clean clothes in Luna's dresser and sprayed some air freshener.

Shawn took a look at the room when he got home.

"Wow, I know Mommy had fun today. She loves cleaning."

"I do not love cleaning!" Camila rolled her eyes. "I'm a parent, so you have to make yourself do it. Our kids are messy."

The next day was the kids' return to school as well as Camila's return to work. She woke up early and took a shower, dressing afterwards in her uniform black dress, black stocking, tennis shoes and red apron.

TO THE MOON & TO SATURN | shawmilaWhere stories live. Discover now